Convert matrix representation

EnvironmentsPYTHON :: EASI :: MODELER
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PSCONV converts a polarimetric SAR (POLSAR) data set between different matrix formats, required by different polarimetric SAR algorithms. The available output matrix formats depend on the input matrix type, as described in the Details section. The entire input data set is converted.
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Name Type Caption Length Value range
FILI* String Input polarimetric SAR image 1 - 192  
FILO* String Output converted polarimetric SAR image 1 - 192  
MATREP String Output matrix representation 0 - 5 s4c | S3c | c4r6c | C3r3c | t4r6c | T3r3c | k16r | K9r | s2c | c2r | c2r1c | c4r | C3r
Default: C3r3c
MONITOR String Monitor mode 0 - 3 ON, OFF
Default: ON

* Required parameter
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Parameter descriptions


Specifies the name of the polarimetric SAR data set that contains the input matrix data.

The input data set must be a data set that has already been imported into the PCIDSK (.pix) format by SARINGEST, or it may be the key file name of any GDB-supported POLSAR data set in its distribution format. For more information and a complete list of supported POLSAR sensors and data products, see the SARINGEST Help.


Specifies the name of output polarimetric SAR image in the new matrix format. The output file has the same dimensions as the input, but its number of channels depends on the output matrix type.

The specified file must not already exist.


Optionally specifies the desired matrix representation of the output polarimetric SAR data set. The available representations depend on the type of the input polarimetric SAR matrix format, which is described in the 'Details' section. The default value is C3r3c.


The program progress can be monitored by printing the percentage of processing completed. A system parameter, MONITOR, controls this activity.

Available options are:

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PSCONV converts polarimetric SAR data sets between different matrix formats. PSCONV is used when a specific matrix format is required for a polarimetric algorithm that does not automatically perform the conversion.

SARINGEST can be used to determine the POLSAR matrix type of the input data set. The input file must contain a polarimetric SAR data set in one of the PCI Geomatics matrix formats. It must be a data set already imported to the PCIDSK format by SARINGEST. For more information and a complete list of supported polarimetric SAR sensors and data products, see the SARINGEST Help.

The number of channels in the output image can be derived from the output matrix type. It is equal to the number of real elements plus the number of the complex elements. For example, the C4r6c matrix is stored in 4 + 6 = 10 channels.

The output image contains polarimetric SAR-specific metadata that is necessary for further polarimetric processing. For more information and a complete list of the file-level and channel-level polarimetric metadata items, see the SARINGEST Help.

The following matrix types are defined for complex data:
The following matrix types are defined for detected data:
The following matrix conversions for single-look data only are available:

The conversions listed above change the representation of single-look data to a representation (covariance, coherence, or Kennaugh) that allows multi-look processing.

The following matrix conversions between multi-look representations are available:
The following matrix conversions between symmetrized and non-symmetrized representations of the same matrix type are available:

In conversions between a symmetrized and a non-symmetrized form of the same matrix type, the cross-polarization terms are duplicated. In conversions between a non-symmetrized and a symmetrized form of the same matrix type, the cross-polarization terms are averaged to produce a single common value.

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Convert a RADARSAT-2 product to a non-symmetrized covariance matrix.

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PCI Geomatics gratefully acknowledges the financial support provided by the Canadian Space Agency through the Earth Observation Application Development Program (EOADP), contract number 9F028-034946.

© PCI Geomatics Enterprises, Inc.®, 2024. All rights reserved.