Supported projections

The following table lists the projections supported in CATALYST Professional.

Code Class Name Earth Model
ACEA conic Albers Conical Equal Area ellipsoid or sphere
AE azimuthal Azimuthal Equidistant (or Zenithal Equidistant) sphere
CASS cylindrical Cassini (or Cassini-Soldner) ellipsoid or sphere
EC conic Equidistant Conic (or Simple Conic, or Conic) ellipsoid or sphere
ER cylindrical Equirectangular (or Equidistant Cylindrical, or Simple Cylindrical, or Rectangular, or Plate Carree) sphere
GNO azimuthal Gnomonic (or Gnomic) sphere
GOOD pseudo-​cylindric Goode's Homolosine sphere
GVNP azimuthal Gen Vert Near-Side Perspective sphere
KROV conic Krovak Bessel 1841
LAEA azimuthal Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area (or Zenithal Equal-Area) sphere
LCC conic Lambert Conformal Conic ellipsoid or sphere
LONG/​LAT not a projection Longitude/​Latitude (or Geographic) ellipsoid or sphere
MC cylindrical Miller Cylindrical sphere
MER cylindrical Mercator ellipsoid or sphere
MSC modif azimuthal Modif Stereographic Conformal (or Alaska Grid) Clarke 1866 (NAD27)
OG azimuthal Orthographic sphere
OM cylindrical Oblique Mercator (or Oblique Cylindrical, or Orthomorphic, or Hotine) ellipsoid or sphere
PC conic Polyconic ellipsoid or sphere
PS azimuthal Polar Stereographic ellipsoid or sphere
ROB pseudo-​cylindric Robinson sphere
RSO cylindrical Rectified Skew Orthomorphic ellipsoid or sphere
SG azimuthal Stereographic sphere
SIN pseudo-​cylindric Sinusoidal (or Sanson-​Flamsteed) sphere
SOM modif cylindric Space Oblique Mercator ellipsoid or sphere
SPCS usually conic or cylindrical State Plane Coordinate System Clarke 1866 (NAD27) or GRS 1980 (NAD83)
TM cylindrical Transverse Mercator (or Gauss-Krueger) ellipsoid or sphere
UPS azimuthal Universal Polar Stereographic ellipsoid or sphere
UTM cylindrical Universal Transverse Mercator ellipsoid or sphere
VDG miscellaneous Van der Grinten sphere

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