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Release Notes

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Latest Release: CATALYST 3.0.3 (November 30, 2024)

The CATALYST 3.0.0 release introduces significant updates to our licensing structure, shifting to cloud-based licensing. Key features include the ORGADMIN dashboard, Commuter License Tool and Air Gapped System Tools. [Learn more about the new licensing tools here.]

Additionally, our Linux offering has moved from binary to Debian format for an improved user experience.

For more information on supported operating systems see this following PDF download.

Notice of Upcoming Changes:
With Ubuntu 20 reaching the end of standard support in April 2025, we will be phasing out and retiring support for this operating system. In future releases, we will shift our focus to ensuring full compatibility with Ubuntu 24.

Release Notes

Service Pack Date Feature Title Description Product
CATALYST 3.0.3 2024-11-30 Sensor Maxar-Legion Sensor Support Added support for Maxar-Legion sensor data, including Basic (Level 1B), Standard (Level OR2A), and Orthorectified3 (Level 3D) products. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.2 2024-10-26 Capability OrthoEngine, Orthorectification Resolved an error with Toutin's model when using Jilin Night Vision data for orthorectification. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.1 2024-10-10 Capability OrthoEngine, GCP Collection Resolved an error with Toutin's model when using Jilin Night Vision data for manual GCP collection. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Sensor Theos-2 Sensor Support Added sensor support for Theos-2 data. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 License User-based Licensing System Updated licensing to a cloud-based system: Users will now register and log in to access the software. Licenses are managed from a single dashboard, providing real-time tracking and monitoring of license usage across your organization.​ Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Telemetry Telemetry consumption display panels​ Enhanced consumption-based reporting through display panels found in both Professional and Enterprise software for access by OnBoard customers. ​ Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Installation Updated software installation Removal of Gemalto based licensing requirements from our InstallWizard. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Documentation Help documentation Updated Help documentation to correct the file path in the Python examples for various PPFs Professional
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Projection Greek grid projection Support added for EPSG:2100 GGRS87 / Greek Grid. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Function Sqlite memory error Resolved memory error caused by sqlite due to folder permissions. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Function SAR Polarimetry Target Analysis Fixed fatal error in the SPTA tool when plotting target. GnuPlot window updated. Professional
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Projection .tab file shows projection Resolved issue. UKNatGrid .tab files show projection information in the projection tab. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Data Ingest NAIP2023 georeferencing conflict NAIP2023 TIF files appear flipped. Resolved conflict in transformation tag and tiepoint tag. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Projection Grid shift files added Built-in datum support has been added for: D-62, D-63, D-64, and D-65. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Function BBT Retired: Fortran function BBT Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Projection EPSG 5514 shows correct projection Resolved error in reading EPSG 5514 - KRON D211. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Function OEPROJSUM – updated report values OEPROJSUM function now reports on CEP90 value for the entire project and also produces full statistical values for each image in the project. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Sensor PlanetScope Data Support Added support for level 3B surface reflectance data, updated surface reflectance band metadata, and enhanced support for JSON metadata files.​ Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Function DEM Generation - LAS files into DEM image​ Resolved error in CATALYST Enterprise DEM Generation job. Now able to generate a DEM from LAS files. ​ Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Installation Updated software installation Removed Bingo installation from CATALYST Enterprise installer. Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Installation Replace Postinstall for DEM files POSTINSTALL updated to decompress DEM files during software use rather than at installation. Retired gmted2010.jp2​ Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Sensor New Sensor Framework – SPID support The sensor framework methodology for integrating new sensors has been added to the software, allowing the CATALYST team to support new sensors much faster than before. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Installation Operating System Support added for Linux Ubuntu 24 Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Sensor ZY-1 E Sensor Support Added support for ZY1E Level 1B data. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Sensor CBERS-4A Sensor Support Level L2B - Added support for Wide Scan Multispectral and Panchromatic Camera (WPM). Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 3.0.0 2024-10-02 Scripting Support for Python 3.10 Ubuntu 22 requires Python 3.10, whereas Python 3.8 remains necessary for installations on Windows and Ubuntu 20 operating systems. Professional / Enterprise / Insights / OnBoard
CATALYST 2.0 SP3 2024-03-13 Performance Improvement Pansharpening Improvements in the pansharpening algorithm have led to approximately a 30% increase in speed. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP3 2024-03-13 Sensor Vision-1 (VIS1) Sensor Support Vision-1 (VIS1) Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP3 2024-03-13 Sensor BlackSky Sensor Support BlackSky (BSKY) Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP3 2024-03-13 Capability Cloud Optimized TIF (COG) A fix was made to the indexing of overviews of COG files to meet standard formatting specifications. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP3 2024-03-13 Capability TIFF file handling Fixed file size discrepancies caused by overviews in TIFF files when exporting with the parameter "bigtiff=always." Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP3 2024-03-13 Documentation Help documentation Revised links in our Help Documentation to accurately direct to our Customer Center webpage. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP3 2024-03-13 Capability Mosaic Tool Resolved a Mosaic Tool crash caused by a poorly-formed cutline. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP3 2024-03-13 Capability Buffer Wizard Resolved a crash occurring in the Buffer Wizard application. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP3 2024-03-13 Function SARTOPOCAL Enhancement to the SARTOPOCAL algorithm, now supporting the import of RCM MLC format. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP3 2024-03-13 Function OACALCATT Resolved error with the Object Analyst algorithm "OACALCATT" when specifying the texture attribute variable, TEXATT. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 Data Ingest Improved general data support The GDAL library has transitioned to a GDB format for reading generic data. In cases where GDB does not natively read the data, GDAL is utilized to access and read the data. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 Performance Improvement PNTREFN Tie point performance and collection improvements. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 Function OESELIMG OESELIMG searches through an OrthoEngine project file for images based on criteria you specify. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 Function III Fixed exception caused by coping pixels from a JP2 file to a PIX file. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 Scripting/Python API TIFF file handling Fixed NODATA values resulting from API TIFF file creation. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 Function AUTOGCP Addressed systematic shift in output from AUTOGCP caused by rotated imagery. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 Function SARTOPOCAL GAMMA calibration causing exception in algorithm. Exception aborted has been fixed. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 Capability Object Analyst Application no longer crashes when attempting to modify the band alias in the Source Channel list while performing attribute calculation. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 OrthoEngine OrthoEngine Residual Report Update to the residual report to remove included checkpoints in calculation when not intended. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 Data Access Remote Data Connection Update to the Wizard in Focus, allowing connection to a WMS not displaying correctly. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 Function Help documentation button The Help button on the Professional toolbar failed to open the graphical user interface (GUI) of the help documentation. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 OrthoEngine Pansharpening The alignment option was incorrectly inactive in the Pansharpening interface. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 OrthoEngine GCP Collection Fixed crash occuring from manual GCP collection window. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 Documenation Help documentation Updated Help documentation showing incorrect unicode values in equations Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 Documenation Help documentation Removed APANASHARP from Modeler documentation Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 Sensor JL1 Sensor Support Support added for JILIN-1 (JL1) NightVision data (JL1GF03C02). Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 Sensor JL1 Sensor Support Support added for JILIN-1 (JL1) GP02 - Hyperscan. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 Sensor Beijing-3 Support added for Beijing 3B Level 1 prodcuts. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 Sensor Satellogic Sensor Support Support added for Satellogic - NewSat Mark IV (StLg). Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 Sensor Landsat 1-5 MSS Sensor support updated to support Collection-2 level 1 data. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 Sensor Landsat 4-5 TM Sensor support updated to support Collection-2 level 1 data. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 Sensor Landsat 4-5 LDCM Corrected reading and ingest of radiometric metadata tags for this sensor. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 Data Ingest TIFF file handling TIF files with LZW compression now correctly identified in File Properties. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 OrthoEngine CAMIMPORT Resolved crash caused by a non-standard format camera calibration file. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 OrthoEngine Project Overview Can now view footprints when using FOOT projection. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 OrthoEngine Tie Point Collection Can now collect automatic tie points using FOOT projection. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 OrthoEngine Epipolar Generation Optimum pair selection updated to produce pairs and a DEM output using FOOT and State Plane projection. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP2 2023-12-12 License Updated licensing/security In order to continue providing software that is safe and secure for all users, versions older than 12.01 can no longer be licensed. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Ubuntu Support Ubuntu third-party library usage CATALYST software on Ubuntu now is largely based on third-party libraries from the Ubuntu Package archive rather than builds of third-party source code. This ensures conformity with software also using the standard Ubuntu package versions. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 CLIP Addition of ALLPIXELS option An option for the LAYBNDS parameter, call ALLPIXELS is now supported. When specified, the clipped region of any raster layers will be expanded so that all pixels intersecting the clipping layer are included in the output. The default behaviour, when ALLPIXELS is omitted, will exclude some raster pixels that have only a small amount of overlap with the clipping layer. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 CLIP Fix clipping issue when working with rotated imagery The clipping functionality, through the CLIP PPF and the other clipping tools was generating incomplate output imagery when the input had geocoding that included rotation. This issue has been fixed. