Orthorectify imagery

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ORTHO orthorectifies images by using various geometric models.
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ortho(mfile, dbic, mmseg, dbiw, srcbgd, filo, ftype, foptions, outbgd, ulx, uly, lrx, lry, edgeclip, tipostrn, mapunits, bxpxsz, bypxsz, filedem, dbec, backelev, elevref, elevunit, elfactor, proc, sampling, resample)

Name Type Caption Length Value range
MFILE* str Name of input file, folder, or text file 1 -    
DBIC List[int] Input raster channels 0 -    
MMSEG List[int] Input math-model segment 0 - 1  
DBIW List[int] Raster input window 0 - 4 XOff, YOff, XSize, YSize
SRCBGD str Source background value 0 -   Default: FILE
FILO str Name of output file or folder 0 -    
FTYPE str Format of output file 0 - 4 PIX | TIF
Default: PIX
FOPTIONS str Options for output format 0 - 64  
OUTBGD List[float] Output background value 0 - 1 Default: 0
ULX str Upper-left x-coordinate of output image 0 - 32  
ULY str Upper-left y-coordinate of output image 0 - 32  
LRX str Lower-right x-coordinate of output image 0 - 32  
LRY str Lower-right y-coordinate of output image 0 - 32  
EDGECLIP List[int] Clip edges automatically 0 - 2 -49 - 49
Default: 0
TIPOSTRN str Transformation of tile positioning 0 -    
MAPUNITS str Output projection units 0 -  
BXPXSZ str Size of output horizontal pixel 0 - 32  
BYPXSZ str Size of output vertical pixel 0 - 32  
FILEDEM str File or folder containing the digital elevation model 0 -    
DBEC List[int] Input elevation channel 0 - 1  
BACKELEV List[float] Background elevation value 0 - 1  
ELEVREF str Vertical reference for elevation values 0 -  
ELEVUNIT str Elevation value units 0 - 7 METER | FEET | US_FEET
ELFACTOR List[float] Elevation offset and scale 0 - 2  
PROC str Processing algorithm 0 -  
SAMPLING List[int] Sampling interval 0 - 1 1 -
Default: 1
Default: CUBIC

* Required parameter
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Parameter descriptions


The name of an image file, a folder, or a text file that contains the input images to process.

For information about basic use of an MFILE with CATALYST Professional algorithms, see Using an MFILE with a CATALYST Professional algorithm.

When you specify multiple files for MFILE, by using a text-file list or a wildcard, ORTHO prefixes the output files with the letter o to indicate that they are orthorectified. The files are created in the folder you specify for FILO.

With file channels, you can specify them individually or as a sequence. An individual channel index is a single, positive integer, such as "1"). A channel sequence is a positive integer followed by a comma and a negative number, such as "1,-3". That is, specifying "1,-3" will process inclusively channels 1 through 3; internally, the negative value is expanded to "1,2,3". The second channel number in the sequence must be greater than the first.

The file or files you specify for MFILE must also meet the following criteria. That is, if you do not specify:

For more information about specific use of an MFILE file with the MFILE parameter in ORTHO; namely, the format thereof, see Format of input text file with MFILE.


The channel or channels in the input file to process.

Each channel you specify must be of the same data type. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, ORTHO processes all channels in the source file.

Note: This value of this parameter may be superseded by an entry in the MFILE text file, if specified for MFILE.


The math-model segment of the input raw image to use in orthorectification. All math-model types are supported.

If you do not specify a value for this parameter, the last model segment in the input file is used.

Note: This value of this parameter may be superseded by an entry in the MFILE text file, if specified for MFILE.


The raster window of data to read from the input channels. The window is determined by the x-offset, y-offset, x-size, and y-size.

X-offset and y-offset define the pixel coordinate at the upper-left corner of the window. X-size is the number of pixels that define the width of the window. Y-size is the number of lines that define the height of the window.

Figure 1. Raster input window

Raster input window

Tip: Using a raster window can be particularly useful when orthorectifying airphotos scanned from film, because you can use it to exclude the registration marks and ancillary data that appear along the edges of the image.

