Generate a MODTRAN4 tape5 input file

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GENTP5 transforms a set of fixed parameter values plus a set of 'intervals and number of samples' parameter values into a MODTRAN4 'tape5' input file.
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gentp5(tape5, atmod, vwvcins, msalg, nstr, aermod, aodins, smrins, prex, wlenins, reflins, razins, vzains, szains, elevins, saltins, date)

Name Type Caption Length Value range
TAPE5* str Output file name 1 -    
ATMOD* str Atmospheric model 3 - 3 TRO | MLS | MLW | SAS | SAW | USS
VWVCINS List[float] Water vapor content interval and samples 0 - 3  
MSALG str Multiple scattering algorithm 0 - 6 ISAACS | DISORT
Default: ISAACS
NSTR List[int] Number of streams for DISORT 0 - 1 2 | 4 | 6 | 8
Default: 2
AERMOD* str Aerosol model 3 - 5 RUR23|RUR05|MAR|URB|TRO|AFOG|RFOG|DES
AODINS List[float] Aerosol optical depth range interval and samples 0 - 3  
SMRINS List[float] Surface meteorological range interval and samples 0 - 3  
PREX str Aerosol stratospheric profile and extinction type 0 - 4 BSBS|MVAV|HVFV|MVFV|MVBS|HVBS|EVFV
Default: BSBS
WLENINS* List[float] Wavelength interval and samples 3 - 3  
REFLINS* List[float] Reflectance interval and samples 3 - 3  
RAZINS* List[float] Relative view-solar azimuth interval and samples 3 - 3  
VZAINS* List[float] View zenith angle interval and samples 3 - 3  
SZAINS* List[float] Solar zenith angle interval and samples 3 - 3  
ELEVINS* List[float] Scene elevation interval and samples 3 - 3  
SALTINS* List[float] Sensor altitude interval and samples 3 - 3  
DATE List[int] Scene acquisition date (day, month, year) 0 - 3 Default: 3,4

* Required parameter
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Parameter descriptions


Specifies the name of the output MODTRAN4 "tape5" file to be created.

If no leading path is specified, the file will be created in the current working directory.


Specifies the type of atmospheric model used to evaluate the MODTRAN4 CARD 1 "MODEL" column.

Supported options are:


Specifies the atmospheric water vapor content interval endpoints (in g/cm^2) and the number of samples. An endpoint value e must be such that e >= 0. This value modifies the selected atmospheric model used to evaluate the MODTRAN4 CARD 1A "H2OSTR" column.

If this parameter is not specified, the "tape 5" file will represent a single water vapor content sample for which the value is the default value for the selected atmospheric model.


Specifies the multiple scattering sub-algorithm used to evaluate the MODTRAN4 CARD 1A "DIS" column.

Supported options are:
Note: Specifying "DISORT" produces more accurate MODTRAN4 results, but greatly increases the MODTRAN4 running time.


Specifies the number of streams to be used by the discrete ordinates radiative transfer sub-algorithm. This value is used to evaluate the MODTRAN4 CARD 1A "NSTR" column. If the Multiple Scattering Algorithm is not specified as "DISTORT", this parameter is ignored.

A value of 2, 4, 8, or 16 may be specified; the default is 2. Higher values result in longer computation time.


Specifies the type of aerosol model used for boundary layer (0 to 2km) calculations. This value is used to evaluate the MODTRAN4 CARD 2 "IHAZE" column.

Supported options are:
Note: For desert, visibility is set from windspeed.

If the surface meteorological range (SMRINS) is not specified, the "tape5" file will represent a single-surface meteorological range sample for which the value is the default value for the aerosol model.


Specifies the aerosol optical depth range interval at 550nm endpoints (unitless) and the number of samples. An endpoint value e must be such that 0 <= e <= 2.

AODINS is used as an alternative to SMRINS for evaluating the MODTRAN4 CARD 2 "VIS" column; only one these two parameters may be specified.

If neither AODINS nor SMRINS is specified, the "tape5" file will represent a single-surface meteorological range sample for which the value is the default value for the aerosol model.


