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Learn how to detect millimeter ground movement from spaceborne radar with CATALYST’s Ground Displacement workflow on UP42

April 10, 2021
Image of a webinar studio

Questions & Answers

How can the interferograms produced from the stack of S1 imagery be filtered to remove those images with significant atmospheric attenuation which may affect or hide ground deformation?

There is currently no mechanism to do this, every scene gets used. We will certainly be adding methods for filtering scenes in the future.

compare this spaceborne with airborne plz explain

The main benefits of Spaceborne for InSAR vs. Airborne are:

1. There are more studies and validations for spaceborne
2. Satellites are more stable than airplanes so there are less errors in the measurements
3. Spaceborne has a larger footprint so you can cover a larger area
4. Satellite is more readily available and cost effective (for example Sentinel-1 data is free)

Can this notebook be shared with us?

Yes. It will be available shortly on

I would like to use UP42 (Catalyst) also for teaching purposes. Is there any chance to have an academic license/permit to use UP42? (Of course I need to learn by some courses)

UP42 does not have a program for academic institutions currently but would be happy to discuss it on a case-by-case basis. 

How much time does it take to run the notebook?

It depends on the area of interest and how many Sentinel pairs are included in your stack. For example, for a very large AOI of around 18,000km2, the computational part of the notebook can take around 4 hours to run.

Can users set hyper-parameters such as coherency threshold?, multilooking and regarding stacking and inversion step, is it possible to select reference point manually?

For our UP42 job we don’t want to overload users with options because we are marketing and designing this for use by non-experts. For more experienced users, we recommend  investigating our CATALYST Professional package, which has both DInSAR and PSI workflows and provides the flexibility to play with many different parameters.
