Opening an existing status-polygons layer

With a status-polygons layer, you can easily identify areas of the digital elevation model (DEM) that require editing, and you can indicate the status of each area as you progress through quality-assurance tasks.

To open a status-polygons layer saved previously in the DEM Editing window

  1. In the DEM Editing window, on the Status Polygons toolbar, click Open Status Layer.
  2. In the Select Layer window, in the File list, click the file containing the DEM status-polygons layer saved previously, or click Browse to find the file.
  3. In the Layers Available list, click the layer containing the status polygons you want.
  4. Click OK.

    Focus displays the Status Polygons layer.

  5. Use the Edit Status Layer tool to identify an area of the DEM that requires modification or verification.
  6. In the Status list, click the status that applies to the polygon:
    • Problem: identifies an area that requires DEM editing. Problem areas appear in the Focus viewer shaded in red.

    • Resolved: identifies an area of the DEM that has been edited and is ready for verification. Resolved areas appear in the Focus viewer shaded in blue.

    • Verified: identifies an area of the DEM that has been edited and verified. Verified areas appear in the Focus viewer shaded in green.

    Alternatively, in the Focus viewer, zoom in or out, as applicable, to display the area that you want to examine. To create a polygon with the full extents of the current viewing area, click Set View As Verified. The status of the polygon is set automatically to Verified.

  7. Add more polygons, setting the appropriate status and adding comments for each, as necessary.
  8. If necessary, save the DEM Status Polygons layer.

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