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Country Mapping through CATALYST Enterprise and Rapid Eye Image Processing

Mapping Countries Using Catalyst Enterprise And Rapid Eye Image Processing.

June 23, 2021
Image of Mexico's view from space

The RapidEye constellation makes it possible to collect massive amounts of imagery, which is critical to ensure cloud free images are available for analysis. This graphic depicts the archives available over Mexico for 2014 – imagery from 2011 to 2014 were used in the final CONABIO Mexico mosaic. Through the use of the CATALYST Enterprise system, candidate images were selected based on cloud coverage and seasonality.

Image of study Conabio


The final mosaic that CONABIO has created has been produced in record time – in only a few short months, the CATALYST Enterprise system was installed in Mexico City, training was provided, imagery was integrated, and the workflow was executed with CATALYST Enterprise and CATALYST Professional to produce the mosaic.

About Conabio

CONABIO was created by the Inter-ministerial Commission of Mexico in 1992 to promote and coordinate knowledge and sustainable use of Mexico’s biological richness. It acts as a bridging institution between academia, the government and civil society

About Catalyst

CATALYST is a PCI Geomatics brand, which has been introduced to put our leading edge technology into the hands of decision makers. We’re a startup – with hundreds of algorithms, scalable solutions, and decades of experience.

Image of Mexico's view from space

Through the use of the CATALYST Enterprise system, CONABIO was able to produce the mosaic of Mexico and attain very high quality levels through automation. Examples include small clouds, as well as issues with exposure (over or under exposed). Using innovative and intuitive tools in CATALYST Professional CONABIO applied cosmetic touch-ups to deal with these problem areas, and easily create cloud-free mosaics.

Post Processing - Exposure Correction and Cloud Removal