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Modeler Fix issue with EXPORT module Fixed the fatal error that was occurring when saving user inputs in EXPORT module Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Scripting / Python API Expose RpcMathModel to Python Exposed the RpcMathModel to Python, so that it can be created from Python Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Mosaic Generation Smarter usage of temporary storage in Mosaic Generation job Extra, unnecessary copying of input and output data to temporary storage was removed, which decreases the run time of the job.  The code is fixed to only use temporary storge when absolutely necessary. Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Mosaic Generation Improved status messages When output tile generaton fails, status messages will now include more information, like the tile name, so that debugging issues is now easier. Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Scripting / Python API New functions in PCI Python API A series of new functions were added to the PCI Python API including:​ - pci.api.cts.create_wgs84_crs() - pci.api.cts.create_wgs84_3d_crs() - pci.api.cts.crs_corners_to_geocodinginfo() - pci.api.cts.get_utm_mapunits_from_long_lat() - pci.api.cts.get_utm_mapunits() For more details, see the Python API documentation here: - Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Airphoto Ingest for AT Add new ingest options to Airphoto Ingest for AT job New parameters Ingest Method and Build Pyramids were added to the Airphoto Ingest for AT Enterprise job. Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 SARINGEST Fix ingest for RCM MLC data Fixed the calculations for SAR complex channel data when ingesting using the SARINGEST function. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Data Ingest Fix ingest of Kompsat-3 L1G (ORTHO) data Enterprise now properly interprets Kompsat-3 L1G data when ingesting it. Data is now identified properly as ORTHO data. Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Pansharpening Fix issue with Pansharpening when using Landsat-8 data Fixed failure that occured when pansharpening certain band combinations of Landsat-8. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Sensor Jilin JL1KF data support Updated JL1KF support to now include JL1KF01B and JL1KF01C data Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Sensor Geosat-2 support Added support for GEOSAT-2 satellite data, which is the new name and format for Deimos-2 data. This also includes adding support for pansharpened and bundle datasets. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Sensor Sentinel-2 L2A data Updated system to properly recognize that Sentinel-2 L2A data is already surface reflectance data and should not be atmospherically corrected. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Sensor PlanetScope Level 1 Data Fixed issue where PlanetScope L1B would only display as greyscale imagery. Data now opens correctly as a multispectral dataset. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Sensor SuperView NEO Fixed issue with reading proper projection and resolution for ​SuperView NEO-1 Panchromatic (0.45 - 0.90 um) data. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Function MOSPREP Fixed problem where the SORTMTHD parameter had the wrong default value and the function would not run correctly. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Sensor Sentinel-2 Fixed various ingest issues with "new" Sentinel-2 data due to changes in the distribution format of the data. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Sensor GeoSat-1 data support Added support for GEOSAT-1 satellite data, which is the new name and format for Deimos-1 data. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Sensor SuperView NEO-1 ​Completed SuperView NEO-1 Satellite support. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Data ingest Better corrupt data handling Improved the handling of corrupt data when it is detected​ in a PCIDSK (.pix) file. File will now open with an unloadable layer. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Focus Shaded relief legend ​When displaying a DEM using shaded relief, the legend box in the tree list did not display correctly. It showed a never-ending series of dots. It now shows the intended shaded relief colors. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Data Ingest MapInfo TAB attribute display ​When the attributes of a MapInfo TAB file are displayed, it looked like all numeric values are integer. This is because the display format of floating point numbers is not preserved. Instead the display format is found dynamically from the first few numeric values in the attribute table. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Sensor Landsat-8 / Landsat-9 SR data support ​​Landsat 8 and Landsat 9 Collection 2 Leve-2 data usually comes with all bands in the Science Product (SP) product. A sub-product with only Surface Reflectance (SR) without the Surface Temperature is also available and is now fully supported. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Sensor Sentinel-2 overviews Sentinel-2 overviews were not being initialized properly when importing the data using the LINK method. This has been fixed. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Function III The III function, which is used for copying imagery from one file to another, was updated to provide improved messaging based on input parameters and errors. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Focus DEM Editing - breaklines The DEM Editor will no longer terminate when running filters like the Terrain Filter (Hilly) with a polygon and break line. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP1 2023-06-15 Installation Catalyst Professional uninstall The CATALYST Professional uninstall will no longer add additional characters to the entries in the system PATH and PYTHONPATH variables. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP0 2023-02-25 License Updated licensing/security In order to continue providing software that is safe and secure for all users, CATALYST 2.0 will require new licenses for all customers. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP0 2023-02-25 Data and Projection Support MapInfo data- Projection issues ​Fix was applied for furthr problems discovered when reading WebMerc projection from MapInfo TAB files Professional / Enterprise / Insights
CATALYST 2.0 SP0 2023-02-25 Mosaic functionality Mosaic polygons not properly closed. ​Intersections are now properly reported in the code meaning that small-scale openings are now closed properly when the mosaic definition is being created. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP0 2023-02-25 Orthorectification Orthorectification issues with data crossing the anti-meridian ​Ortho output will not longer get splitand placed 180 degrees from one side to the other. when the data crosses the anti-meridian Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP0 2023-02-25 Sensor Import WorldView-3 data ingested all-black Fix was applied to the TILE size selection so that the ingested Panchromatic layers will not longer use more memory than was available. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP0 2023-02-25 Function MODEL2RPC - generated error for some mosaic work ​Buffer used when doing MODEL2RPC calculations will no longer overflow the memotny that is available. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP0 2023-02-25 OrthoEngine Compatibility issues with aerial projects from older CATALYST versions (DEM Extraction process) Projects from versions older than CATALYST SP5 will open properly in the new CATALYST version. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP0 2023-02-25 Installation Issues with installation - postinstall script CATALYST installs default DEM data for processing and these files were not getting properly installed, resulting in a variety of errors when the files are called by the software. The postinstall script has been fixed to ensure proper installation occurs. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP0 2023-02-25 Pyramid Enterprise Pyramid job does not identify TIFF files Default file name search will now look for all *.pix and*.tif files. Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP0 2023-02-25 Function TIEIMAGE function and Enterprise Tie Point Collection Failing and Running out of Memory Memory usage has been completely rewritten in the TIEIMAGE function for large datasets, which is also used in the Enterprise Tie Point Collection module. Enterprise / Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP0 2023-02-25 Visualization Focus pop-up windows do not appear on secondary displays as expected Fix was made by adjusting the system calculates what would be considered off-screen when a secondary monitor is present. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP0 2023-02-25 Functions INSCOREG/INSCOREG2/INSRAW/INSRAW2 license changes INSCOREG and INSRAW functions are utilized in workflows that are not InSAR-specific, therefore licensing has beenchanged to a more general package that is included in all CATALYST bundles. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP0 2023-02-25 Function Enterprise Pansharpening module Pansharpening processes willnow correctly identify the corrrect pairs of data to use in the processing. Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP0 2023-02-25 Aerial Production HAP application fails during Ingest and Coarse Alignment A fix has been made to the progress monitor that is enabled during the Ingest and Coarse Alignment phase, which was ending up in a unending loop that caused the application to fail. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP0 2023-02-25 Sensor SuperView NEO-1 Satellite support Support added for SuperView NEO-1 data. This is 30 cm Panchromatic and 1.2 m 4-band Multispectral dataset. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP0 2023-02-25 Function ARE ​The algorithm named ARE, used to calculate area under a bitmap has been retired.  Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP0 2023-02-25 Performance Improvement CATALYST installer Unused files and data in the tThe CATALYST Professional and Enterprise installers have been removed. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST 2.0 SP0 2023-02-25 Scripting Support for Python 3.8 CATALYST 2.0 requires Python 3.8.  It is now supported for both Linux and Windows.  This causes us to eliminate support for Python 3.6. Professional / Enterprise / Insights / Microservices
CATALYST 2.0 SP0 2023-02-25 Function CDLANDC CDLANDC was an function used to read older Landsat data from CD, which is no longer required with new Landsat delivery formats. Professional
CATALYST 2.0 SP0 2023-02-25 Function CDSAR CDSAR was an function used to read older SAR data from CD that is no longer required in the market. Professional
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Capability Object Analyst - Vegetation indices Object Analyst was not properly saving the calculated vegetaton indices to a saved project. Now the system will properly save all calculated indices. Professional
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Capability Object Analyst - Texture attribute calculations Object Analyst was not able to calculate texture attribute values for a subset of selected channel. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Sensor Pleiades NEO Atmospheric Correction Added support for Pleiades NEO sensor to all atmospheric correction workflows. Professional
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Function HAZEREM Function was updated to not only output processed channels, but also to include auxilary channel information, needed for downstream processing, as well. Professional
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Function ATCOR_T Function was updated to ensure all necessary metadata information is also copied to the output file and channels. Professional
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Function INSCOREG2 ​INSCOREG2 matches each burst independently, whereas INSCOREG matches on all bursts at once. Professional
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Function INSGEODISP New options simplify the usage of the function and make it so that users do not have to enter the time range manually. Professional
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Function INSINFO ​​Added 2 more InSAR-related outputs and added an option to compare every input to every other input (instead of only comparing to a single reference file) Professional
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Function INSPSC ​​System will now limit the density of points collected since collecting too many points in a small area is redundant, so instead we collect up to a maximum amount and then ignore subsequent PSCs Professional
