Viewing details of status polygons

Focus records information about each status polygon, including its current status, the date it was created or modified, the last user to modify the status, and any comments entered by the user. You can use the Attribute Manager to view these details.

To view details of a status polygon in the Focus Attribute Manager

  1. In the DEM Editing window, on the Status Polygons tab, open an existing Status Polygons layer.

    For more information, see Opening an existing status-polygons layer.

  2. On the Status Polygons toolbar, click Attribute Manager.

    The Attribute Manager window appears. The upper section lists details about each status polygon on the open Status Polygons layer. The lower section displays details for the currently selected record.

    Details include:
    • ShapeID: unique ID of the polygon
    • Status: current status of the polygon
    • Created_User: user name of the person who created the status polygon
    • Created_Date: date and time that the polygon was first created
    • Created_Comments: comments entered by the user who created the polygon
    • Resolved_User: user name of the person who modified the DEM area identified by the polygon and marked the status polygon as Resolved
    • Resolved_Date: date and time that the polygon was marked as Resolved
    • Resolved_Comment: comment entered by the user who changed the status of the polygon to Resolved
  3. Close the Attribute Manager window.

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