Set projection for database

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Specifies the projection information for an existing image database. The parameters defining the projection and the image boundaries in projection coordinates are stored in a new or existing segment on the file.
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Name Type Caption Length Value range
FILE* String Input file 1 - 192  
PROJECT* String Projection 1 - 16
ZONE Integer Projection zone 0 - 1 1 - 5400
ROW String Projection Row: UTM, UPS 0 - 1 UTM | UPS
ELLIPS String Ellipsoid for the Earth 0 - 64  
LLBOUND String Image bounds are Long/Lat 0 - 1 Y | N
Default: Y
ULX* String Upper-left: longitude or easting 1 - 32  
ULY* String Upper-left: latitude or northing 1 - 32  
LRX* String Lower-right: longitude or easting 1 - 32  
LRY* String Lower-right: latitude or northing 1 - 32  
EXTRAINF String Extra projection information 0 - 8 DEFAULT | ASK | EXPLICIT
Default: DEFAULT
PROLONG String Projection reference longitude 0 - 32  
PROLAT String Projection reference latitude 0 - 32  
STPAR1 String First standard parallel 0 - 32  
STPAR2 String Second standard parallel 0 - 32  
EFALSE String False easting 0 - 32 Default: 0.0
NFALSE String False northing 0 - 32 Default: 0.0
SCALE String Scale factor for projection 0 - 32 Default: 1.0
PHEIGHT String Height of perspective 0 - 32 Default: 0.0
LONG1 String Longitude for first point 0 - 32  
LAT1 String Latitude for first point 0 - 32  
LONG2 String Longitude for second point 0 - 32  
LAT2 String Latitude for second point 0 - 32  
AZIMUTH String Azimuth East of North (degrees) 0 - 32 Default: 0.0
LSATNUM Integer LANDSAT number 0 - 1 1 - 5
PATHNUM Integer LANDSAT path number 0 - 1 1 - 251
REPORT String Report mode 0 - 192 Quick links
MONITOR String Monitor mode 0 - 3 ON, OFF
Default: ON

* Required parameter
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Parameter descriptions


Specifies the name of the PCIDSK file on which to set the georeferencing.


Specifies the projection. For a list of supported projections, see Supported projections.

Other supported units are:


Specifies the projection zone.

If the projection is:

If the projection is not UTM or State Plane, this parameter is not used.

Note: If this parameter is defined, its value takes precedence over any zone defined in the PROJECT parameter.

For more information about projection zones, see Introduction to projections and Earth models.


Specifies the zone rows.

If the projection is:

If the projection is not UTM or UPS, this parameter is not used.

Note: If this parameter is defined, its value takes precedence over any row defined in the PROJECT parameter.


Specifies the model to use to define the shape of the Earth.

ELLIPS can be set directly with an ellipsoid code or a datum code.

For a list of supported ellipsoids, see Ellipsoid codes; for supported datums, see Datum codes.

Note: If this parameter is defined, its value takes precedence over any ellipsoid defined in the PROJECT parameter.
If the ellipsoid is not listed as a supported Earth model, it may be defined explicitly, in meters, as follows:


Specifies whether the image boundaries (ULX, ULY, LRX, and LRY) are Longitude and Latitude values.

Available options are:
Note: If PROJECT is set to LONG/LAT or non-projection units (for example, METRE), this parameter is not used. For LONG/LAT projection, the bounds are always Long/Lat values; for non-projection units, the bounds are always in the coordinates specified by the PROJECT parameter.


Specifies the horizontal (X) coordinate for the upper-left corner of the image.


Specifies the vertical (Y) coordinate for the upper-left corner of the image.


Specifies the horizontal (X) coordinate for the lower-right corner of the image.


Specifies the vertical (Y) coordinate for the lower-right corner of the image.


Optionally specifies whether to prompt for the information that defines the projection.

Available options are:
Note: SETPRO2 may exit when EXTRAINF="DEFAULT", for those projections where the projection parameters cannot be defaulted from the specified image bounds (ULX, ULY, LRX, LRY).


Specifies the reference longitude for the projection:

("-180" (or "180W") to "+180" (or "180E")).


Specifies the reference latitude for the projection.

("-90" (or "90S") to "+90" (or "90N"))


Specifies the first standard parallel for conic projections

("-90" (or "90S") to "+90" (or "90N"))
This parameter can be used for the following projections:


Specifies the second standard parallel for conic projections.

("-90" (or "90S") to "+90" (or "90N"))
This parameter can be used for the following projections:


Specifies a false easting value for the projection coordinates.


Specifies a false northing value for the projection coordinates.


Specifies the scale factor to be used for the projection.

This parameter can be used for the following projections:


For the General Vertical Near-Side Perspective (GVNP) projection, specifies the height of the perspective point above the surface of the Earth as a sphere.


For the Oblique Mercator projection, Format A (OM), specifies the longitude of the first point defining the central line for the projection ("-180" (or "180W") to "+180" (or "180E")).


For the Oblique Mercator projection, Format A (OM), specifies the latitude of the first point defining the central line for the projection ("-90" (or "90S") to "+90" (or "90N")).