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Function INSCALDEFO3 New sparse pyramid interpolation methodology applied which leads to improved results by better elimination of residual errors. Professional
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Function INSFITSTACK New function which will fit a low order polynomial to a stack of multi-temporal data and generates the coefficient of determination. Professional
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Capability Object Analyst - attribute table crash Users for the Object Analyst tools in Focus can now open an edited attribute table to utilize in a new classification. Professional
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Sensor Landsat Collection 2 Level-2 Support added for for Landsat Collection 2, level 2 data. Support has been included for all 5 sensors that are available from the USGS. (Landsat 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9) Professional
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Format Upgrade LAS/LAZ file support ​Added support for an updated revision of the LAS / LAZ point cloud data. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Sensor Pleiades NEO Support was updated to include the ability to utilize the ​Pleiades NEO 4-band display product, as well as the 6-band product. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Capability HAP Ingest for Linux Issues were discovered with the Ingest capability for HAP on the supported linux distribution, Ubuntu. These issues have been resolved in the SP8 release. Professional
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Data Support Oracle database support All Oracle database support has been removed from all applications and documentation. This includes retirement of ORARASLOAD and ORAVECLOAD functions. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Data Access Remote data wizard, treelist not displaying In the Focus, remote data wizard, data was not loadable due to the root item of the tree not being displayed. This is now expanded allowing it to be displayed and selected. Professional
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Capability Enterprise, Data Scaling job Corrected an issue with the units of the Tail Trimming % parameter in the Image Scaling job, which was generating incorrect results. Enterprise
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Capability SCALE Output messaging and documentation updated for image scaling function, SCALE. Professional
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Capability Focus, Save As issue with NoData when scaling ​Ensured the NoData value is correctly evaluated and honored in Focus Save As,when scaling from 16U to 8U, with Visual scaling. Professional
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Data Support Eliminate support for all OGDI based formats Support has been removed for the following OGDI (Open Geographic Datastore Interface) based formats: ADRG -  Arc Digitized Raster Graphics CADRG - Compressed ARC Digitized Raster Graphics CIB - Controlled Image Base CATDCW - Open Geographic Datastore Interface. RPF - Raster Product Format VMAP - Vector Map VPF - Vector Product Format VRF - Vector Relational Format Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Data and Projection support MapInfo data - projection issue ​Fix was applied to allow proper reading of WebMerc projection from MapInfo TAB files Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Data support Private S3 bucket support for all regions ​We now support reading (streaming) COG files from AWS S3 for all regions. Professional
CATALYST SP8 2022-10-07 Data support Add support for AWS S3 on EC2 instances ​If CATALYST Enterprise/Professional is installed on a EC2 instance we can stream COGs from private S3 buckets using instance roles instead of using access and secret keys. Professional / Enterprise
CATALYST SP7 2022-07-04 Sensor Landsat 7 Collection 2 format for Level 1 products Updated the Landsat 7 support to include Collection 2 Level-1 data sets. This includes the Combined (OLI and TIRS), OLI (Visible) and TIRS (Thermal) products. This includes 30m resolution multi-spectral and thermal data and 15m panchromatic data. Professional
CATALYST SP7 2022-07-04 Capability Use SourceID for PhotoID in mosaicking tools Using the SourceID tag for PhotoID increases the likelihood of uniqueness of the input image ID in the mosaicking tools. Enterprise
CATALYST SP7 2022-07-04 Sensor Stop creation of DefaultRGB metadata tags for Landsat (LDCM) data ​DefaultRGB metadata tags were causing issues in processing workflows and visualization. Since LDCM ingest produces proper wavelengthmetadata, the system will now default to using this metadata for display purposes. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP7 2022-07-04 Capability Special characters not appearing properly as Surround Elements in Focus ​Extended characters such as è, é, ê, ë, È, É, Ê, Ë now appear correctly in Focus Surround elements. The fix works for PCI's fonts and for True Type fonts.  The fix does not work for PostScript fonts on Linux.  Linux users need to use a PCI font if they need extended characters. Professional
CATALYST SP7 2022-07-04 Capability Default file creation option set to TILED The tiled interleave option (called TILED256) is set as the default file interleave across all functions. Professional
CATALYST SP7 2022-07-04 Capability Histogram custom tail trim window opens properly ​The custom histogram tail trim window can be re-opened with the preferences applied. Professional
CATALYST SP7 2022-07-04 Function DN2REFLECTANCE Landsat-8 C2L1 DN2REFLECTANCE output was trimmed from each side of the scene when running on all bands due to NoData values on some channels. Now the output is not trimmed/masked. Professional
CATALYST SP7 2022-07-04 Capability Low-end pixels no longer set to NoData after scaling In Focus, low-end pixels no longer set to NoData after scaling and using the 'Save As' utility. Professional
CATALYST SP7 2022-07-04 Capability DEM Editor crashes when running Terrain filter ​DEM Editor no longer crashes when attempting to run the Terrain filter. Professional
CATALYST SP7 2022-07-04 Capability RST item can be removed from Files Tree ​In Focus, removing a Representation Style Table (RST) item from the Files tree no longer causes a software crash. Professional
CATALYST SP7 2022-07-04 Capability TIFF file size Fixed issue that output TIFF files were 4-5 times the expected size. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP7 2022-07-04 Sensor PlanetScope ortho tile 8U data ​PlanetScope data support now includes orthorectified tiled 8U image data. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP7 2022-07-04 Function Null Cell Values in custom filter Fixed issue with the Custom Filter in Focus, so that NoData pixels are treated properly and not used in the filter computation.contributing nothing to the filtered pixel.   Professional
CATALYST SP7 2022-07-04 Function FIMPORT Changed FIMPORT function to import channels in order of input file's channel order . Professional
CATALYST SP7 2022-07-04 Sensor RCM - Compact Polarimetric data - MLC format ​Support added for RCM - Compact Polarimetric data - MLC format. Professional
CATALYST SP7 2022-07-04 Function Smart GeoFill shift in pixels ​When setting blend width, Smart GeoFill pasted pixels are no longer shifted. When reprojecting the data, the output clipping rectangle has been corrected.  Professional
CATALYST SP7 2022-07-04 Function Object Analyst crash when changing Class Name In Focus, Object Analyst no longer crashes when changing Class Name. Professional
CATALYST SP7 2022-07-04 Function INSSTACK ​Added Average Velocity to INSSTACK, which allows for calculating the average ground movement of an area for a time period. Professional
CATALYST SP7 2022-07-04 Function INSGEODISP ​INSGEODISP's displacement calculation results are now matching expected results. Professional
CATALYST SP7 2022-07-04 Capability TIFF file projection improvements Our TIF projection support has been standardized to include the EPSG code. For TIF projections, the EPSG code is now written into the file header. The PROJ open-source library can now correctly identify the projection using the EPSG code. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP6 2022-04-02 Capability Fix image pairing in DEM Extraction ​Improve how the MINPC parameter is used in the DEMEDPREP, EPIPOLAR, and FEPIPOLARCAND algorithms. It ensures that the image pairs chosen to create epipolars are better matched. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP6 2022-04-02 Sensor Added Beijing-3 Support Support added for Beijing-3 (BJ3A1) sensor data, which includes 4-bands of multispectral data at 2.0m, and a panchromatic band at 0.5m resolution. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP6 2022-04-02 Sensor Added SkySat Collect product support Updated SkySat support to now include SkySat Collect products, as delivered by Planet Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP6 2022-04-02 Sensor Added Superview-2 Support Support added for Superview-2 sensor data, which includes 4-bands of multispectral data at 2.0m, and a panchromatic band at 0.5m resolution. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP6 2022-04-02 Capability Fixed Object Analyst Batch Classification Fixed crash within OASVMCLASS PPF, when writing to model file with undefined value, which also affected the Object Analyst Batch Classification workflow Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP6 2022-04-02 Function Improve SARTOPOCAL and SARSYNTH ​​Improved synthesis of backscattering data, which is fundamental to radiometric terrain correction. Professional
CATALYST SP6 2022-04-02 Function SARSUBNOISE ​​This new function reduces the available intensities for a SAR data set by a provided noise value. The adjustment is applied to all data points and points with power values below the threshold will result in zero power value. Professional
CATALYST SP6 2022-04-02 Function INSCALDEFO3 INSCALDEFO3 is a new function to remove residual errors in surface displacement products using pre-defined stationary reference points stored in a text file. Professional
CATALYST SP6 2022-04-02 Function INSUNWRAP2 Improved function which has been engineered to produce more reliable results and also includes fixes to eliminate tiling artifacts. It is expected that this function will replace the existing INSUNWRAP function in a future release. Professional
CATALYST SP6 2022-04-02 Function INSGEODISP New function created to calculate both the vertical and easterly velocities in meters per year at user specified intervals. The input is a stack of interferograms produced by INSDMV. Professional
CATALYST SP6 2022-04-02 Capability Fixed None Enhancement to not apply tail trim in Mosaic Tool ​​The 'None' image enhancement, in Mosaic Tool erroneously applied tail trims and included the minimum and maximums. It now does not apply tail trims. Professional
CATALYST SP6 2022-04-02 Capability Add to Area capability in Attribute table sometimes adds the file from the wrong row Fixed ​​​the Add to Area capability in the Attribute table from adding the file from the wrong row in the table when there are selected rows and the highlighted row is not amongst those selected. Professional
CATALYST SP6 2022-04-02 Sensor Added Landsat 9 Support Added support for Level 1 ​​Landsat 9 data which became available in Collection 2 format. This includes 30m resolution multi-spectral and thermal data and 15m panchromatic data. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP6 2022-04-02 Capability Fixed None Enhancement to not apply tail trim in Focus ​​The 'None' image enhancement, in Focus, erroneously applied tail trims and included the minimum and maximums. It now does not apply tail trims. Professional
CATALYST SP6 2022-04-02 Documentation Improved Pair Selection documentation for DEM Extraction modules ​Improved the Pair Selection method parameter documentation in the DEM Extraction modules, to better explain each pair selection method. Enterprise
CATALYST SP6 2022-04-02 Capability Change 'Delete Empty Tile' parameter to check box Changed the mosaicking jobs Delete Empty Tiles parameter UI from a drop down to a checkbox. Enterprise
CATALYST SP6 2022-04-02 Job Add tiling capabilities to DEM Extraction modules ​​Add the ability to the DEM Extraction modules to create output as tiled DEM mosaic files rather than as a single, huge DEM file. Enterprise
CATALYST SP6 2022-04-02 Utility Enhance DEM Index File Creator job ​​Added Automatic option to Elevation Datum and DEM Units parameters in DEM Index File Creator module. The module can now determine those values from the input data, rather than user entry. Enterprise
CATALYST SP6 2022-04-02 Capability Fixed crash when deleting GCPs in OrthoEngine ​​Fixed crash in OrthoEngine when deleting GCP from Residual Panel, while Project Overview panel is open Professional
