Imports a SAR dataset to a PCIDSK file

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SARINGEST imports a SAR (POLSAR) dataset into the PCIDSK image database format. With polarimetric data, SARINGEST stores the data into PCIDSK complex imagery for subsequent processing by SAR and Coherent Change Detection functions, and in CATALYST Professional SAR Polarimetry Target Analysis. Both image data and metadata are imported. You can import the entire image, or you can specify a rectangular subset window of data to import. The matrix format is selected automatically according to the data contained in the image. You can specify the physical quantity, represented by pixel values, as sigma, beta, or gamma for RADARSAT-2, TerraSAR-X, UAVSAR, and ASAR. You can then convert the imported image to another matrix format by running the PSCONV algorithm.
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Name Type Caption Length Value range
FILI* String Input file name 1 - 192  
FILO* String Output SAR image 1 - 192  
DBIW Integer Raster input window 0 - 4 Xoffset, Yoffset, Xsize, Ysize
POPTION String Pyramid options 0 - 4 OFF | NEAR | AVER | MODE
Default: AVER
Default: TILED256
CALIBTYP String Data calibration type 0 - 6 Sigma | Beta | Gamma | None
MONITOR String Monitor mode 0 - 3 ON, OFF
Default: ON

* Required parameter
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Parameter descriptions


The name of the PCIDSK or GDB-supported file that contains the SAR imagery to ingest. With SAR datasets distributed in multiple files, use the "key file name", as described herein.

With each supported sensor, the general form of the key file name is indicated. For more information about the retrieved data for each product, refer to the help topics for specific sensors, see About Generic Database file formats. The asterisk (*) in the file name indicates a (sensor-dependent) variable number of characters. The number symbols (#) in CV-580 file names indicate the line and pass number, respectively, of the given dataset.

With the following sensors, specify the indicated files as the input file:
Note: Because UAVSAR products share a common key file (*.ann), it may be necessary to differentiate which product is required when multiple product types are in the same folder as the key file. If no descriptor is given for the key file, then the order of precedence is from GRD (most processed), followed by MLC, DAT, and SLC (least processed). If multiple products are in the folder, you must indicate which product is requested by appending one of (-GRD, -MLC, -DAT or -SLC) to the input file name (for example, FILI = *.ANN-DAT).


The name of the PCIDSK file to which to write the ingested SAR product. The output file must not exist already. If available, GCPs, text, orbit, and rational polynomial coefficients are retrieved and stored with the image channels in the output file.

With complex SAR imagery, the output format is PCIDISK Complex Imagery.


The raster window (Xoffset, Yoffset, Xsize, Ysize) that is read from the input image. If no value is specifed for this parameter, the entire layer is processed by default.

Xoffset, Yoffset define the upper-left starting pixel coordinates of the window. Xsize is the number of pixels that define the window width. Ysize is the number of lines that define the window height.


The type of resampling to use to compute the overview levels for detected data.

Available options are:

Note: With complex data, only the OFF, NEAR (NEAREST), and AVER (AVERAGE) options are valid.


The layout of the image data in the new PCIDSK file.

Supported values include:

The specified layout is based primarily on performance. Band interleaved stores the data together for one band and provides a better performance when bands are not all being accessed at all times. Pixel interleaved stores the data for all bands together at a particular pixel and may provide improved performance when all bands are used at once. File interleaved is similar to band interleaved, but the image-channel data is stored in external files (one file for each band).

Tiled files organize the image in several square sub-images; these may be much faster to access when only a sub-area is being extracted, as in file viewing. Tiling is also the only format that supports compression formats, with a default of no compression.

JPEG compression is a lossy compression and is typically suitable for continuous images, such as airphotos.

Quadtree compression is another lossy compression, and provides good compression when images contain large blocks of pixels with the same value.

Run Length Encoding (RLE) compression is lossless, but only provides good compression for images in which long sequences of pixels have the same value, which is typical in pseudocolored or thematic images.


The type of radiometric calibration to apply. The calibration type defines the physical quantity that the imported pixels will represent, either sigma nought, beta nought, or gamma nought.

You use this parameter only with RADARSAT-2, TerraSAR-X, ASAR, and UAVSAR images. The calibration is applied based on the coefficients provided in the scene. If you require calibration for RADARSAT-1, run the CDSAR algorithm followed by the SARSIGM algorithm or the SARBETA algorithm.

Note: You cannot apply calibration to datasets that have been already resampled to map projection if the original incident-angle information is unavailable.


The program progress can be monitored by printing the percentage of processing completed. A system parameter, MONITOR, controls this activity.

Available options are:

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With complex imagery, SARINGEST converts the input dataset into PCIDSK Complex Imagery format, which is required for processing by SAR and Coherent Change Detection functions, and CATALYST Professional SAR Polarimetry Target Analysis.

The matrix type depends on the content of the input data, as described herein. Each real matrix element is stored in one channel. Each complex matrix element is stored in a single complex channel containing the real and imaginary components of the complex number. All of the values are stored as floating point numbers. All of the channels at a pixel are combined to yield the POLSAR matrix representation of the recorded signal at this pixel. With detected data, SARINGEST determines the output bit depth and channel type from the input bit depth.

Imported data products

The supported SAR-data products for each sensor are listed herein. For each sensor, the products are grouped by their POLSAR-matrix representations written to the output file.

The following data products are imported for the AIRSAR sensor [1]:

The following data products are imported for the ASAR sensor [2]:

The following data products are imported for the CV-580 sensor [3]:

The following RADARSAT-2 data products are imported [4]:

The following data products are imported for the RISAT-1 sensor:

The following data products are imported for the SIR-C sensor [1]:


In addition to image and segment data, the algorithm extracts metadata related to SAR processing and writes it to the output file. There are two levels of metadata: file and channel.

At the file level, SAR metadata contains information that relates to the data set as a whole, including:

At the channel level, metadata for polarimetric data identifies the matrix element stored in the channel:

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Imports the specified SAR (POLSAR) dataset into the PCIDSK image database format.

EASI>FILI = "product.xml"
EASI>FILO = "out.pix"

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[1]. Chapman, B. SIR-C Data Compression Software User Guide, NASA JPL D-11427, Revision 2.0. June 1994;

[2]. European Space Agency, ASAR Product Handbook, September 2004;

[3]. Wind, A.F. and K.P. Murnaghan. CV-580 PolGASP Format Definition, CCRS-TN-2002-025. Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, November 24, 2004.

[4]. MDA, RADARSAT-2 Product Format Definition, RN-RP-51-2713, Issue 1/5, 2003.

[5]. ESA, ASAR Auxiliary Data Files. Available at

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