Saving a mask layer

By default, Focus creates a temporary layer as a container for your DEM editing mask. You can save the layer containing the mask or masks to a file for later reuse.

Note: This task applies to Vector, Bitmap, and Status layers.

To save a mask layer

  1. In the DEM Editing window, create a new layer, or make changes to an existing one, and then add, remove, or modify one or more areas of the mask.
  2. On the DEM Editing toolbar, click Save.

    If this layer has not been saved previously, the New Item Detected window appears. Under Input, the Layer box shows a description of the layer, such as DEM Editing Polygons or DEM Editing Bitmap.

    Note: With a vector-mask layer, you can choose to save only selected shapes or attribute fields. By default, Focus saves all shapes and fields in the layer.
  3. Under Output, in the File list, click the arrow to select from the list of available files, or click Browse to find a file.
  4. In the Format list, click a format for the new mask file.
    The selected format must be updatable.
    • For vector or status layers, select PCIDSK (.pix) or ArcView Shape File (.shp).
    • For bitmap layers, select PCIDSK (.pix) or TIFF 6.0 (.tif).
  5. To define format options for the output GDB, click Options.

    This box is unavailable for some output formats.

  6. In the Layer box, type the name of a new layer, or select one from the list.

    If you select an existing layer, it will be overwritten.

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