CATALYST SP6 2022-04-02 Sensor Updated Landsat 8 support to include Collection 2 format for Level 1 products Updated the Landsat 8 support to include Collection 2 Level-1 data sets. This includes the Combined (OLI and TIRS), OLI (Visible) and TIRS (Thermal) products. This includes 30m resolution multi-spectral and thermal data and 15m panchromatic data. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Utility Log4j Security CATALYST Enterprise has been updated to use the latest version of the Apache Log4j code, in order to eliminate the vulnearbility to hackers. Enterprise
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Sensor Pleiades NEO Support has been added for the Pleiades NEO sensor, which includes up to 6-bands of multispectral data at 1.2m, and a panchromatic band at 0.3m resolution. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Sensor KhalifaSat Issues found when ingesting full MS and panchromatic KhalifaSat datasets have been resolved so that the 3m MS and 0.7m panchromatic data can be fully utilized Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Sensor DubaiSat-2 Added full support for 4m multispectral and 1m panchromatic DubaiSat-2 data in CATALYST Enterprise Enterprise
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Capability Focus, Smart GeoFill tool Fixed defect where pasted pixels were not representative of the actual pixels that were copied. Professional
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Capability OrthoEngine, Stereo GCP Collection Fixed defect that caused stereo GCP collection to crash when working on a single image. Professional
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Capability OrthoEngine, Camera Calibration panel Warning added to avoid issue where photo width/height ratio do not match chip width/height ratio Professional
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Capability OrthoEngine, Use of feet units Issues when using State Plane feet units in OrthoEngine project have been repaired in various panels. Professional
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Capability OrthoEngine, Residual Report panel Fixed defect that caused Residual Report panel to crash OrthoEngine Professional
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Capability OrthoEngine, Project Overview Repaired problem where inactive images caused the Project Overview window to open incorrectly. Professional
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Capability OrthoEngine, Tiepoint Collection Fixed defect that crashed the Tiepoint collection tool when using certain imagery in a rational functions only project. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Function PNTREFN Fixed defect thatg caused PNTREFN to fail when working with SuperView-1 data Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Capability GCP Collection Fixed issue with point refinement functionality, which was causing GCP Collection job to not complete properly Enterprise
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Job Data Ingest - GCP/TP Exclusion Masks Fixed mask generation failure problems when importing data fromcertain sensors including IKONOS and Resourcesat-2 Enterprise
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Job GCP Collection log reports Added the logging of the reference data being used to the output from the GCP Collection jobs. Enterprise
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Function PYRAMID PYRAMID function now properly deletes the associated metadata tags. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Capability Pyramid warning messages In previous versions when you open a file with broken pyramids multiple warning messages would be opened. This has been modified to only show a single message is shown for each file. Professional
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Capability Reprojection functionality Reprojection through Focus or using the REPROJ function no longer will produces artifact when using the GAUSSIAN resampling. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Capability Object Analyst, Rule-based Classification The problem with Object Analyst terminating when using the Rule-based Classification has been fixed. Professional
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Capability PYRAMID function, resampling PYRAMID cubic resampling was causing issues found during mosaicking (artifacts found in output). These problems have been repaired. Professional
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Capability CATALYST Enterprise, network inconsistency Customers have had failures when brief network stoppages happen during processing. To solve the problem we added a retry when there is a failure copying data to or from the data server. Enterprise
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Sensor Kompsat-3A Support added for full range of workflows using Kompsat-3A. Enterprise
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Capability METADATA tab in Focus properties panel The filter text field now gets the default focus so users can edit this field immediately upon opening the tab. Professional
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Sensor Sentinel-1 TOPS data Changed to ingest functionality of Sentinel-1 Terrain Observation by Progressive Scans (TOPS) data to limit the error propagation due to phase fitting errors between swaths. Professional
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Sensor Sentinel-1 GRD data Fix alignment issue for Sentinel-1 ground resolved distance (GRD) data (MSL vs ELL). Professional
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Function INSCOHSTATS New function for coherence time series analysis. Extract and stack a series of coherence layers from a set of interferograms of same dimension and compute statistics such as the average coherence and its standard deviation. Professional
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Function PSSARTSA New PPF for amplitude time series analysis. Calculate multi-temporal metrics (amplitude) from a time-ordered series of SAR images. Professional
CATALYST SP5 2022-02-15 Function SARTOPOCAL Fixed SARTOPOCAL performance issues for ground resolved distance (GRD) data. Professional
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Sensor Jilin-1 (JL1) KF01A Support has been added for the Jilin-1 Earthscanner data, which includes 4-bands of multispectral data at 3m and 1 band of panchromatic data at 0.75m. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Sensor Jilin-1 (JL1) GF02A/02B Support has been added for the Jilin-1 Stereo data, which includes 4-bands of multispectral data at 3m and 1 band of panchromatic data at 0.75m. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Sensor Jilin-1 (JL1) GP01/02 Support has been added for the Jilin-1 Hyperscan data, specifically the multispectral data (PMS) which includes 7-bands of visible/near infrared data at 5m, 6 bands of data at 10m, and 7 bands of data at 20m. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Function INSPSN In the Persistant Scatterers Interferometry (PSI) Workflow, INSPSN tilt correction was verified and average filter was added to the process after unwrapping. A regularization parameter (REGUFACT) was added as well in order to generate better results with noisy datasets. Professional
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Function INSDMV In the Persistant Scatterers Interferometry (PSI) Workflow, addition of regularization (REGUFACT parameter) to the function in order to handle noisy data better. Professional
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Function SARTOPOCAL Many changes have been made to the function including: Modified to generate a correction factor based upon illuminated area rather than using a backscattering model, addition of shadow and layover calculations, generation of proper RPC model segment in output. Professional
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Capability SAR Data For ground range detected (GRD) SAR data, change published data to be intensity data instead of amplitude data. Professional
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Documentation SCALE function Updated Help Documentation with information about proper usage of the NO_DATA_VALUE metadata tag within the function. Professional
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Sensor Kompsat-3A Updated newer Kompsat-3A datasets with proper radiometric gain and offset values. Professional
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Job Orthorectification Unused code removed which caused footprint status information to be reported even when no footprints were generated. Enterprise
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Job Aerial GCP Collection Default ground control points (GCPS) collection method is not set to be one-pass fine method, as previous default two-pass method would not work correctly due to the lack of RPC information. Enterprise
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Capability OrthoEngine, Convert DEM Datum Fixed to ensure process completes as expected. Professional
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Capability Focus, Filter Tool Fixed issues reported when running using image files with less than three layers. Professional
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Capability Focus, Hyperspectral Plot Fixed issues reported that panel was crashing if opened with no data loaded in the Focus map window. Professional
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Capability Focus GUI Fixed GUI issues reported with improper display of options for Data Type when using the Import ASCII Points functionality. Professional
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Capability Focus, Reprojection Fixed issues reported that channel order was scrambled in file after reprojection. Professional
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Capability OrthoEngine, Import GCPs Fixed defect which crashed OrthoEngine if the imported GCP file was not UTF-8 encoded. Professional
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Capability Vector Conversion Fixed problem reported of data being truncated when converting from GeoJSON format to SHP. Professional
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Function LINK function Fixed reported issue where the function intermittently crashed when using SPOT-6 data. Professional
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Function GEOCODEDEM Fixed to ensure process completes as expected. Professional
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Sensor Kompsat-3A Fixed identification issues with Kompsat-3A data which was being displayed as Kompsat-3. Professional
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Sensor Kompsat-3/3A Fixed georeferencing issue with Level-1R datasets, which showed a misalignment between the MS and PAN data. Professional
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Sensor MAXAR 15cm HD Fixed performance issues with ingest/processing of 15cm MAXAR datasets. Professional
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Sensor ADS Fixed ingest problem with projection when trying to ingest ADS Level 2 imagery. Professional
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Capability Using Mask parameters Fixed reported issues with jobs failing when using mask information. This was reported when using the Super Registration job, but the fix applies to other jobs where masks are used as well. Enterprise
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Documentation Image Scaling Updated the Image Scaling documentation to include correct help for the tail trimming parameter. Enterprise
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Job Orthorectification Improper naming issue for pan-sharpening (PSH) imagery corrected. System no longer names PSH imagery as panchromatic (PAN) Enterprise
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Job DEM Extraction Fixed error for ADS DEM Extraction where child jobs were being immediately killed by the processing server. Enterprise
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Job Data Ingest Fixed reported issue where the job intermittently crashed when using SPOT-6 data. Enterprise
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Sensor ALOS AVNIR Fixed reported defect where ALOS AVNIR imagery was not being ingested properly in Data Ingest job. Enterprise
CATALYST SP4 2021-09-23 Sensor ADS Fixed ingest problem with projection when trying to ingest ADS level 2 imagery. Enterprise
CATALYST SP3 2021-07-15 Function RAS2PTATT Converts multiple raster channels to a vector file with an attribute table. It was specifically designed for the InSAR workflows in that it can read the stack of displacements for each acquisition time step, and export a vector layer of points. Professional
