Working with status layers

On the Status Polygons tab in the DEM Editing window, you can easily identify areas of the digital elevation model (DEM) that require editing, and to mark the status of these areas as you progress through quality-assurance tasks.

Status information is stored as polygons in a Status Polygons vector layer; you can save this layer to a file for future editing or revision. When displayed in the viewer, problem areas appear shaded in red, resolved areas appear shaded in blue, and verified areas appear shaded in green.

Focus records information about each status polygon, including the current status, the date it was created or modified, the last user to modify the status, and any comments entered by the user. You can use the Attribute Manager to view these details.

You can hide the display of all status polygons, show all, or display only verified, problem, or resolved areas.

The following table describes the buttons on the Status Polygons toolbar.

Button Label Description
Edit Status Layer button Edit Status Layer Place the status layer in editing mode, allowing you to create new polygons to identify areas that require modification or to mark them as verified.

The Rectangle tool is the default. To select the Polygon tool, click the arrow.

Set Verified button Set Verified Automatically create a polygon with covering the extent of the current view, and set the status of the polygon as Verified.
Vector Editing Toolbar button Vector Editing Open the standard Focus vector-editing tools.
Open Attribute Manager button Open Attribute Manager Open the Focus Attribute Manager window to view information on status polygons in the active status layer.
Create Status Layer button Create Status Layer Create a new Status Polygons layer.
Open Status Layer button Open Status Layer Open an existing Status Polygons layer.
Save Status Layer button Save Status Layer Save the Status Polygons layer for future editing.

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