Generate cumulative displacements or velocities.

EnvironmentsPYTHON :: EASI
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INSSTACK generates velocities, displacements, or cumulative displacements for non-overlapping time steps corresponding to consecutive SAR acquisition times. INSSTACK supports line-of-sight measurements (LOS) from single stack output and geodetic (vertical, longitudinal (east/west)) from multi-stack output.
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insstack(fili, oquant, dispdir, dunits, tunits, filo)

Name Type Caption Length Value range
FILI* str Database input file name 1 -    
OQUANT str Output quantity 0 -   VEL | DISP | CDIS | AVER
Default: CDIS
DISPDIR str Displacement direction 0 -   LOS | VERT | LONG
Default: LOS
DUNITS str Distance units 0 -   MM | CM | M | IN | FT
Default: M
TUNITS str Time units 0 -   DAT | YEAR
Default: YEAR
FILO* str Database output file name 1 -    

* Required parameter
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Parameter descriptions


The name of the file containing the single stack LOS displacements from INSDMV or decomposed multi-stack displacements generated by INSGEODISP. The displacement values must be written in meters.

The input file must contain the following metadata tags:
The metadata of each layer must provide the start and stop dates for the acquisition interval.


Specifies the output parameter.

Available options are:


The direction of the input displacements to select for processing. The displacement values calculated by INSDMV are in the radar line of sight (LOS). The displacement values calculated by INSGEODISP are in the vertical direction and in the longitude direction (East/West).


The distance units used to measure the displacement.

Available options are:


The time units used to measure the time interval used for velocity estimates. This unit is also used as the X axis by the InSAR temporal chart tool.

Available options are:


The name of the output PCIDSK (.pix) which will contain the estimated displacements, cumulative displacements, or velocities corresponding to the time intervals bracketed by the temporally ordered acquisition dates.

Each output layer has following metadata tags:

The specified output file must not already exist.

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INSSTACK reads the stack of temporally ordered, non-overlapping displacements corresponding to each acquisition interval and converts them to velocity, displacement, or cumulative displacement in user defined units. For single stack input generated by INSDMV the output is written in the line-of-sight (LOS) direction. For multi-stack input generated by INSGEODISP, the output may be written in the vertical direction (up is positive) or the longitudinal direction (east is positive). If OQUANT is set to CDIS, the cumulative displacement for each layer is written. If OQUANT is set to AVER, the output will consist of a single layer of average velocity. The average velocity is calculated as the cumulative displacement divided by the reference stack time interval. The units selected for DUNITS and TUNITS are also used as the X and Y axis by the InSAR temporal chart tool.

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The following example reads the file of temporally ordered, non-overlapping, LOS displacements generated by INSDMV to provide temporally ordered layers of LOS velocity. The output will be measured in centimeters per year.

from pci.insstack import insstack

fili = r"D:\INSDMV_Displacements.pix"
oquant = "VEL"
dispdir = "LOS"
dunits = "CM"
tunits = "YEAR"
filo = r"D:\Velocity.pix"
insstack(fili, oquant, dispdir, dunits, tunits, filo)

The following example uses the output from INSGEODISP generate cumulative vertical (up positive) displacement in millimeters.

from pci.insstack import insstack

fili = r"D:\INSGEODISP_Displacements.pix"
oquant = "CDISP"
dispdir = "VERT"
dunits = "MM"
tunits = "YEAR"
filo = r"D:\Vertical.pix"
insstack(fili, oquant, dispdir, dunits, tunits, filo)

The following example uses the output from the same INSGEODISP file to generate cumulative longitudinal (east positive) displacement in millimeters.

from pci.insstack import insstack

fili = r"D:\INSGEODISP_Displacements.pix"
oquant = "CDISP"
dispdir = "LONG"
dunits = "MM"
tunits = "YEAR"
filo = r"D:\Vertical.pix"
insstack(fili, oquant, dispdir, dunits, tunits, filo)

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