Specifies the surface meteorological range interval endpoints (in km) and the number of samples. An endpoint value e must be such that 0 < e.

SMRINS is used as an alternative to AODINS for evaluating the MODTRAN4 CARD 2 "VIS" column; only one these two parameters may be specified.

If neither AODINS nor SMRINS is specified, the "tape5" file will represent a single-surface meteorological range sample for which the value is the default value for the aerosol model.


Specifies the aerosol profile and stratospheric aerosol extinction types. Modifies the selected aerosol model.

This value is used to evaluate the MODTRAN4 CARD 2 "IVULCN" column. If not specified, the "background" stratospheric profile and extinction type is used.

Supported options are:


Specifies the wavelength interval endpoints (in nanometers) and the number of samples.

An endpoint value e must be such that e >200nm. This value is used to evaluate the MODTRAN4 CARD 4 "V1", "V2", and "DV" columns.


Specifies the reflectance interval endpoints (in percentage) and the number of samples.

An endpoint value e must be such that 0 < e <= 1. This value is used to evaluate the MODTRAN4 CARD 1 "SURREF" column.


Specifies the relative view-solar azimuth (solar azimuth minus view azimuth) interval endpoints (in degrees) and the number of samples.

An endpoint value e must be such that -360 <= e <= 360. This value is used to evaluate the MODTRAN4 CARD 3A2 "PARM1" column.


Specifies the view zenith angle interval endpoints (in degrees) and the number of samples.

An endpoint value e must be such that 90 <= e <= 180. This value is used to evaluate the MODTRAN4 CARD 3 "ANGLE" column. A horizontal view direction has a zenith angle of 90deg, and a vertical down view direction has a zenith angle of 180deg.


Specifies the solar zenith angle interval endpoints (in degrees) and the number of samples.

An endpoint value e must be such that 0 <= e <= 90. This value is used to evaluate the MODTRAN4 CARD 3A2 "PARM2" column.


Specifies the scene elevation interval endpoints (in meters with respect to the WGS84 vertical datum) and the number of samples.

This value is used to evaluate the MODTRAN4 CARD 3 "H2" and CARD 2 "GNDALT" columns.


Specifies the sensor altitude interval endpoints (in meters with respect to the WGS84 vertical datum) and the number of samples.

This value is used to evaluate the MODTRAN4 CARD 3 "H1" column.


Specifies the date (day, month, year) that MODTRAN4 will use to calculate the sun-to-Earth distance. If this parameter is not specified, a mean sun-to-Earth distance will be used instead, equivalent to using the 3rd of April (in non-leap years) as the date. The year component of the date may be omitted.

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GENTP5 is designed to be used in combination with the MODTRAN4 program and GENRLUT to produce a radiance lookup table (RLUT) for the atmospheric transformation of remotely sensed images. GENTP5 has been tested with Versions 2 and 3 of the MODTRAN4 program.

The "tape5" file generated by GENTP5 holds input parameter values (sets of "cards" in MODTRAN terms) for one or more MODTRAN4 runs. Multiple MODTRAN4 runs correspond to multiple samples along one or more RLUT dimensions other than the wavelength dimension. The multiple MODTRAN4 runs are actually made in one execution of the the MODTRAN4 program.

The "tape7" file generated by the MODTRAN4 program contains the results of the MODTRAN4 runs. GENRLUT transforms this file to an RLUT.

GENTP5 provides two ways of specifying the MODTRAN4 CARD 2 "VIS" parameter: by using an aerosol optical depth and by using a surface meteorological range. As those two parameters affect the same MODTRAN4 setting, only one of them may be specified for a GENTP5 execution. If you denote the surface meteorological range with VIS and the aerosol optical depth with AOD, the AOD-to-VIS mapping is accomplished using the following third-order polynomial approximation:

1/VIS = -0.014267*AOD^3 + 0.062699*AOD^2 + 0.117591*AOD - 0.001074

GENTP5 does not give the user access to all of the MODTRAN4 parameters and options; only those that match a practical atmospheric correction method are accessible. There is no dependence on difficult-to-obtain field measurements. Also, GENTP5 makes some choices to avoid extra computation that would contribute little to the usefulness of the RLUT generated by GENRLUT.