If you do not specify a valued for this parameter, ORTHO processes the entire image.


The pixels in the source image to consider as background (NoData) pixels. Typically, ORTHO processes NoData pixels in a specific manner.

The available options are as follows:

With ALL and ANY, the background pixel is described by the "background rule" and a list of one or more pixel values for the different image channels. The "background rule" must be entered as ALL or ANY. ALL indicates that the pixel value in each channel must match the background value entered to consider the pixel as background. ANY indicates that if any channel equals the background value, consider the pixel as background.

You can enter the background value as either a single number (applied to all channels) or as a pixel "stack". If you enter a pixel stack, but the number of values does not equal the number of channels, the list will be truncated, or the last value will be repeated, as necessary. The background values you enter are truncated to the range allowed by the data type of the source image.

Note: To enter multiple values, use a comma-delimited list. The first value applies to the first channel, the second value to the second channel, and so on. If the number of values you enter are fewer than the number of input channels, the last value is repeated for each remaining channel. Conversely, if the number of values you enter is greater than the number of input channels, the extra values are ignored.
The following examples apply to a three-channel, 8-bit, unsigned image:


The name of the output file or folder to which to write the processed files, based on the value of MFILE. That is, the name of the output file is based on the following:
Note: When the value of FILO is an empty string, the output files are written to the current working folder.


The format of the output file. The format must be of a GDB-supported type.

The following formats are supported:

The default is PCIDSK (.pix).


The options specific to the format to apply when creating the output file. With each, the default of no options is allowed (empty string).

Typically, the available options for a format include a compression scheme, format subtype, or other information.

For information about the available options for each supported format, see:


The background (NoData) value to use for orthorectified pixels that are not populated. Each channel is set to the same background value. The value will be truncated to the range allowed by the data type of the source image.


The upper-left-ground x-coordinate, in map units, for the output orthorectified image based on the value of MAPUNITS.

If you do not specify a value for this parameter, ORTHO calculates and uses the coordinate of the upper-left corner for the maximum extent of the orthorectified image.

When you specify a text file for MFILE, and the file contains an upper-left-corner x-coordinate, it will override the value of this parameter.

Note: The value you specify will be adjusted by TIPOSTRN, if specified, to make the upper-left-corner coordinate fall on a specific raster grid.


The upper-left-ground y-coordinate, in map units, for the output orthorectified image based on the value of MAPUNITS.

If you do not specify a value for this parameter, ORTHO calculates and uses the coordinate of the upper-left corner for the maximum extent of the orthorectified image.

When you specify a text file for MFILE, and the file contains an upper-left-corner y-coordinate, it will override the value of this parameter.

Note: The value you specify will be adjusted by TIPOSTRN, if specified, to make the upper-left-corner coordinate fall on a specific raster grid.


The lower-right-ground x-coordinate, in map units, for the output orthorectified image based on the value of MAPUNITS.

If you do not specify a value for this parameter, ORTHO calculates and uses the coordinate of the lower-right corner for the maximum extent of the orthorectified image.

When you specify a text file for MFILE, and the file contains an upper-left-corner x-coordinate, it will override the value of this parameter.

Typically, the lower-right-corner coordinate of the orthorectified image will not have this exact value, because it must conform to the upper-left coordinate and pixel size; however, the generated image will be large enough so that the lower-right x-coordinate is within the raster extents.


The lower-right-ground y-coordinate, in map units, for the output orthorectified image based on the value of MAPUNITS.

If you do not specify a value for this parameter, ORTHO calculates and uses the coordinate of the lower-right corner for the maximum extent of the orthorectified image.

When you specify a text file for MFILE, and the file contains an upper-left-corner x-coordinate, it will override the value of this parameter.

Typically, the lower-right-corner coordinate of the orthorectified image will not have this exact value, because it must conform to the upper-left coordinate and pixel size; however, the generated image will be large enough so that the lower-right y-coordinate is within the raster extents.


The percentage of the image to clip from the edges during orthorectification. Clipping applies to each edge of the image.