CATALYST SP3 2021-07-15 Function INSPSN In the Persistant Scatterers Interferometry (PSI) Workflow, this function was restructured to eliminate duplicate computations based on input layers, improving the overall performance of the function. Professional
CATALYST SP3 2021-07-15 Function INSPSC In the Persistant Scatterers Interferometry (PSI) Workflow, addition of average backscatter and dispersion ratio to output from this function. Professional
CATALYST SP3 2021-07-15 Data support OpenStreetMap CATALYST Professional now includes support for vector data from OpenStreetMap that is delivered as a GeoJSON file. Professional
CATALYST SP3 2021-07-15 Data support GeoJSON Updated GeoJSON to handle polygon and multi-polygon with multiple internal and external holes. Professional
CATALYST SP3 2021-07-15 Sensor Landsat-8 Support added for Landsat-8 Collection 1, Level 2 data to the Data Ingest module. Enterprise
CATALYST SP3 2021-07-15 Job Mosaic Preparation Void file that is created as part of the preparation process is now being kept and can be used for investigating problem areas in output mosaic results. Enterprise
CATALYST SP3 2021-07-15 Capability OrthoEngine, Convert DEM Datum Fixed to ensure process completes as expected. Professional
CATALYST SP3 2021-07-15 Capability HAP Fixed issues when running HAP Coarse Alignment process on large strip line TIFF files. Professional
CATALYST SP3 2021-07-15 Capability Focus, InSAR Temporal Chart Fixed issues reported when displaying the results from the INSSTACKPSI function. Professional
CATALYST SP3 2021-07-15 Capability Focus, Object Analyst Fixed problems reported when extracting Polarimetric SAR attribute. Professional
CATALYST SP3 2021-07-15 Projection Australian Datum 2020 Repaired issues with shifting data when using GDA 2020. Professional
CATALYST SP3 2021-07-15 Function SARINGESTAOI function Fixed reported issue where the function crashed when the vector segment specified did not exist. Professional
CATALYST SP3 2021-07-15 Function GREY2RGB Fixed output LUT naming issues and also added functionality to copy the math model segment to the output dataset. Professional
CATALYST SP3 2021-07-15 Documentation ODC Metadata Generation Repaired improper help link in ODC Metadata Generation documentation. Enterprise
CATALYST SP3 2021-07-15 Job Mosaic Preparation Fixed error and warning messages that were generated when cutline constraint file cannot be found by the system. Enterprise
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Function COMPOSITE Provides pixel-based compositing of deep stacks of imagery to create cloud free composites. COMPOSITE merges a set of overlapping geocoded images into a mosaic using a number of pixel-by-pixel compositing techniques. Professional
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Function INSSTACKPSI This new function is designed for the PSI workflow, to read a stack of temporally non-overlapping displacement imagery and write the displacement, cumulative displacement or velocities for each acquisition time step in a user specified distance and time units. Professional
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Function INSDMV Converts the displacement values generated from a stack of co-registered interferograms into temporally ordered and non-overlapping, line of sight (LOS) displacements in meters after removing the estimated atmospheric effects from the overlapping interferograms. The estimated topographic error is given in the last layer. Professional
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Sensor Capella Capella aims to provide the most frequent, timely and high-quality SAR imagery products available. Support has been added for the X-Band Capella data for both single look complex (SLC) and geocoded terrain corrected (GEO) products. Enterprise
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Function MOSRUN In the Persistant Scatterers Interferometry (PSI) Workflow, added more information to the output report of this function with respect to the empty tiles that were deleted and added spacing in the output log to better distinguish the various parts of the log. Professional
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Function SUPERMATCH In the Persistant Scatterers Interferometry (PSI) Workflow, SUPERMATCH improvements were made in the matching to better handle large rapidly changing disparities. Professional
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Function INSDECOMP / INSDMV Functions have been updated to fill temporal gaps in a time series which caused the processes to fail. Professional
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Function GREY2RGB Function will now output metadata values to store the calculated INMIN and INMAX values. Professional
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Function INSPSC / INSPSN Automatic calibration point added to these functions to properly skip the calibration process if no external calibration points are available. Professional
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Function INSRAW Function has been improved to properly carry-out phase fitting across swath using a two-pass method. Professional
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Capability Mosaic Tool Numerous improvements to Mosaic Tool to address customer issues including: crash fix when changing global mask style, better MFILE support, new cutline method (ERODEEXT) to address voids, other fixes to address voids, fixed channel mapping issues, and improved performance with very large and rotated files. Professional
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Workflow INS* functions All INS* functions have been modified to ensure that they are consistent in terms of: (1) output quantity, (2) units, and (3) unit of filter size. Professional
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Utility PCIDSK Format (PIX) Vector segments greater than 4 GB in size are now supported natively in PCIDSK format files. As well, performance improvements have been made to work with large datasets. Professional
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Utility License Registration Manager The CATALYST Professional License Registration tool has been redesigned, including the addition of automatic license generation. Professional
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Utility License Server The RMS license server installer has been rebranded and updated and is now the CATALYST License Server. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Job Mosaic Generation Added more information to the output report with respect to the empty tiles that were deleted and added spacing in the output log to better distinguish the various parts of the log. Enterprise
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Job Super Registration Improvements were made in the matching to better handle large rapidly changing disparities. Enterprise
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Function SPECLASS Fixed to work properly and use all appropriate bands for the ASTER sensor and the 16-band variety of Worldview-3 (WV3) data. Professional
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Function OEBUNDLEOPT Fixed function, which was failing when trying to set options for a project created for RCM data. Professional
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Sensor SPOT 6/7 Fixed issues with SPOT 6/7 ORT products which were loading with an improper shift in Focus. Professional
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Sensor Gaofen-7 (GF7) Fixed the values of spatial resolution which were being set incorrectly for Gaofen-7 products. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Sensor ICEYE Fixed issue with display of raw ICEYE data which was being displayed opposite to the properly ingested data. Professional
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Capability Focus, ICEYE Fixed defect that caused Focus to shutdown when trying to view the Incidence Angle array data for raw ICEYE imagery. Professional
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Capability Focus, WMTS Support Fixed problems that were reported when trying to load certain web mapping tile services to the Focus interface. Professional
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Job Data Ingest and GCP Collection Fixed issues running the Data Ingest and GCP Collection job on panchromatic (PAN) Pleiades data. Enterprise
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Job Spectral Classification Fixed to work properly and use all appropriate bands for the ASTER sensor. This fix will also update other jobs that utilize the spectral classification process. Enterprise
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Job Spectral Classification Fixed to work properly and use all appropriate bands for the 16-band variety of Worldview-3 data. This fix will also update other jobs that utilize the spectral classification process. Enterprise
CATALYST SP2 2021-05-20 Job Mosaic Generation Repaired the cases where an extra line of NoData pixels is output during the running of the Mosaic Generation job. Enterprise
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Sensor Gaofen-7 (GF7) Earth-observation satellite in the Gaofen series of Chinese civilian remote-sensing satellites.  The data includes 2.5m resolution multi-spectal and 0.8m stereo panchromatic. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Sensor Khalifasat Support added for RADIO and GEO products for this optical sensor which features 3m multi-spectral and 0.7m panchromatic data. Professional
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Function INSDECOMP Converts the displacement values generated from a stack of co-registered interferograms into temporally ordered and non-overlapping, line of sight (LOS) velocities (mm/yr).  Professional
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Function INSMODVEL Removes the estimated atmospheric effects from the velocity estimates generated by the INSDECOMP module.  Professional
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Capability Super registration Addition of highly accurate super-registration functionality as method for band co-registration prior to pan sharpening production. Enterprise
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Function SPOTBLUE Updated function with new, more scientifically accurate formula, simplified parameters, and added support for different input data types. Professional
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Function INSPSN Updated to use better unwrapping, generate results comparable to other methods, and updated to output the displacement in meter values rather than radians. Professional
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Function INSCOREG Cleaned up GCP reporting from co-registration process.  Professional
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Function INSRAW Updated to properly process Sentinel-1 TOPSAR data. Professional
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Function INSUNWRAP Fixed metadata issues when swapping phases. Professional
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Function BIT2PNT Fixed issue with missing raster channel in output file, when trying to export to a vector layer. Professional
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Sensor Sentinel-1 Updated TOPSAR support to eliminate issues of phase boundaries being visible between bursts and swaths when assembling into a single scene. Professional
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Sensor Skysat Added support for updated Basic data format where metadata file is not in same directory as data files. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Job Sprectral classification Updated output class schema in sprectral classification documentation. Enterprise
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Documentation Atmospheric Correction (ATCOR) Help Documentation updated with details on how to properly prepare imagery for the atmospheric correction process. Professional
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Function CHDETOP Issue fixed that OPERTYPE parameter was ignored when ALGO parameter was set to INTENRATIO. Professional
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Documentation DSMMERGE function Updated Help Documentation to remove references to previously retired functionality. Professional
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Documentation Python API Updated Help Documentation to describe that functions should not be run when dataset is open. Professional
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Function SPECLASS RDoc updates. Professional
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Capability Focus, Vector loading Fixed issue of Focus hanging when trying to load E00 files. Professional
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Capability Mosaic Tool, Preview Images Fixed issue with preview image size growing following editing and saving the mosaic project. Professional