The following MODTRAN4 choices are always made by GENTP5:
  1. Use the MODTRAN band model algorithm without the correlated-k option for radiative transport computations (evaluate the CARD 1 "MODTRAN" column to M). This is an alternative to the obsolete LOWTRAN model and the MODTRAN model with the correlated-k option. The use of the correlated-k option adds significantly to the MODTRAN4 execution time and generally makes a significant difference only at higher altitudes (> 40km).
  2. Use an atmospheric path that proceeds from one altitude to another and not into space (evaluate the CARD 1 "ITYPE" column to 2). The alternative choices of horizontal path and slant path to space are not applicable to Earth-from-airborne or satellite-borne platforms.
  3. Use an atmospheric path that proceeds from one altitude to another and not into space (evaluate the CARD 1 "ITYPE" column to 2). The alternative choices of horizontal path and slant path to space are not applicable to Earth-from-airborne or satellite-borne platforms.
  4. Calculate atmospheric radiance and multiply scattered solar and lunar radiance at observer (evaluate the CARD 1 "IEMSCT" column to 2 and the "IMULT" column to 1). Although this choice does increase the MODTRAN4 execution time, it also significantly increases the accuracy of the results.
  5. Use the azimuthal dependence option with DISORT (evaluate the CARD 1A "DISAZM" column to T). This adds to the accuracy of the results for the off-nadir view directions that are possible with wide field-of-view and "pointable" sensors.
  6. Use the default solar 5cm^-1 spectral resolution irradiances (evaluate the CARD 1A "LSUN" column to F).
  7. Do not accept user-defined aerosol optical properties (leaves the CARD 2 "APLUS" and "ARUSS" columns blank). The specification of aerosol optical properties is too difficult or costly for most users. Instead, MODTRAN4 nominal aerosol models (see the Aerosol Model parameter) and simple modifying parameters (Aerosol Stratospheric Profile and Extinction Type (PREX) and Surface Meteorological Range (SMRINS)) are used.
  8. Use the default season determined by the model atmosphere (see the Atmospheric Model parameter); evaluate the CARD 2 ISEASN column to 0.
  9. Exclude cloud or rain attenuation from the calculations (evaluate the CARD 2 "ICLD" parameter to 0). Assume that image data is not acquired under rainy or significantly cloudy conditions.
  10. Do not use the Army Vertical Structure Algorithm for aerosols in the boundary layer (evaluate the CARD 2 "IVSA" column to 0). The values for the related parameters (cloud ceiling height, cloud thickness, inversion, or boundary layer height) are difficult to estimate for most users.
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This example demonstrates the use of GENTP5, the MONDTRAN4 program, and GENRLUT in generating a radiance lookup table (RLUT) suitable for the transformation of the cuprad.pix radiance data set to a reflectance data set. The radiance-to-reflectance transformation is achieved by using ATRLUT together with the generated radiance lookup table.

The image data was acquired by the AVIRIS whiskbroom sensor. The following ancillary data is required for the RLUT generation:
  • nominal location: lat 37.70259deg, lon -117.20816deg, sensor altitude: 21036m
  • nominal GMT time: year 1997, month 06, day 19, hour 20
  • nominal heading: 179.8

The above were taken from the navigation data that accompanied the original data distribution (see the README.txt file for cuprad.pix) and are part of the image metadata held in cuprad.pix.

A nominal sun position is also required. This was calculated from the nominal position and time using SOLARZAZ.
  • solar azimuth: 189.0deg, solar zenith: 14.4deg

A nominal scene elevation of 1,524m will be used (see References).

Based on the nominal location and time, we will use the midlatitude summer atmospheric model and the desert aerosol model. We do not have a surface meteorological range value, nor an aerosol optical depth value, so we will allow MODTRAN4 to use the visibility it associates with the desert aerosol model by default.