For example, to clip five percent from the leftmost edge and 5 percent from the right, enter 5.

The edge clipping value can either be positve (clipping from raw image) or negative (clipping from orthorectified image). The maximum and minimum values are +/-49.

If the value is negative, edge clipping occurs after the extents of the orthorectified image (ULX, ULY, LRX, LRY) are determined, but before applying tile-positioning transformation.

Tip: A positive edge clipping value is effective in removing edges from the raw image such as fiducial marks.
Tip: A negative edge clipping value is effective in removing the undulating boundary that can arise due to relief displacement in images that are oriented north-south or east-west.


An adjustment of the upper-left-corner coordinate for the orthorectified image.

By specifying an adjustment you can generate orthorectified images that fall on a specific raster grid. You do so by providing a keyword and either two or four values.

The keyword indicates the relative positioning of the values, as follows:
After you enter the keyword, you can enter up to four values, as follows:

The values define the position of the corner or center in relation to the raster grid.

Of the four values, only Stride_X is required. If not specified, Stride_Y defaults to the value of Stride_X, and Ref_X, Ref_Y default to zero.

For example, to specify that the upper-left corner of the upper-left pixel of the image will be an even 20-unit multiple from the reference point (432345.000, 5438882.000), enter the following:

Depending on the distance of the tile from that point, its upper-left x-coordinate can be 432345.000, 432365.000, or any other multiple, but never 432346.000 or 432355.000.

If you specify values for this parameter, the effect applies in all scenarios, regardless of whether the image-corner coordinates come from the input file, upper-left x or y coordinate, or as a result of automatic computation.

This parameter is optional.


The projection string for the output orthorectified image. If you do not specify a projection, the map units are determined automatically.

The standard definitions are as follows:

When you specify METER or FEET, the math model and digital elevation model (DEM) also must be METER or FEET.

When you specify a regular, Earth-referenced projection, the math model and DEM also must use a regular projection (not necessarily the same one); that is, METER and FEET are not allowed.

You can also specify the label of a projection you define, if the projection exists in the userproj.txt file; otherwise, you must enter the projection-parameter information as a string separated by the vertical bar (|). The projection-parameter string defines 18 parameters delimited by spaces, including the following:
For example, the projection named 'France93' can be specified, as follows:
LCC D350 | 0 0 3.0 46.5 44.0 49.0 700000 6600000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1

You can specify the UTM grid-zone number and row, and the Earth model, as follows:

UTM [mm] [r] [Ennn]


You can specify the Earth model for LONG/LAT (and other units except METER or FEET), as follows:


You can specify the SPCS-zone number and Earth model, as follows:

SPCS [mmmm] [Ennn]

If the Earth model is not specified, it is assumed to be E000 (Clarke 1866).

If you do not specify a value for MAPUNITS, the logic for determining a default ortho-coordinate system is as follows:


The size of the horizontal pixel of the output image.

The output pixel size is expressed in the same units as the coordinate system of the orthorectified image.

If you do not specify a value for this parameter, a default pixel size is computed automatically.

This parameter is optional.


The size of the vertical pixel of the output image.

The output pixel size is expressed in the same units as the coordinate system of the orthorectified image.

If you do not specify a value for this parameter, the specified horizontal pixel size is used. If you specify neither a horizontal nor a vertical pixel size, the pixel size is computed automatically.

This parameter is optional.


The name of a file, folder, or DEM index file containing DEM tiles.

The following table describes the processing of FILEDEM based on the value you specify.

Value Processing
Name of a single, raster-DEM file The values of DBEC, BACKELEV, ELEVREF, ELEVUNIT and ELFACTOR are used, if specified.
Name of an existing folder ORTHO reads the folder for a index.txt file. The file must be in the DEM-index format, as described in DEM index file.
Name of a text file The file must have a .txt file name extension and be in the DEM-index format, as described in DEM index file.

If you do not specify a value, the offset component of ELFACTOR and ELEVREF are used to define the height surface for orthorectification.

