Extract radiance spectra from a radiance lookup table

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Extracts radiance spectra from a radiance lookup table (RLUT) according to user-specified table dimension intervals and outputs them to a file. The user also specifies whether to extract spectra for LG, the at-sensor radiance reflected by the target, or LO, the at-sensor radiance from all other sources.
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rlutsp(rlutfili, dbsrl, specfilo, filotype, rstype, reflint, razint, vzaint, szaint, vwvcint, aodint, smrint, elevint, saltint)

Name Type Caption Length Value range
RLUTFILI* str Input radiance LUT file name 1 -    
DBSRL* List[int] Input at-sensor radiance LUT segment 1 - 1  
SPECFILO* str Output spectral library file name 1 -    
FILOTYPE str Output spectral library format 0 -   SPCB|XLS|TXT
Default: SPCB
RSTYPE str Radiance spectrum type 0 - 2 LG | LO
Default: LG
REFLINT* List[float] Reflectance interval 2 - 2 1.0,1.0
RAZINT* List[float] Relative view-solar azimuth interval 2 - 2 360.0,360.0
VZAINT* List[float] View zenith angle interval 2 - 2 180.0,180.0
SZAINT* List[float] Solar zenith angle interval 2 - 2 90.0,90.0
VWVCINT List[float] Atmospheric water vapor content interval 0 - 2 Default: 0.0,0.0
AODINT List[float] Aerosol optical depth range interval 0 - 2 2.0,2.0
SMRINT List[float] Surface meteorological range interval 0 - 2  
ELEVINT* List[float] Scene elevation interval 2 - 2  
SALTINT* List[float] Sensor altitude interval 2 - 2  

* Required parameter
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Parameter descriptions


Specifies the name of the input radiance lookup table file.


Specifies the input segment that contains the radiance LUT.


Specifies the name of the output spectral library file.


Specifies the file format for the output spectral library file.

Supported formats are:


Specifies the type of radiance spectra to be extracted.

Available options are:


Specifies, in percentage, the reflectance interval endpoints.

An endpoint value e must be such that 0 < e <= 1.


Specifies, in degrees, the relative view-solar azimuth (solar azimuth minus view azimuth) interval endpoints.

An endpoint value e must be such that -360 <= e <= 360.


Specifies, in degrees, the view zenith angle interval endpoints.

An endpoint value e must be such that 90 <= e <= 180.


Specifies, in degrees, the solar zenith angle interval endpoints.

An endpoint value e must be such that 0 <= e <= 90.


Specifies, in g/cm^2, the atmospheric water vapor content interval endpoints.

An endpoint value e must be such that e >= 0. If the input radiance LUT was created by specifying a default atmospheric water vapor content interval, this parameter should be left unspecified.


Specifies the aerosol optical depth interval endpoints (at 550nm).

An endpoint value e must be such that 0 <= e <= 2.

The aerosol optical depth range interval (AODINT) can be used as an alternative to the surface meteorological range interval (SMRINT) to evaluate the surface meteorological range map. Only one these two parameters can be specified.

If the input radiance LUT was created by specifying a default surface meteorological range interval, this parameter should be left unspecified.


Specifies, in km, the surface meteorological range interval endpoints.

An endpoint value e must be such that 0 < e.

The aerosol optical depth range interval (AODINT) can be used as an alternative to the surface meteorological range interval (SMRINT) to evaluate the surface meteorological range map. Only one these two parameters can be specified.

If the input radiance LUT was created by specifying a default surface meteorological range interval, this parameter should be left unspecified.


Specifies the scene elevation interval endpoints, in meters with respect to the WGS84 vertical datum.


Specifies the sensor altitude interval endpoints, in meters with respect to the WGS84 vertical datum.

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RLUTSP is designed to be used in combination with GENRLUT and RESRLUT. It extracts radiance spectra from an input radiance lookup table (RLUT) according to user-specified table dimension intervals and outputs them to a file. Only the specified radiance spectra type is extracted. The input RLUT must conform to the RLUT format requirements and contain all mandatory metadata tags.

RLUTSP supports three output file formats:

The function outputs only the spectra that match the specified coordinate interval criteria.

Each output spectrum will have unique name depending on its RLUT index. For example, the spectrum corresponding to multidimensional array index {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7} will be named 0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_LG or 0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_LO, depending on the spectrum component chosen.

Note: The last dimension (the wavelength dimension) is omitted when constructing the name because a spectrum contains all elements from that dimension.
The RLUT dimensions, in array index order, are:
  1. sensor altitude
  2. solar zenith angle
  3. reflectance
  4. surface meteorological range
  5. atmospheric water vapor content range
  6. scene elevation
  7. relative view-solar azimuth
  8. view zenith angle
  9. wavelength

The report will list the total number of spectra extracted.

Because the RLUT binary format does not allow data inspection, RLUTSP is the only tool available for RLUT data extraction and validation.

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Extract all LG spectra from the RLUT stored in segment 2 of rlut.pix that satisfy the interval requirements and save them to an USGS binary library file.

from pci.rlutsp import *

rlutfili	=	"rlut.pix"	# input file
dbsrl	=	[2]	# input RLUT segment
specfilo	=	"rlutsp.spl"	# output spectra library file
filotype	=	"SPCB"	# output spectra library format
rstype	=	"LG"	# extract only at-sensor target radiance component
reflint	=	[0.05, 0.60]	# reflectance range
razint	=	[-80.8, 99.2]	# relative view-solar azimuth range
vzaint	=	[165, 180]	# view zenith angle range
szaint	=	[14.4, 14.4]	# solar zenith angle range
vwvcint	=	[]	# default VWVC range
aodint	=	[]	# default aerosol optical depth range
smrint	=	[]	# default surface meteorological range
elevint	=	[1524, 1524]	# scene elevation range
saltint	=	[21036, 21036]	# sensor altitude range

rlutsp( rlutfili, dbsrl, specfilo, filotype, rstype, reflint, razint, vzaint, szaint, vwvcint, aodint, smrint, elevint, saltint )
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Staenz, K., and Williams D.J., 1997. "Retrieval of Surface Reflectance from Hyperspectral Data Using a Lookup Table Approach," Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 354-368.

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