About the Vector Editing toolbar

The tools on the Vector Editing toolbar are described in the following table.

Button Name Description
Find button Find Select a shape and identify the start and end vertices.
Reverse Vertices button Reverse Vertices Change line direction (unavailable with whole polygons).
Add Vertices button Add Vertices Create a new vertex where you click.

The new vertex is connected to the two closest existing vertices.

Tip: To move an existing vertex, drag it to a new location. To insert a new vertex on an existing line, hold down the Ctrl+Alt keys, and then click near the line. The new vertex will snap to the line and the shape of the line will remain the same.
Reshape button Reshape Reshape a selected polygon.

The first click adds a vertex at the snap indicator.

Drag, and then click, as necessary, to reshape the polygon. Double-click to complete the new shape.

Merge Line/Polygon button Merge Line/Polygon Connect ends of lines together or combine polygons by removing common boundaries.
Split Line/Polygon button Split Line/Polygon Break lines and polygons into separate shapes.
Extend Line button Extend Line Extend the length of a vertex in a straight line.
Auto Merge Line button Auto Merge Line Remove the start or end vertices shared between lines (pseudo-nodes).
Close Shape button Close Shape Automatically connect the start and end vertices of a line to form a polygon.
Mirror Tools button Mirror Tools Flip a shape horizontally or vertically to make a mirror image.
Rotation Tools button Rotation Tools Rotate a shape around an anchor point either freehand or by angle.
Break Line/Polygon button Break Line/Polygon Separate overlapping shapes at their intersecting points.
Start Vertex button Start Vertex Move the cursor to the start vertex in a selected shape.
Previous Vertex button Previous Vertex Move the cursor from one vertex to the previous vertex of a selected shape.
Midpoint button Midpoint Move the cursor halfway between two vertices in the direction of the line.
Next Vertex button Next Vertex Move the cursor from one vertex to the previous vertex in a selected shape.
End Vertex button End Vertex Move the cursor to the end vertex in a selected shape.
Show Vertices button Show Verticies Increase the visibility of the vertices in a shape.
Vertices button Verticies Open the Vertices window, which displays the vertex coordinates of the selected shape.

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