Note: If the elevation reference you specify is mean sea level (MSL), it is processed as an MSL height, because it is constant, and may be first converted to an ellipsoidal height.

This parameter is optional.


The channel number of the input digital elevation model (DEM) elevation channel to process.

This parameter is ignored if the value of FILEDEM is an empty string or a DEM-index text file.

If the value of FILEDEM is a single file, and you do not specify a value for DBEC, a channel is selected as the most likely DEM channel by using the following logic:


The background elevation (NoData) value in the input elevation channel.

If you do not specify a value for this parameter, ORTHO searches for ELEVATION_BACKGROUND or NO_DATA_VALUE metadata tags, first at the channel level, then at the file level. If this value is neither specified nor found in the metadata, a default value of -32768 is applied.

If the value of FILEDEM is an empty string or a DEM-index text file, this parameter is ignored.

This parameter is optional.


The vertical reference for the elevation values in the source DEM, or for the constant value of ELFACTOR, if defined.

Acceptable values are as follows:

If the value of FILEDEM is an empty string or a DEM-index text file, this parameter is ignored.

If you do not specify a value for this parameter, the value of the ELEVATION_DATUM metadata tag is used. If the tag does not exist in the DEM, the default value is used.

This parameter is optional.


The units of the elevation values that are stored as pixel values in the input DEM, as specified either by the value of InputDEM: Input elevation channel or by the first value specified for Elevation scale and offset.

The units of the elevation values that are stored as pixel values in the input DEM, as specified either by the value of FILEDEM or by the first value specified for ELFACTOR.

Acceptable values are as follows:

If you specify the elevation values as FEET, the conversion factor to meters is 0.3048 (corresponding to International Feet); if you specify US_FEET, the conversion factor is 1200/3937 (corresponding to U.S. Survey Feet).

If the value of FILEDEM is an empty string or a DEM-index text file, this parameter is ignored.

If you do not specify a value for this parameter, the value of the ELEVATION_UNITS metadata tag is used. If the tag does not exist in the DEM, the default value is used.


The values or values by which to shift and scale the DEM pixel values according to the unit of measure specified for ELEVUNIT.

You can enter enter up to two values to specify this parameter: the first defines the offset while the second, optionally, defines the scale.

The conversion formula is as follows:

elevation_value = scale \u00c3\u2014 (DEM_pixel_value + offset)

If you do not specify a value for FILEDEM, only the offset value of ELFACTOR is significant. That is, the value is interpreted as a uniform elevation value in the units specified by ELEVUNIT and by using the vertical reference specified by ELEVREF.

If the value of FILEDEM is an empty string or a DEM-index text file, this parameter is ignored.

If you do not specify a value for this parameter, a default of 0.0 and and 1.0 is applied for offset and scale, respectively.

If you do not specify a value for this parameter, the values of the ELEVATION_OFFSET and ELEVATION_SCALE metadata tags are used. If the tag does not exist in the DEM, the default value is used.


The amount of memory (in megabytes) for the algorithm to use.

If you do not specify a limit for the host memory, a default of 1 GB or half the available physical memory, whichever is smaller, is applied.


The pixel spacing at which rigorous calculations are performed; that is, the spacing at which the math model is evaluated to determine the location of the orthorectified pixel in the source raster. A value of 1 causes the rigorous calculation to be performed for each output pixel.

With intermediate pixels, the projection from the image to the Earth surface is approximated by linearly interpolating it from the nearest locations at which the full orthorectification operation was performed.

Entering a value of 1 will provide satisfactory results in most cases. However, with math models that are more computationally intensive, a greater value may improve performance, but at the expense of accuracy. The degree of loss in accuracy will depend on viewing geometry, and the resolution and roughness of the DEM.


The resampling method to use for orthorectification.

The following methods are supported:

With each resampling method, the parameters MIN=[min], MAX=[max], and FILL=[NN or BGD] can be appended as a comma-delimited list. MIN and MAX define the clamp range for output pixels. This is useful when you want to keep pixel values within a certain range; for example, 1 to 2,047 if 11-bit data is stored in a 16-bit file. FILL defines the behavior when the resampling window contains NoData pixels: NN performs resampling by using the nearest-neighbor method, while BGD indicates that the output pixel will be set to the background value. By default, NN is used for FILL.