For the Oblique Mercator projection, Format A (OM), specifies the longitude of the second point defining the central line for the projection ("-180" (or "180W") to "+180" (or "180E")).


For the Oblique Mercator projection, Format A (OM), specifies the latitude of the second point defining the central line for the projection ("-90" (or "90S") to "+90" (or "90N")).


Specifies, in degrees, the azimuth East of North for the central line for the projection ("0.0" to "360.0").

This parameter can be used for the following projections:
Note: This parameter may be entered as integer or decimal degrees, NOT in degrees, minutes, seconds.


For the Space Oblique Mercator projection (SOM), specifies the number of the Landsat satellite.

This is required to properly access the defined Landsat path number (PATHNUM), as the Landsat 4 and 5 have a different orbit than Landsat 1, 2, and 3.


For the Space Oblique Mercator projection (SOM), specifies the Landsat path number.

Landsat 1, 2, and 3 may have path numbers in the range of 1 to 251. Landsat 4 and 5 may have path numbers in the range of 1 to 233.


Specifies where to direct the generated report.

Available options are:


The program progress can be monitored by printing the percentage of processing completed. A system parameter, MONITOR, controls this activity.

Available options are:

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SETPRO2 updates the georeference segment on an existing PCIDSK image file.

The georeference boundaries of the image are specified with the upper-left corner (ULX, ULY) and lower-right (LRX, LRY) corners. If the specified projection (PROJECT) is 'LONG/LAT', the boundary values are longitude and latitude values. If PROJECT is a non-projection (for example, 'METRES), the boundaries are in coordinates specified by the projection. If PROJECT is a non-LONG/LAT projection (for example, 'UTM' with a zone number), the LLBOUND parameter specifies whether the boundaries are in easting and northings or in LONG/LAT values.

The EXTRAINF parameter defines how the information required for the projection is input to SETPRO2. If set to 'DEFAULT', the projection parameters are defaulted using the image bounds (ULX, ULY, LRX, LRY). If set to 'ASK', projection parameters are input from the terminal. If set to 'EXPLICIT', projection information will have been input to SETPRO2 explicitly by the required parameters, with no prompting or defaults provided.

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Set the projection information for the existing file demo.pix.

EASI>file     = 'irvine.pix' ! file to georeference
EASI>project  = 'utm'        ! Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
EASI>zone     = 11           ! UTM zone 11
EASI>row      = 's'          ! UTM row S
EASI>ellips   = 'd-1'        ! "D-01", (NAD27 (USA, NADCON))
EASI>llbound  = 'n'          ! bounds are not LONG/LAT
EASI>ulx      = ' 428720'    ! upper-left X
EASI>uly      = '3734400'    ! upper-left Y
EASI>lrx      = ' 444080'    ! lower-right X
EASI>lry      = '3719040'    ! lower-right Y
EASI>extrainf =             ! default, "DEFAULT"
EASI>prolong  =             ! not used for "UTM"
EASI>prolat   =             ! not used for "UTM"
EASI>stpar1   =             ! not used for "UTM"
EASI>stpar2   =             ! not used for "UTM"
EASI>efalse   =             ! not used for "UTM"
EASI>nfalse   =             ! not used for "UTM"
EASI>scale    =             ! not used for "UTM"
EASI>pheight  =             ! not used for "UTM"
EASI>long1    =             ! not used for "UTM"
EASI>lat1     =             ! not used for "UTM"
EASI>long2    =             ! not used for "UTM"
EASI>lat2     =             ! not used for "UTM"
EASI>azimuth  =             ! not used for "UTM"
EASI>lsatnum  =             ! not used for "UTM"
EASI>pathnum  =             ! not used for "UTM"


After running SETPRO2, running GEOREP for irvine.pix will produce the following report on the terminal.

 irvine.pix                              [S    9PIC     512P     512L]

   1:GEOref    Type:150 [Georeferencing        ]   
     Contents: Master Georeferencing Segment for File 
 Output Georeferenced Units: UTM    11 S D-01
 Projection             : Universal Transverse Mercator
 Datum - Ellipsoid      : NAD27 (USA, NADCON) (Continental U.S.) - Clarke 1866
 Grid units             : METRE

 Upper Left  Corner     :       428720.000 E        3734400.000 N  
 Upper Right Corner     :       444080.000 E        3734400.000 N  
 Image center           :       436400.000 E        3726720.000 N  
 Lower Left  Corner     :       428720.000 E        3719040.000 N  
 Lower Right Corner     :       444080.000 E        3719040.000 N  
 Pixel Size             :           30.000 E             30.000 N  

 Upper Left  Corner     : 117d46'10.50" W  Lon  33d44'56.45" N  Lat
 Upper Right Corner     : 117d36'13.52" W  Lon  33d44'59.77" N  Lat
 Image center           : 117d41'10.03" W  Lon  33d40'48.85" N  Lat
 Lower Left  Corner     : 117d46'06.06" W  Lon  33d36'37.74" N  Lat
 Lower Right Corner     : 117d36'10.04" W  Lon  33d36'41.05" N  Lat

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