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Capability JPEG2000 Fixed issue when exporting to JPEG2000 with the lossless option. Professional
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Sensor SPOT 6 Repaired location problem found with SPOT data downloaded from the Airbus OneAtlas platform. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Sensor SPOT 1-3 Fixed ground sample distance (GSD) issues in metadata for ingested multi-spectral and panchromatic datasets. Professional
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Job DEM Index File Creator Resolved an issue with DEM folder being specified as a file name. Enterprise
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Job DEM Extraction ADS Solved multiple issues with projection conversion and performance improvements. Enterprise
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Job Pansharpening Production Fixed poor alignment using POLY option, caused by blunder removal being ignored during processing. Enterprise
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Sensor Pleiades Repaired issues with duplicate files names withn ingesting Pleiades Level 1A data. Enterprise
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Sensor Worldview-2 (WV2) Fix error messages that arise with ingest errors.  This fix would also effect other Worldview products. Enterprise
CATALYST SP1 2021-03-17 Sensor Jilin-1 (JL1) Fix to GCP Collection module which was created the wrong number of child jobs. Enterprise
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Rebranding CATALYST Professional Geomatica has been rebranded to CATALYST Professional.  Professional
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Rebranding CATALYST Enterprise GXL  has been rebranded to CATALYST Enterprise.  Enterprise
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Rebranding License Requests All license and support requests should now be sent to the following email address: [email protected]. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Function INSPSN Performs phase unwrapping and generates a connected network of persistent scatterer candidates (PSCs).  Professional
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Function GREY2RGB Conterts a single greyscale raster channel into a RGB image using a colormap.  Professional
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Capability Focus, Basemap display Three new functionalities have been added to the Focus viewer that allow users to better understand the context and verify the rough accuracy of their data. Professional
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Capability Focus, New basemap area Creates a new area pre-loaded with a user-defined basemap with the extents and projection set by that basemap dataset. Professional
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Capability Focus, New basemap layer Adds a pre-configured basemap layer to the currently active area using the extents and projection of the area, not the basemap dataset.   Professional
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Capability Focus, New basemap window Opens a new viewer with a user-defined basemap pre-loaded and the currently selected map layers loaded on top. Professional
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Capability Automated Spectral Normalization Satellite data collected pre-MODIS (before the year 2000) can now be corrected, due to the addition of functionality that automatically simulates surface NBAR measurements using MODIS time series models. (Note: also applies to the Spectral Normalization to MODIS job.) Enterprise
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Function GEOCODEDEM Greater level of metadata information generated and exposed to be used by DSMMERGE and other downstream functions. Professional
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Function DSMMERGE Improvements to image quality by utilizing the most nadir imagery.  This leads to crisper images with less distortion and straighter edges. Professional
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Function EPIPOLARDSM Reduced maximum memory consumption by 50% and improved geometry calculations leading to a 25% faster DSM extraction for satellite data.  Professional
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Function MRAFUSION Improved to let the user decide which level of sharpness (at the cost of spectral fidelity) they desire. The performance of the algorithm has also been improved.  Professional
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Utility Per-channel compression for PCIDSK Added the ability for channels in a PCIDSK file to be compressed individually, where previously all channels had to be compressed using the same methodology. Professional
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Utility Windowing Panels within the CATALYST applications (Focus, OrthoEngine, etc.) have been updated so that resizing, window parenting rules, and multiple monitor support are properly respected. Professional
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Capability Focus, Atmospheric Correction (ATCOR) In Focus, the Top-of-Atmosphere (TOA) Reflectance workflow has been updated to use the new, more accurate reflectance computation found in the DN2REFLECTANCE function.  Professional
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Projection Datum support, NADCON 5.0 Support was added for the NADCON 5.0 grid shift format. With NADCON 5.0 supported, support for NAD83 (2011) and other modern American datums was added. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Job Object Analyst Segmentation and Classification Channel mapping parameter added to the job for use when input data does not include full radiometric metadata.  Enterprise
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Job DEM Extraction Updates to the underlying functions lead to the improvements in output image quality by utilizing the most nadir imagery.  This leads to crisper images with less distortion and straighter edges. Reduced maximum memory consumption by 50% and improved geometry calculations leading to a 25% faster digital surface model (DSM) extraction for satellite data.  Enterprise
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Job Automated Geometric Correction Logic added to not report CE90 accuracy values when the number of measurements is insufficient for an accurate assessment. Enterprise
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Function GEOCODEDEM Issue fixed when running when MAPUNITS parameter is not specifically set. Professional
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Function ORTHO Results in all CATALYST environments will now be equivalent. Professional
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Capability Mosaicking Improved performance when outputting results directly to TIFF files. Professional
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Capability Focus, WMTS support Improved performance when accessing Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) layers in the Focus viewing environment. Professional
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Sensor Sentinel-1 Improved phase fitting both within the same swaths and across swaths. Professional
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Sensor SPOT 4 Fix to incorrect metadata which was preventing proper radiometric normalization of panchromatic data. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Job Tie-Point Collection and Refinement Aerial Resolved an issue with intermediate files being deleted before the workflow completes. Enterprise
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Capability Mosaicking to TIFF Performance improvements were made when mosaicking to a single-tile TIFF output.  Enterprise
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Data support CentOS 7 Linux Retired support for CentOS 7 Linux operating system. Professional, Enterprise
CATALYST SP0 2021-01-28 Data support Python 2.7 Retired support for Python 2.7. Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Capability Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF Support has been added for reading and writing of the Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF file standard. This standard was created to improve the performance and efficiency of reading a TIFF file over cloud-based infrastructure. [In Professional only: A Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF can be created by using FEXPORT algorithm with an input file that has existing overviews.] Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Utility JPEG2000 compression for PCIDSK Added support for “WAVE” JPEG2000 compression to the PCIDSK (PIX) format (all data types). The  values in the image are maintained. This useful feature can provide users with a new way to save on disk usage without losing the integrity of the data.   Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Function INSADJUSTDEM Corrects the random offset and tilt of relative DEMs as output by INSUNWRAP according to a reference DEM. This is necessary before a DEM can be geocoded, such as with GEOCODEDEM.  Professional
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Function BIT2PNT A general purpose function for converting bitmap layers to point layers.  Professional
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Sensor SAOCOM Support for the L-Band SAOCOM sensors 1A (SLC) and 1B (GRD) for all acquisition modes.  Professional
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Workflow Automated Geometric Correction (ARD Workflow) This new Analysis Ready Data (ARD) workflow automates the geometric correction of the data from raw scenes. The workflow uses Super Registration to achieve geometric accuracies up to 1/10th of a pixel, meeting the strict requirements of ARD.  Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Workflow Automated Spectral Normalization (ARD Workflow) This workflow spectrally normalizes orthorectified images to the MODIS MCD43A2 & MCD43A4 products. The resulting images have consistent spectral characteristics, making them suitable for use in multi-temporal analysis workflows. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Workflow ARD Data Packaging (ARD Workflow) This workflow creates per-pixel quality data and generates a summary information quality report from ARD products. XML files are produced that help simplify the integration of the data with the Open Data Cube.  Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Job CARD4L-SR Metadata Preparation Produces ISO 1995-2 compliant metadata files from ARD imagery, simplifying the integration of the data into the Open Data Cube and the CARD4L certification process.  Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Job Open Data Cube (ODC) Metadata Generation Automatically create Open Data Cube index files, and optionally index and ingest ARD products into the ODC. This job requires users to have the ODC software installed as well.  Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Data support Python 3.6 Support for Python 3.6.  Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Function MOSPREP Added a new “STRIPS” cutline auto-constraints algorithm. This algorithm works better when dealing with long strips of data, making sure that the most nadir pixels are used and that the cutlines are generated in a rectangular pattern.  Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Sensor Landsat 8 Updated key file to use the .xml file for Landsat 8 Collection 1 Level-2 data to be consistent with the updated USGS product packaging.  Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Sensor SPOT 1-5 Scenes from SPOT 1-5 can now be used in the Topographic Normalization job, improving the spectral accuracy of SPOT products for ARD. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Capability Historical Airphoto Processing (HAP) reference data Reference data support has been extended to include the use of indexed reference files in HAP projects. 
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Capability Exporting maps Added support for exporting maps to PNG file format.   Professional
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Job GCP Collection New and improved ground control refinement strategy to eliminate incorrect GCPs more reliably. This technique no longer relies on an arbitrary user-specified threshold to determine point removal, reducing the end-user expertise required to generate geometrically accurate data, and further increasing automation of ARD quality data. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Function OACALCATT Users can now specify channels to be used for calculating Vegetation Indices, reducing the reliance on metadata.  Professional
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Function SPECL Results from SPECL in the Focus GUI now correctly display in pseudocolor by default, instead of grayscale. 