For more information about the available resampling methods, see Resampling.

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Return Value

Returns: Program execution status

Type:  PCI_INT

The return value is 0. This function returns only if it runs successfully; otherwise, it throws an exception.

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ORTHO performs orthorectification or geometric correction on raw image data when a math model exists. If a DEM is specified as input, orthorectification also corrects for relief displacement. ORTHO supports geometric correction using PCI-supported math models.

Format of input text file with MFILE

If the value of MFILE is a text file, the files and parameters listed in the file must be delimited by semicolons and must appear in the following order

[FILE] ; [DBIC] ; [MMSEG] ; [ULX] ; [ULY] ; [LRX] ; [LRY] 
  • [FILE]: input file name
  • [DBIC]: list of channels to process
  • [MMSEG]: math-model segment number
  • [ULX]: upper-left corner x-coordinate
  • [ULY]: upper-left corner y-coordinate
  • [LRX]: lower-right corner x-coordinate
  • [LRY]: lower-right corner y-coordinate

Only the [FILE] entry is mandatory; all other entries are optional.

For example, the following MFILE text file line:

/data/modeled/2051.pix; 1,-4,6,7; ;559741; 4282182; 560741; 4281182
  • input file: /data/modeled/2051.pix
  • input channels: 1, -4, 6, 7

    Ranges of channels can be specified by using negative values; for example, {1,-4} is expanded internally to {1,2,3,4}.

  • math-model segment: (unspecified)
  • upper-left corner x-coordinate: 559741
  • upper-left corner y-coordinate: 4282182]
  • lower-right corner x-coordinate: 560741
  • lower-right corner y-coordinate: 4281182

DEM-index file

The value of MFILE can be the name of a file, a folder, or a text file. When you specify a file, it must be formatted as described herein; that is, it must match the DEM-index format. When you specify a folder, ORTHO searches the folder for an index.txt file. The file must also match the DEM-index format.

The format of a DEM-index file allows it to be processed like a single, virtual DEM, which eliminates having to merge the DEM tiles into a single file.

The DEM index file (index.txt) and each DEM tile must meet the following conditions. Each tile must:
  • Be in the same coordinate system
  • Be raster-aligned; that is, the geocoding for all tiles is defined so that all pixels fall on a common raster grid
  • Use the same data type
  • Be based on the same height datum
  • Use the same NoData value
  • Use the same ELFACTOR value

The following text shows an example of a DEM index file.

DATATYPE       16S
DBEC           1
BACKELEV       -32768.000
ELFACTOR       0.000 1.000000000000
RES_XY         0.0008333333333333 0.0008333333333333
#Filename                ULX                    ULY                     LRX                   LRY
srtm_01_02.tif   -180.000416666676760    55.000416618227803   -174.999583333343420    49.999583284894470
srtm_01_07.tif   -180.000416690891140    30.000417247801863   -174.999583357557810    24.999583914468531
srtm_01_12.tif   -180.000416690891140     5.000416642442191   -174.999583357557810    -0.000416690891143
srtm_01_15.tif   -180.000416666676760    -9.999582994342006   -174.999583333343420   -15.000416327675339
srtm_01_16.tif   -180.000416666676760   -14.999583115413941   -174.999583333343420   -20.000416448747274
srtm_01_17.tif   -180.000416666676760   -19.999583236485876   -174.999583333343420   -25.000416569819208
srtm_01_18.tif   -180.000416666676760   -24.999583357557810   -174.999583333343420   -30.000416690891143

The first eight lines of the file describe common values that apply to each image; they must be in the order shown in the example with no comments or blank lines between them. The remaining lines describe the image boundary records for each image in the DEM tile data set. Comments (lines beginning with a #) are allowed in the list of DEM tiles in the file.

The format of the eight header lines is:
  • MAPUNITS: The EPSG projection code or PCI map-units string for the coordinate system.
  • DATATYPE: The data type of the files.

