Total time: N/A
Total time: ~6 person hours
Total time: <10 minutes
Total time: 12 hours (+1 business day)
Total time: N/A
Total time: ~18 person hours (+2 business days)
Total time: 12 hours (+1 business day)
TYPE | Capability | Description | Support |
PHOTOGRAMMETRY | GCP Collection | Automatically collect and refine ground control points against a reference image | Satellite, Aerial, UAV |
PHOTOGRAMMETRY | Bundle Adjustment | Automatically collect tie points to align adjacent images in a project | Satellite, Aerial, UAV |
PHOTOGRAMMETRY | Satellite Orthorectification | Orthorectify satellite imagery using the most accurate supporting model | Satellite |
PHOTOGRAMMETRY | Airphoto Orthorectification | Orthorectify digital, UAV, analog or pushbroom airphotos | Aerial, UAV |
PHOTOGRAMMETRY | True Orthorectification | Create True Orthorectified images from multiple overlapping images of Aerial and UAV images | Aerial, UAV |
PHOTOGRAMMETRY | SAR Orthorectification | Orthorectify SAR imagery | Radar |
PHOTOGRAMMETRY | DEM Extraction | Extract 3D digital elevation models (DEM) and digital surface models (DSM) using semi global matching | Satellite, Aerial, UAV |
PHOTOGRAMMETRY | Digital Terrain Model Filtering | Create digital terrain models (DTM) by filtering out surface features from DSMs or DEMs | DEM |
PHOTOGRAMMETRY | Super Registration | Align any image to 1/10th of a pixel accuracy | Satellite, Aerial, UAV |
PHOTOGRAMMETRY | SAR DEM Extraction (Stereo) | Extract 3D DEMs from SAR stereo imagery | Radar |
PHOTOGRAMMETRY | Mosaic Seamline Generation | Automatically calculate the best path for seamlines to eliminate visible seams | Satellite, Aerial, UAV |
PHOTOGRAMMETRY | Mosaic Colour Balancing | Automatically balance the color of all images in a mosaicking project | Satellite, Aerial, UAV |
PHOTOGRAMMETRY | Mosaic Tiling | Automatically tile a mosaic for easier storage | Satellite, Aerial, UAV |
PHOTOGRAMMETRY | Mosaic Preview | Generate a low resolution mosaic preview for quality assurance | Satellite, Aerial, UAV |
IMAGE PREPROCESSING | Principle Component Analysis | Reduce dimensionality and improve classification with eigen decomposition | Satellite, Aerial, UAV |
IMAGE PREPROCESSING | Texture Measurement | Analyse the texture of features in images | Satellite, Aerial, UAV, Radar, DEM |
IMAGE PREPROCESSING | Atmospheric Correction | Convert satellite DN values to ground reflectance using a physical model | Satellite |
IMAGE PREPROCESSING | Haze Removal | reduce the visual and scientific impact of haze in satellite images | Satellite |
IMAGE PREPROCESSING | Cloud Masking | Automatically mask clouds | Satellite |
IMAGE PREPROCESSING | Spectral Pre Classification | Preclassify pixels using Modis data for improved modelling | Satellite |
IMAGE PREPROCESSING | Pansharpeing | Panchromatic sharpening to increase the resolution of multispectral images | Satellite |
IMAGE PREPROCESSING | Image Fusion | Scientific method to increase multispectral resolution using a panchromatic pair that maintains the radiometric integrity of the multispectral image | Satellite |
IMAGE PREPROCESSING | Masking | Create custom masks for inclusion or exclusion in modeling, analysis and mosaicking | Satellite, Aerial, UAV, Radar, DEM |
IMAGE PREPROCESSING | Filtering | Low and high pass filtering | Satellite, Aerial, UAV, Radar, DEM |
IMAGE PREPROCESSING | Reprojecting | Change the geographic coordinate systems and projections of imagery and vectors | Satellite, Aerial, UAV, Radar, DEM |
