Maximizes Temporal Coherence to estimate topographic error and velocity.

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INSTEMPORALCOH is used to identify regions of high temporal coherence (persistent scatterers). This is accomplished by minimizing the difference between the wrapped phase and the expected phase associated with a given range of velocities and topographical errors. The input consists of a stack of co-registered interferograms.
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instemporalcoh(mfile, dbic, pixelpos, filo)

Name Type Caption Length Value range
MFILE* str Input folder, or text file 1 -    
DBIC List[int] Input raster channel 0 -   Default: 1
PIXELPOS* List[int] Reference Location in pix files 2 -    
FILO* str Database output file name 1 -    

* Required parameter
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Parameter descriptions


The name of a folder, or a text file that contains the input images to process. Only the PIX file format (*.pix) is supported.

All input files must be co-registered and have the same number of lines and columns.

When MFILE is a text file, it must contain a list of files (one per line) with their full pathname, for example: MFILE="C:/change_detection/sarimage_list.txt"

where the text file contains full path file names.

C:/change_detection/sarimage_20201028.pix C:/change_detection/sarimage_20201121.pix C:/change_detection/sarimage_20201215.pix C:/change_detection/sarimage_20201009.pix C:/change_detection/sarimage_20201126.pix

Alternatively, an input folder can be specified: MFILE = "C:\change_detection"

The use of wildcards (*) is recommended to refine the search within the specified folder, for example:

MFILE = r"C:\InSAR_project\RAW\*.pix"

MFILE = r"C:\InSAR_project\RAW\ref*.pix"

Note: For more information about using MFILE, including the requirements for a valid file, see Using an MFILE with a CATALYST Professional algorithm.


Specifies the channel of the input files to be used for the temporal-coherence calculations.
Supported channel types:

All input channels must be of the same size (lines, columns) and type.


Specifies location of stationary reference point in image [pixel, line].


Specifies the name of the PIX file to be generated.

This file must not already exist.

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The phase of the user specified reference point is used to remove the random offset for each layer. The adjusted phase values are then temporally ordered. For each pixel and time interval, the module computes the temporal coherence by summing the normalized circular phase differences between the modeled phase for a given velocity and topographic error with the wrapped phases extracted from the phase adjusted stack. An iterative gradient search technique is used to converge to the nominal velocity and topographic error required to maximize the temporal coherence. The temporal coherence, nominal velocity, and topographic error are written to the output file. Pixels with a high temporal coherence value generally delineate stable regions containing reliable estimates.

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Calculate the temporal coherence, nominal velocity, and topographic error from a coregistered stack of interferograms where the image location of a stationary point is known.

from pci.instemporalcoh import instemporalcoh

mfile    =  "C:/mfile.txt"            #Text file with list of interferograms
dbic	 = []                           #select default 1st channel
PIXELPOS =	[1000,2000]               #Pixel location reference point
filo     =  r"C:/INSTEMPORALCOH.pix"  #output file

instemporalcoh(mfile, dbic, PIXELPOS, filo)

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