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Licensing and Installation - CATALYST Professional for Windows

The purpose of this tutorial is to provide you with a step-by-step guide for installing and licensing CATALYST Professional v3.0 on Windows OS.

1. Downloading and installing CATALYST Professional

This section explains how to download and install CATALYST Professional v3.0.

1.1. Downloading the software

Download the latest version of CATALYST Professional from the Downloads webpage:

Note: Demo data is available as a separate installation and can also be downloaded from the Downloads webpage.

1.2. Installing the software

Using the CATALYST Professional executable file you downloaded previously, launch the installation. The following window appears.

The CATALYST Installation Wizard starts. Click Next to proceed.

The License Agreement window appears. Read through the agreement, accept the terms of the license agreement, and then click Next to proceed. By not agreeing to the terms and conditions, the installation will cancel.

The Python Environment window appears. This allows you to choose whether you would like to set up your Python environment to use Python 3.8 by default. If you un-check this option your current Python environment will not be changed.

Click Next.

The Installation Location screen appears. Choose a destination folder to install the software.

Note: Due to certain read/write permission issues under the Program Files folder on Windows machines, the default installation location is the C: drive. We highly recommend keeping the default installation path.

Click Next.

To finish the wizard and begin the installation, click Install.

The installation process begins.

The installation process completes. Click Finish.

Now the software is installed.

If you are using a 7-day trial, proceed to Step 2.

If you are your organization's administrator, proceed to Step 3.

If you are part of an organization that has purchased the software, proceed to Step 4.

2. Registering as a trial user

This section explains how to create an account to evaluate CATALYST Professional.

2.1. Creating an account

Click on the CATALYST Professional icon from the Start Menu or your desktop. An internet browser opens. You are prompted to login using your email address.

Enter your email address and click Create account.

Enter your information, create an account password, and read and accept the terms and conditions. Click Sign up.

Note: Each email address can only be associated to one account. If you’ve previously registered your email address, you will get an error message.

An email will be sent to you containing a confirmation link. Open the email and click Confirm your email to continue the registration process.

Note: Check the spam folder if you haven’t received the email within a couple of minutes.

The sign-in page pops up on your internet browser. Enter your credentials and sign in to validate your account.

Your account is now verified.

2.2. Activating your trial

After you have registered and verified your account, open CATALYST Professional. A pop-up message appears, Trial Version Activation Required. Click Activate.

A pop-up message appears, confirming that your trial is activated. Click OK.

If the registration has completed successfully, you will then receive a confirmation email.

A CATALYST Professional Welcome page appears, indicating that you will be running the software in Trial Mode, as well as letting you know how many days are remaining on your trial.

Click Run in Trial Mode.

The CATALYST Professional toolbar and Focus window will open, and you are ready to begin using the software.

3. Registering as an organization administrator

This section explains how to create an account as an organization administrator.

When purchasing CATALYST Professional software, you must choose an individual (or group of individuals) to be the organization’s administrator, or orgadmin, of the licenses. This person/group is given access to the web-based CATALYST OrgAdmin tool, where they invite and manage users. An orgadmin person has visibility of the licenses granted to their organization and can control who can access those licenses.

For more details about the OrgAdmin tool, please access the complete OrgAdmin User Guide.

Note: To use CATALYST Professional software, you must have internet access to register and sign in. If you require software access without internet, please see the tutorials Using the CATALYST Professional Commuter License Utility and Using the CATALYST Professional License Air Gapped System Tool. Help guides are also located in the \manuals folder of the CATALYST software installation folder. The default location of the software installation folder:
C:\PCI Geomatics\CATALYST Professional

3.1. Creating an account

This section This section explains how to create an account as an organization administrator.

During purchase of the software, your organization must provide the email address of a primary contact who has been designated as orgadmin of the licenses. Note: More individuals can be given orgadmin privileges later.

The orgadmin will receive an email to view their invitation in the CATALYST OrgAdmin tool. Follow the link in the email.

To activate your account, click Accept.

On the sign-in page, create an account by entering your name, email address and creating a password. The email address must match the email provided upon purchasing the software. Click Sign up.

You have now created your CATALYST account.

3.2. Accessing the CATALYST OrgAdmin tool

To sign into the CATALYST OrgAdmin tool, go to

Use your email and newly-created password to login.

You will be directed to the CATALYST OrdAdmin Dashboard.

3.3. Adding other users

This section outlines how to add people from your organization so that they may access CATALYST.

First, create a User Group (or multiple User Groups) into which you will organize your organization’s users. Select User Groups from the left-hand menu panel. By default, “Employees of <your organization>” will be listed.

You can either continue with the default option or add more user groups, if desired. To add another group, click Create. Give the User Group a Type, Name, and Description (optional).

You are now ready to add Users. Selects Users from the left-hand menu panel and click Invite.

An Invite Users window pops up. Enter each recipient’s name and email. Note: If you have a list of users’ names and emails, you also have the option of importing them as a CSV file.

Select the User Group they will be invited to join.

You have the options to assign additional users OrgAdmin access, and to edit the message they will see when they receive their email invitation.

Click Invite.

Now, the Users will receive an email inviting them to register, sign in, and use the software. The initial OrgAdmin set up is complete.

Note: There are other functions of the OrgAdmin tool you can explore, such as setting up your Profile, and managing and removing Users. To view the licenses your organization has purchased, select Licenses from the left-hand menu panel.

Click your Profile icon from the top-right corner and select Logout.

4. Registering as a user

This section explains how to create an account as a user. Your organization’s administrator (i.e., orgadmin) will have invited you to register your CATALYST account via email. If you did not receive an email invitation, please contact them or the CATALYST Support Team at [email protected].

Note: To use CATALYST Professional software, you must have internet access to register and sign in. If you require software access without internet, please see the tutorials Using the CATALYST Professional Commuter License Utility and Using the CATALYST Professional License Air Gapped System Tool. Help guides are also located in the \manuals folder of the CATALYST software installation folder. The default location of the software installation folder:
C:\PCI Geomatics\CATALYST Professional

Once you receive an email from your orgadmin inviting you to set up your CATALYST account, follow the link in the email to register.

To create your account, click Accept.

A web browser will open. On the sign-in page, create an account by entering your email address and creating a password. Note: The email address entered must match the email address where you received the email invitation.

Once signed in, you are ready to access the CATALYST Professional software.

Note: To use the software on another machine, sign out of your current session before starting a new one.