IMAGE PREPROCESSING | Image Enhancing | Enhance the histogram of images | Satellite, Aerial, UAV, Radar, DEM |
IMAGE PREPROCESSING | Morpholocical Operations | Dissolve and erode pixel mask boundaries (bitmaps) | Satellite, Aerial, UAV, Radar, DEM |
IMAGE PREPROCESSING | Resampling | Resample imagery/rasters to higher or lower resolutions | Satellite, Aerial, UAV, Radar, DEM |
IMAGE ANALYTICS | Vector Analysis | Intersection, overlay, neighborhood | Vector |
IMAGE ANALYTICS | Object-based classification | Object-based image classification using advanced machine learning algorithms | Satellite, Aerial, UAV, Radar, DEM |
IMAGE ANALYTICS | Change Detection | Object and pixel-based image change detection | Satellite, Aerial, UAV, Radar, DEM |
IMAGE ANALYTICS | Feature extraction | Object and pixel feature extraction using machine learning and heuristics | Satellite, Aerial, UAV, Radar, DEM |
IMAGE ANALYTICS | Lineament Extraction | Extract linear features from an image | Satellite, Aerial, UAV, Radar, DEM |
IMAGE ANALYTICS | Image statistics | Collect and chart statistics from imagery, such as histograms | Satellite, Aerial, UAV, Radar, DEM |
IMAGE ANALYTICS | Vegetation Analysis | Over 30 different vegetation indices for RGB and MS imagery | Satellite, Aerial, UAV |
IMAGE ANALYTICS | Pixel-based classification | Classify and cluster image pixels using supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques | Satellite, Aerial, UAV |
SAR & INSAR | Deformation Analysis | Measure up to millimeter precision ground deformation (ground movement) from SAR pairs using InSAR | Radar |
SAR & INSAR | SAR Orthorectification | Orthorectify SAR imagery | Radar |
SAR & INSAR | SAR DEM Extraction (InSAR) | Extract 3D DEMs from SAR imagery using InSAR | Radar |
SAR & INSAR | SAR DEM Extraction (Stereo) | Extract 3D DEMs from SAR stereo imagery | Radar |
SAR & INSAR | SAR Change Detection | Change detection using phase, amplitude and or coherence from single, dual, full and compact Polarimetric SAR imagery | Radar |
SAR & INSAR | Compact Polarimetry | Support for compact polarimetry workflows | Radar |
SAR & INSAR | SAR filters | A variety of specialized filters for SAR imagery | Radar |
SAR & INSAR | SAR Object Based Classification | Object-based image classification using advanced machine learning algorithms | Radar |
ANALYSIS READY DATA | Geometric Correction | Fully automated geometric correction based on CARD4L specifications | Satellite |
ANALYSIS READY DATA | Radiometric Correction | Fully automated radiometric correction based on CARD4L specifications | Satellite |
ANALYSIS READY DATA | Image Fusion | Multi-resolution Analysis for scientific pansharpening. This technique retains the spectral fidelity of the MS image during the pansharpening process | Satellite |
ANALYSIS READY DATA | CARD4L Product Packaging | Metadata, report and file format creation basd on CARD4L specifications | Satellite |
UTILITIES | File Conversion | Convert imagery between popular file formats | Satellite, Aerial, UAV, Radar, DEM |
UTILITIES | Data Conversion | Convert bit-depth, interleaving and more | Satellite, Aerial, UAV, Radar, DEM |
UTILITIES | Bitmap and Vector Conversions | Convert between bitmaps, points, lines and polygons | Vector |
UTILITIES | Data Merge | Combines multiple bands from several files into a singe file by using the georeferencing of the source files | Satellite, Aerial, UAV, Radar, DEM |
UTILITIES | Reprojecting | Change the geographic coordinate systems and projections of imagery and vectors | Satellite, Aerial, UAV, Radar, DEM |