Updating elevation values under a bitmap mask

After you create a mask, you can apply a series of fill operations to update the elevation values under the mask areas.

To fill areas under a bitmap mask

  1. In the Focus viewer, on the Map tab, click the DEM Editing Bitmap layer under which to apply the fill operation.
  2. In the DEM Editing window, under Area Fills Under Mask, in the Method list, click the operation you want:
    • Average of Each Shape: sets all digital elevation model (DEM) pixels under each bitmap shape to the average of all those pixels. This method is useful for setting areas, such as lakes, to be flat.

    • Average of All Shapes: sets all the DEM pixels under the bitmap to the average of all those pixels, regardless of whether the bitmap shapes are contiguous.

    • Specified Value: changes all pixels under the mask to the specified value.

  3. To change the elevation value under the mask, click Fill.

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