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Function MOSPREP Fixed an issue that was causing a crash during mosaic preparation when crossing UTM zones.  Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Function INSUNWRAP Fixed an issue where INSUNWARP would crash when large masks provided.  Professional
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Projection Australian Datum 2020 Full support for GDA 2020 with TIF files.  Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Capability Hyperspectral Spectra Plot Fixed a crash when importing a spectral signatures file (.spl).  Professional
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Capability JPEG2000 Resolved an issue causing the software to not respond for a few seconds when panning with large compressed images.  Professional
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Capability Mosaic Tool, Collection Viewer Fixed a blend width WYSIWYG issue in the Mosaic Tool Collection Viewer.   Professional
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Capability Focus, Viewer pane Fixed an intermittent crash when panning around images.  Professional
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Capability Focus, Clipping/Subsetting window The Clipping/Subsetting window in Focus is now resizable.   Professional
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Projection UTM Fixed issue with SuperView-1 imagery in the Southern Hemisphere not being projected correctly.  Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Sensor Jilin-1 Jilin-1 03B data are now compatible with the DN2REFLECTANCE algorithm.  Professional
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Sensor Kompsat-3A Fixed an issue when trying to work with link files of Kompsat-3A.  Professional
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Job DEM Extraction Airphoto Resolved an issue in FEPIPOLARCAND that was resulting in NoData values being introduced during DEM Extraction. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Job Super Registration (Chinese) Resolved path error causing the job to fail. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Utility Linux, Remote data Fixed crash when opening a HTTPS connection on Linux.  Professional
Geomatica Banff SP4 2020-12-01 Utility JPEG2000 Fixed an issue when trying to create extremely large JPEG 2000 files. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Function OESETACC Sets the accuracy values for TPs, GCPs, and exterior orientation (airphoto only) in OrthoEngine project files in a scripted environment such as python or EASI. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Function INSPSC Processes a stack of co-registered SAR images to identify stable reflectors, PSCs (permanent scattering candidates) generally containing a single dominant scattering mechanism which is only marginally affected by temporal and geometric decorrelation. These points can be utilized to estimate and remove atmospheric artifacts from a stack of interferograms. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Capability WMTS support Connect to external Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) servers to display read-only maps in Focus. Compliant with OGC Web Map Tile Service 1.0.0 specification. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Capability OrthoEngine, Point Precision export Define the number of decimal places to be kept when exporting TP/GCP accuracy information from OrthoEngine. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Sensor Jilin-1 (JL1) 07b Support added for Jilin-1 07b Level 1 datasets. Jilin-1 07b is an optical satellite featuring high resolution panchromatic, multispectral imagers. Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Job TP Collection and Refinement Aerial Scales up your aerial projects with camera self-calibration and 2-pass tie point (TP) collection enabling the quick generation of accurate results for datasets with no calibration report. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Job DEM Extraction Tri-Stereo Generates a digital surface model (DSM) from tri-stereo satellite imagery. Automatically identify pairs, generate epipolar DSMs and reproject into a geocoded DSM. Optionally, the DSM can be converted into a bare-earth digital terrain model (DTM). Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Platform Python 3.6 on CentOS-8 Added support for Python 3.6 on CentOS8 Linux distributions. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Function DN2TOA / DN2REFLECTANCE Replaced DN2TOA with DN2REFLECTANCE in the Atmospheric Correction (ATCOR) wizard. The DN2REFLECTANCE function is an improved version of DN2TOA, providing more options for output scaling and producing more accurate results. Users can also generate a spectral classification layer within the Atmospheric Correction wizard. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Function SPECLASS Reduction of false positive classifications, with particular improvements to reducing the over representation of the senescent vegetation class. Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Function GCPPRUNE Spatially prune ground control points (GCPs) to achieve a more complete coverage of image extents, without overweighting a particular area. The spatially uniform GCP coverage ensures that the refined math model with the points is stable and accurate. Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Function APANSHARP Improved pansharpening pre-processing by applying SUPERMATCH to improve the alignments of poorly co-registered MS and PAN bands before pansharpening. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Function INSUNWRAP Metadata tags added for successful unwrapping of ICEYE SLC data. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Sensor ADS Improved handling of Airborne Digital Sensor (ADS) imagery to reduce time of reading and writing operations. Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Utility Thread safe compression and decompression Improves performance of reading and writing compressed data. Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Utility JPEG2000 optimization Reading and rendering JP2 formatted data is now 3-4x faster than previous Geomatica releases. Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Utility ADS rendering Improved rendering speed of Airborne Digital Sensor (ADS) imagery. Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Job Point Collection and Refinement Improved coarse resolution outlier detection resulting in faster model convergence with higher quality. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Projection State Plane Improved support for State Plane coordinate systems. Added support for State Plane 1600 – Kentucky Single Zone. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Projection Australian Datum GDA 2200 Improved support for the Australian Datum GDA 2200. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Function INSUNWRAP Fixed the ability to unwrap sparsely populated interferograms. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Function INSTOPO Reduced number of artifacts once topographic phase is removed in areas of high elevation. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Function INSRAW Now correctly produces RAW interferograms on subsetted Sentinel-1 images when the area of interest used is close to the limit of a burst. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Function MOSDEF Changed data type of output resolution to double precision float for more accurate output resolution. Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Function SARINGEST Fixed calibration of RCM descending pass data. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Function INSUNWARP INSUNWRAP (BURNMASK) no longer crashes when large vector files are used. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Sensor Gaofen-3 (GF3) Updated footprint of GF3 images in OrthoEngine. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Capability Focus, SAR Clipping/Subsetting Focus Clipping/Subsetting tool now accounts for image rotation and the slant-range geometry when using a clip file. The math models are correctly updated in the clipped image’s metadata. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Capability Focus, Multiple channel selection Fixed the selection of multiple channels ignoring the first selected channel in Algorithm Librarian & Modeler. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Capability Mosaic Tool, WYSISWG display Improved rendering of previews in mosaic tool with a blend width to properly show WYSISWG display. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Capability Tiled images When working with tiled images, .IMG files with pyramids now open correctly. Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Capability Object Analyst, Vector Layer and Field Selector window The Object Analyst Vector Layer and Field Selector window in Focus can now be resized to display all fields. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Capability RPC segments Copying RPC segments between files with different number of pixels/lines will now only  recreate the RPC from state vectors when using SAR imagery, instead of all imagery.  Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Capability OrthoEngine, Manual Edit EO panel Fixed a crash when loading the Manually Edit EO panel in OrthoEngine. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Capability OrthoEngine, Model type Fixed an error causing an endless loop when selecting an unlicensed model type during project creation. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Utility ADS GCP auto-locate Improved the auto-location coordinates for GCPs when multiple image windows are opened. Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Job Mosaic from Orthos Corrected georeferencing in the Mosaic from Orthos job when creating GeoTIFF outputs. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP3 2020-10-06 Job Mosaic Definition Changed data type of output resolution to double precision float for more accurate output resolution. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Sensor ICEYE GRD Added GDB-level support for ICEYE GRD data (to compliment the SLC support that was added previously). Full support of ICEYE GRD and SLC data. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Function SUPERMATCH Extracts a grid of matching points between overlapping ortho images to create an output file which provides a pixel by pixel mapping between the two ortho images. SUPERMATCH + SUPERAPPLY make up our new Super Registration method for creating 1/10th pixel co-registration accuracy. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Function SUPERAPPLY Resamples an image file using an offset file that maps from the output to the input image geometry. SUPERMATCH + SUPERAPPLY make up our new Super Registration method for creating 1/10th pixel co-registration accuracy. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Function INSMLOOK Multi-look phase unwrapping for InSAR imagery. Significantly reduces the time required to perform phase unwrapping without impact quality. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Function SVREGSETUP Derives all parameters required for the spectral normalization process when a spectral image is provided. Important for multiple sensor support. Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Function OAGTIMPORT New algorithm for importing ground control points (GCPs) into an Object Analyst (OA) workflow. Enables one to fully script an OA workflow without using Focus. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Capability Mosaic Tool, Smart GeoFill Introduced GeoFill capability to Mosaic Tool (Analogous to Smart GeoFill in Focus). Quickly and easily fix imperfections in the mosaic preview before generating the full resolution mosaic. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Capability API, Retrieve thumbnail images Ability to retrieve thumbnails that come with native data distribution. Provides the ability to view image thumbnail without having to open the image in Focus Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Job Building Detection Performs automatic object-based classification and change detection on large volumes of earth observation imagery. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Job Automatic Accuracy Map Creation Compares orthorectified images against reference images to create offset maps with statistics for assessment. Gives the ability to assess whether the orthorectified images agree geometrically to the level of accuracy required for Analysis Ready Data Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Job Data Exploration Explores data and make a selection based on user-specified criteria. Makes it easier to select and ingest data based on user criteria (e.g. select a cloud-free image to be processed top-tier dataset followed by lesser quality scenes) Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Job Image Partitioning Reads the reference vector file and creates a subset vector file for each UTM zone, if the original vector covers multiple UTM zones. Important for large areas of interest. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Function FBMTIE Parallel processing to improve the speed of feature-based tie-point (TP) collection on multiple images using the FBMTIE function in Python. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Function REPROJ Added support for point spread function 2D kernels. Improves downsampling of imagery. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Function CLIP Add ability to append vector attribute string to output file names in CLIP. This will allow users to automatically provide more meaningful names of the output files. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Function SUPERMATCH Updates to SUPERMATCH include: (1) Multiple small tile reference images can now be used as the reference, as opposed to a single file, (2) Positional accuracy (xy) is now stored in the metadata with the file, which makes the accuracy metrics more readily accessible, (3) Improvements to the error filtering capability, (4) Resolved issue with handling different projections, (5) Added CE90, CE95, RMSE accuracy metrics, and (6) Added multi-threaded processing to provide a performance boost. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Capability OrthoEngine, Epipolar pair generation Parallel processing to improve the speed of generating a large batch of epipolar pairs in OrthoEngine. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Capability OrthoEngine, DEM extraction Parallel processing to improve the speed of extracting DEMs from multiple pairs of stereo images in OrthoEngine. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Capability OrthoEngine, tie point (TP) collection Parallel processing to improve the speed of collecting tie points on multiple images in OrthoEngine. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Capability Focus, Clipping/Subsetting Added ability to append vector attribute string to output file names in when clipping and subsetting in Focus. This will allow users to automatically provide more meaningful names of the output files. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Capability Focus, Tiled sensor performance Performance boost when zooming and panning around an image from a tiled sensor in the Focus viewer Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Capability Ortho on-the-fly performance Ortho on-the-fly will use DEM overviews for faster rendering of images. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Capability Focus, Swath Selector GUI Improve interface when opening rasters with sub-datasets (i.e. swaths) in Focus. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Capability Linux, GUI Library Upgrade SGL library to use GTK3 instead of GTK2 on Linux. Better user-experience by using more modern and standard library. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Job Orthorectification Exposed tile alignment parameters. the image data will only be resampled once during orthorectification (instead of multiple times) which helps preserve the spectral integrity of the image. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Job Data Ingest Output from Data Exploration can be used as input for Data Ingest. