What is our country’s estimated crop yield this year? How much food will we need to import? Will we have enough water for our nation’s needs? How can we expect our cities to expand? What new utilities will our citizens need built?
In an industry first, CATALYST and SANSA worked together to develop a fully automated ARD workflow for SANSA’s SPOT satellite data processing. ARD is the result of converting satellite image pixels into highly-accurate interoperable scientific measurements.
SANSA’s Earth Observation department collects, processes, archives, and disseminates earth observation data (primarily from satellites) to support policy-making, decision-making, economic growth and sustainable development in South Africa.
About Catalyst
CATALYST is a PCI Geomatics brand, which has been introduced to put our leading edge technology into the hands of decision makers. We’re a startup – with hundreds of algorithms, scalable solutions, and decades of experience.
“Our team has been trained by CATALYST on our new ARD workflows, and we’re in the process of setting everything up. The goal will be to have all the SPOT data in one location where decisionmakers can access the data, run their own scripts and algorithms right away, and use that information for whatever they need to be doing. It’s about democratising access to satellite data for everyone, by lowering the barrier for entry.”
Imraan Saloojee, Chief Sector and Business Developer