Using the DEM Editing toolbar

The main toolbar in the DEM Editing window provides quick access to commands common to working with a digital elevation model (DEM).

The following table describes each toolbar button.

Button Name Description
Display DEM button Display DEM Switch between on and off the visibility of the DEM layer in the viewer.
Shaded Relief button Shaded Relief Select display options for the DEM layer.
Select from:
  • Grayscale Shaded Relief displays the digital elevation model (DEM) with grayscale hill-shading. The light source is from the top-left. It and the elevation values are used to cast the shadows.
  • Fixed Color Shaded Relief displays the DEM with color hill-shading. The light source is from the top-left. It and the elevation values are used to cast the shadows. Colors are interpolated across elevation values to give a smooth gradation.
  • Dynamic Color Shaded Relief displays the DEM using color hill-shading. The light source is from the top-left and elevation values are used to cast the shadows. The color display of the DEM is rerendered automatically as you pan or zoom in the viewer so that the colorization is applied only to the pixels being viewed currently.
  • Contoured Color Shaded Relief displays the DEM using color hill-shading. A light source and the elevation values are used to cast the shadows. The colors are not interpolated; that is, the definition of the various contour intervals is crisp. DEM pixels within one interval use the same color in the map. If necessary, you can select additional options, such as adjusting the interval.

Typically, you can edit your DEM most effectively with Dynamic Color Shaded Relief selected.

With a selected shaded-relief type, you can click Options to set up the illumination source and contour, as applicable.

Enhancements button Enhancements Apply enhancements to the grayscale or RGB image in the viewer (provided one is associated with the DEM being edited) The DEM is made invisible so the effect of the new enhancement can readily be seen.
Available enhancements are:
  • None
  • Linear
  • Root
  • Adaptive
  • Equalize
  • Infrequency
  • Auto re-enhance

You can select Auto re-enhance so that as you pan the display in the viewer is refreshed automatically to show the selected enhancement.

Note: When you apply an enhancement, the DEM is rendered invisible so you can more readily see the effect.

For more information about each individual enhancement, see Enhancement options.

View DEM Polygons button View DEM Polygons Switch between on and off the visibility of existing DEM polygons in the viewer.
Set View as Verified button Set View as Verified Create a status polygon using the full extent of the current display area and set its status to Verified.

For more information, see Working with status layers.

Open Live Ortho Preview button Open Live Ortho Preview You can then click Open Live Ortho Preview to open the Live Ortho Preview window, in which you can view changes in more detail. When you apply changes to the DEM, the preview displays an accurate depiction of how those changes will affect images orthorectified using the updated DEM.

For more information, see Using the Live Ortho Preview window.

Define Preview Region button Define Preview Region Define a rectangular region to display in a separate viewer.

After you define the preview region, the Full Res. Ortho Preview window appears, showing a preview of the full-resolution orthorectified image computed using the modified DEM.

For more information, see Previewing updated orthorectified images.

Manage Images to Orthorectify button Manage Images to Orthorectify Open the Manage Images to Orthorectify window, in which you can select raw images to associate with the DEM and, subsequently, orthorectify when viewed in the Full Res. Ortho Preview window, the Live Ortho Preview window, or both.

For more information, see Managing images to orthorectify.

Open FLY! button Open FLY! Start CATALYST Professional FLY!. FLY! uses the modified DEM and orthorectified imagery (when available) to produce an interactive three-dimensional display. The FLY! view is centered on the current view, but is restricted to 4096 DEM pixels in x and y coordinates.
Save button Save Save the modified DEM and each associated layer.
Undo button Undo Undo the previous action.
Redo button Redo Redo the previous action.

To the right of the toolbar, the elevation of the current position of the cursor is displayed.

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