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Job Mosaic Preparation Added the ability to not enforce color balancing. Permits the user to create a mosaic while preserving the spectral integrity of the pixels. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Job GCP Collection (1) Ground control points (GCPs) collected on multiple reference tiles will be stored in a single segment in the raw/uncorrected scene. Reduces the number of GCP segments created and permits tiled mosaic files to be used as a reference, and (2) Added ability to select the proper reference tile based on the boundary and pixel resolution. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Job Spectral Normalization to MODIS (1) Integrated SVREGSETUP into the workflow. This automatically derives all the necessary parameters for the spectral normalization process, (2) Statistical accuracy report formatting was improved for readability and interpretation, and (3) Added ability to synthesize blue band for SPOT 1-5 sensors. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Job Super Registration Added support for multiple reference tiles. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Job Multi-Resolution Reference Image Preparation Integrated Point Spread Function for improved resampling. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Job GCP Reference Imagery Preparation Number of improvements to the module, added option to copy folder structure, add pixel resolution to vector index, fixed some minor issues, option added to create standalone PIX files instead of link files. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Documentation CentOS 8 installation Updated install guides for CentOS 8. Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Capability Mosaic Tool, Edge-dodging points Fixed an issue that was causing the Mosaic Tool to crash when editing an edge dodging point on image with no bundle colour balancing. Professional, Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Capability Modeler, New categories Fixed an issues that was causing Modeler to crash when creating new categories. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Capability OrthoEngine, Output channel descriptions Ortho-generation will no longer change the output channel descriptions in OrthoEngine. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Projection Australian Datum GDA2020 The Australian Datum GDA2020 is now properly supported. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Capability OrthoEngine, Two-pass tie points (TPs) Fixed an issue causing OrthoEngine to crash when running two-pass tie points (TPs). Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Capability OrthoEngine, Exterior orientation Fixed issue causing incorrect exterior orientation height calculations in OrthoEngine. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Data SRTM HGT All SRTM HGT are now georeferenced. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Function GCPPRUNE GCPPRUNE function now has proper error handling to manage corrupted segments. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Capability Focus, Histograms Fixed an issue in Focus when drawing histograms. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Capability Focus, Reproject GUI The Reproject GUI is now resizable. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Capability Focus, Data Merge Data Merge now works with Foot projection. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Job Data Ingest A fix to Data Ingest SAR module preventing incorrect ingestion of SAR imagery. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP2 2020-08-05 Capability MS and PAN pairs for multiple modules and sensors Fixed issue to automatically find MS and PAN pairs for multiple modules and sensors. This resulted in unexpected incorrect results or failures. Enterprise
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Platform CentOS 8 Added full support for Red Hat’s CENTOS 8 Linux operating system distribution. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Function APUNDISTORT Resamples raw imagery to compensate for distortions in aerial photos, reducing the effects of distortion caused by camera lens, atmospheric refraction, earth curvature or other unpredictable errors. Distortion corrected images can be used directly in stereo measurement to improve epipolar generation and the quality of the subsequent DEM Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Function MIRROR Mirrors images along the vertical or horizontal axes, maintaining the location of ground control points (GCPs) in the process. MIRROR can be applied to airborne radar or multispectral (MS) data, enabling the inversion of descending images to ascending images, or to convert left-looking imagery to right-looking imagery. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Function OARTCLASS Uses the Random Trees (RT) algorithm to run a supervised classification based on an RT training model you specify. Technology based on the Random Forest algorithm by Breiman (2001). Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Function OARTTRAIN Uses a set of object samples, stored in a segmentation-attribute table, to develop a predictive model by creating a set of random decision-trees and by taking the majority vote for the predicted class. Technology based on the Random Forest algorithm by Breiman (2001). Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Function SELFCAL Refines tie points (TPs) and ground control points (GCPs) with camera self-calibration. Note: Camera self-calibration is required when no external orientation camera calibration has been provided, or if the provided external camera calibration is not accurate. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Function SVSPLREG Uses local or global regression to calibrate imagery to a well-calibrated reference image, preserving the radiometric quality of the data and adjusting pixel values to match as closely as possible to the reference values. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Function TIEIMAGE Find tie points (TPs) and, optionally, ground control points (GCPs) using Fast Fournier Transform (FFT) phase matching. FFT methods produce a more uniform grid of points and is appropriate for data sets with good initial estimates of exterior orientation. When used in addition to FBM, TIEIMAGE is a powerful method for determine the exterior orientation of UAV imagery. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Function VDISSOLVE Automatically dissolves the boundaries between vector shapes from an input segment. All attribute information from the input shapes are maintained in the dissolved shape, enabling the robust and easy calculation of dissolved shape attributes. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Sensor ICEYE Support added for ICEYE SLC datasets. ICEYE is a SAR Satellite constellation capable of reliably imaging the entire Earth every 1-3 hours Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Sensor Orbita Support added for Orbita Level 1B OHS-2A, OHS-2C, and OHS-2D datasets. Orbita is a hyperspectral satellite constellation with a spectral resolution of 2.5nm, and a ground sampling distance of 10m Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Capability Object Analyst, Progress monitoring Improved progress monitor for classification processes. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Capability Object Analyst, Colour consistency Better consistency of colours throughout the Object Analyst (OA) process. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Capability Focus, UI/UX Upgraded treelist look & feel, including better drag & drop capabilities when adding files to the FILES tab. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Capability Spectra Reflectance Plot Improved support for uncalibrated data in the Spectra Reflectance Plot, including the update of target metadata using underlying reflectance datasets for comparison. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Capability DEM Extraction Addition of DSM merge colour balancing methodology for digital/UAV aerial projects. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Capability OrthoEngine data import When adding data files to an OrthoEngine project, an option now enables the system to recursively add all files within a directory. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Function AUTOTIE/AUTOTIEADS/AUTOGCP/AUTOCHIP Upgrade performance of FFTP matching by integrating code across functions Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Function CRPROJ Automatically read the camera name, focal length and chip size directly from input metadata tags Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Function FBMTIE Reduced occurrence of blunders by 90% and improved speed of TP collection. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Function GEOCODEDEM Improvements to sharpness of output using better resampling methodology. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Function INSCOREG Improvements to the Terrain Observation by Progressive Scans (TOPS) deramping and demodulating steps in the coregistration process. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Function INSRAW Implemented phase-fitting across the swaths of the interferogram, which when added to the phase-fitting for bursts help to eliminate all vertical and horizontal phase discontinuities in the resulting interferograms. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Function OASVMTRAIN Improved speed and accuracy by reading attributes directly as the double data type. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Function OASVMCLASS The SVM model file has been extended to include the list of field names used to generate the model, so users no longer need to specify a TFILE to provide field names, improving automation. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Function ORTHO Modification of EDGECLIP parameter to support clipping before (raw imagery) or after orthorectification process. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Function POLY2RAS Support added for using string attributes, which makes is easier to convert a classified vector from Object Analyst to a raster. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Function PNTRFN Faster and more efficient collection of tie points, improving rate of block bundle model convergence. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Function REPROJ Added support for additional resampling methods: Lagrange interpolation, gaussian resampling, sin based resampling and complex SAR resampling. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Sensor Landsat ARD Updated the default RGB band combination to display ARD products as NIR-SWIR-RGB, improving the ease of using Landsat ARD data for spectral calibration. Addition of support for Surface Temperature (ST) products. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Sensor PALSAR-2 Full support for the RADARSAT Constellation Mission GeoCoded Detected or Complex products. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP1 2020-06-09 Sensor Sentinel-1 Metadata updates to help improve the overall InSAR process for Terrain Observation by Progressive Scans (TOPS) data. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Sensor Kanopus-V Earth observation minisatellite mission of the Russian Space Agency, Roskosmos and ROSHYDROMET/Planeta. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Sensor Gaofen-6 (GF6) Geostationary, Earth-observation satellite in the Gaofen series of Chinese civilian remote-sensing satellites. The satellite is similar to the Gaofen-1 satellite launched in 2013, but with upgraded capabilities, including a 2-meter resolution panchromatic camera, an 8-meter multispectral imager, and a 16-meter multispectral wide-angle colour camera. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Sensor PAZ X-band SAR spacecraft based on the TerraSAR-X platform to serve security and defense. The PAZ mission is dual-use (civil/defense) funded and owned by the Ministry of Defense and managed by Hisdesat (Hisdesat Servicios Estratégicos, S.A., a Spanish private communications company. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Sensor Radarsat Constellation Mission (RCM) RCM is a constellation of three C-band synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) satellites. These satellites support a wide variety of imaging modes. The modes range from wide-area surveillance with 500-kilometer imaging swaths to spotlight modes with resolution of 1 meter in azimuth and 3 meters in range. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Sensor Gaofen-3 (GF3) The first C- band high-resolution SAR satellite, capable of providing Earth images up to 1-meter resolution (with 10-kilometer ground swath). The GF3 SAR package can operate in 12 different working modes, from high-resolution (1 m) to large-swath (650 km), and from maritime imaging to combined land and water imaging. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Function DILATEBIT Performs morphological operations (i.e. dilation and erosion) on a bitmap layer and, optionally, fill unmasked areas, remove masked areas, or both. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Function MANAGEDATASET Manages datasets: copy, delete, rename, move, or list files of the set. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Function SPECLINCMB Performs a spectral linear combination of image channels using coefficients the user specifies. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Sensor RADARSAT-2 Single NITF file format. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Sensor Sentinel-1 Support for Terrain Observation by Progressive Scans (TOPS) mode. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Sensor SPOT 1-4 CAP format support for SPOT 1-4. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Function OASEG Automatically segments an optical image based on the scale, shape, and compactness parameters you specify. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Function OASEGSAR Automatically segments a SAR image based on the scale, shape, and compactness parameters you specify; can also perform filtering and tail trimming. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Function OACALCATT Automatically calculates attributes, including presets for vegetation indices, texture, geometrical, and more (suitable for optical imagery). Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Function OACALCATTSAR Automatically calculates attributes, including presets for polarimetric decompositions, texture, geometrical, and more (suitable for SAR imagery). Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Function OAFLDNMEXP Automatically exports training-class information, which can be used by training and classification algorithms. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Function OASVMTRAIN Creates an output Support Vector Machine (SVM) hyperplane file (training model) from a set of training sites and object attributes). Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Function OASVMCLASS Classifies objects using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm with the specified model. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Function FBMEXRACT Extracts features and descriptors from images for feature-based matching. The extracted features are written to a feature database (FDB) file for use as input with the FBMTIE algorithm. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Function FBMTIE Performs feature-based matching to collect tie points (TPs). The features are read from feature database (FDB) files created by the FBMEXTRACT algorithm. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Function FBMIMPORT Creates an OrthoEngine project file from the text file of collected tie points (TPs) created by running FBMTIE. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Function GENAPEO Calculates the exterior orientation (EO) of each photo in an OrthoEngine project file based on the x, y, and z position of the first and last photo of each flight line. Professional
Geomatica Banff SP0 2019-11-26 Function PNTREFN Refines tie points (TPs) and ground control points (GCP) in an OrthoEngine project file. Professional
Service Pack Date Feature Title Description Product