The atmospheric conditions are noted as 'clear' by the pilot in the distribution metadata, so we will select 'background' stratospheric profile and extinction.

The data set consists of 224 bands with center wavelengths from 369.85nm to 2506.81nm and a nominal FWHM of 10nm. We will specify a wavelength interval of [355nm, 2515nm] and 2161 samples, to allow reliable resampling to the sensor response profile, which is stored in the cupref.pix metadata.

The AVIRIS overall field of view is 15deg to either side of the central optical axis (this information is stored in the cupref.pix image metadata). Therefore, we will specify a view zenith angle interval of [165deg,180deg]. We will specify four samples in this interval.

Based on a nominal heading of 179.8deg and the knowledge that AVIRIS is a whiskbroom sensor, we determine that the view azimuth is 179.8deg +/- 90deg, or is either 89.8 or 269.8. The view-solar azimuth is positive clockwise starting from the view azimuth direction, and is thus equal to the solar azimuth minus the view azimuth. Therefore, the relative view-solar azimuth is either (189.0 - 89.8)deg = 99.2deg or (189.0 - 269.8)deg = -80.8deg. We will specify a relative view-solar azimuth angle interval of [-80.8deg, 99.2deg] and three samples to account for the nadir pixel.

We will specify the reflectance interval of [0.05, 0.60] and two samples, which is typically used by this atmospheric transformation method.

We have no records of the atmospheric water vapor content. We will allow MODTRAN4 to use the value that it associates with the midlatitude summer atmospheric model by default. Alternatively, GENAWVC can be used to analytically extract the atmospheric water vapor content from the image data.

from pci.gentp5 import gentp5

tape5	=	"tape5"	# write output to a file named "tape5"
# in current working directory
atmod	=	"MLS"	# midlatitude summer atmospheric model
vwvcins	=	[]	# use default for midlatitude summer
msalg	=	"ISAACS"	# use ISAACS scattering model
nstr	=	[]	# ignored for ISAACS scattering model
aermod	=	"DES"	# desert aerosol model
aodins	=	[]	# use default visibility range for desert
smrins	=	[]	# use default visibility range for desert
prex	=	"BSBS"	# background stratospheric profile and extinction
wlenins	=	[355, 2515, 2161]	# 2161 samples in [355nm, 2515nm]
reflins	=	[0.05, 0.60, 2]	# two samples: 0.05 and 0.60
razins	=	[-80.8, 99.2, 3]	# three samples: -80.9deg, 9.2deg, and 99.2deg
vzains	=	[165, 180, 4]	# four samples in [165deg, 180deg]
szains	=	[14.4, 14.4, 1]	# one sample: 14.4deg
elevins	=	[1524, 1524, 1]	# one sample: 1524m
saltins	=	[21036, 21036, 1]	# one sample: 21036m
date	=	[19,6,1997]	# set acquisition date to 19 June, 1997

gentp5( tape5, atmod, vwvcins, msalg, nstr, aermod, aodins, smrins,
        prex, wlenins, reflins, razins, vzains, szains, elevins,
        saltins, date )
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PCI Geomatics received financial support from the Canadian Space Agency/L'Agence Spatiale Canadienne through the Earth Observation Application Development Program (EOADP) for the development of this software, under contract 9F028-0-4914/09.

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R.A. Neville et al., Spectral Unmixing of Hyperspectral Imagery for Mineral Exploration: Comparison of Results from SFSI and AVIRIS, "Can. J. Remote Sensing," Vol.29, No.1, pp. 99-110, 2003.

Berk, A. et al., 1999, "Modtran4 User's Manual", Air Force Research Laboratory, Space Vehicles Directorate, Air Force Materiel Command, Hanscom AFB, MA

Matthew, M.W. et al. "Status of Atmospheric Correction Using a Modtran4-Based Algorithm", SPIE Proceeding, Algorithms for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery VI, Volume 4049, April 2000.

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