    Acceptable values are:
    • 8U
    • 8S
    • 16U
    • 16S
    • 32U
    • 32S
    • 32R
    • 64U
    • 64S
    • 64R
  • DBEC: The channel number for the input digital elevation model (DEM) elevation channel to be processed.

  • BACKELEV: The background elevation (NoData) value in the input DEM elevation layer.

  • ELEVREF: The vertical reference for the elevation values contained in the source DEM, or for the constant ELFACTOR value, if it is used.

  • ELEVUNIT: The units of the elevation values that are stored as pixel values in the input DEM, as specified either by FILEDEM or by the first entry in ELFACTOR.

  • ELFACTOR: When an input digital elevation model (FILEDEM) is specified, the value of this parameter is used to shift and scale the DEM pixel values to values in the units indicated by the value of the ELEVUNIT parameter.

  • RES_XY: The x and y image-resolution values.

Each line following the header lines is treated as either a comment line or as a raster-tile description. Empty lines or those beginning with a number sign (#) are treated as comment lines. Each raster-tile description line contains four parameters separated by white space:
  • DEM raster-file name: path to the DEM raster file. This may be an absolute path or a relative path. A relative path is relative to the DEM index file itself.
  • Upper-left x-coordinate: the x-coordinate at raster-column location 0.0, raster-row location 0.0
  • Upper-left y-coordinate: the y-coordinate at raster-column location 0.0, raster-row location 0.0
  • Lower-right x-coordinate: the x-coordinate at raster-column location 'numPixels', raster-row location 'numLines', where numPixels and numLines are the dimensions of the raster.
  • Lower right y-coordinate: the y-coordinate at raster-column location 'numPixels', raster-row location 'numLines', where numPixels and numLines are the dimensions of the raster.
Note: This description of the raster boundary provides coordinates at the outer extents of the pixels; with butt-joined tiles, the tile records should indicate gap-free coverage.

As individual raster tiles are accessed, their properties are compared with the values listed in the DEM index file. If they do not conform to the indicated values, an error message appears in the log.

Conversion of DEM height

To be used for orthorectification, height values in the DEM-raster file must be converted to the coordinate system of the math model by a series of transformations. The general logic used for each of the elevation-reference values is as follows:
  • Elevation reference is mean sea level (MSL)
    • Read the pixel value from the DEM raster.
    • Apply the elevation offset and scale to convert it to an MSL height in the elevation units specified.
    • If the elevation units and the linear units used by the coordinate system of the DEM differ, scale the height to the units of the DEM.
    • Determine the geoid offset in the units of the DEM, and then add the offset to the height to yield an ellipsoidal height in the units of the DEM.
    • Transform the x, y, and z position of the elevation post from the coordinate system of the DEM to the coordinate system of the math model.
    • Accept the transformed z-position as the height in the coordinate system of the math model.
  • Elevation reference is ellipsoid
    • Read the pixel value from the DEM raster.
    • Apply the elevation offset and scale to convert it to an ellipsoidal height in the elevation units specified.
    • If the elevation units and the linear units used by the coordinate system of the DEM differ, scale the height to the units of the DEM.
    • Transform the x, y, and z position of the elevation post from the coordinate system of the DEM to the coordinate system of the math model.
    • Accept the transformed z-position as the height in the coordinate system of the math model.

Calculation of orthorectification layout

The position and size of the output orthorectified image is determined by the input image, DEM, raster input window, upper-left and lower-right ground coordinates, and tile positioning transformation. The general logic used to determine the boundaries of the orthorectified image is as follows:
  1. Consider the input window, and then compile a list of pixel locations along the boundary of the source image.
  2. From the elevation surface entered, determine the x, y, and z ground locations of the boundary pixels in the source image, and discard those that fall outside the DEM.
  3. Compile a list of pixel locations along the DEM boundary.
  4. Consider the x, y, and z position of each boundary pixel in the DEM, determine the positions in the source image, and then discard any pixels that do not fall within the extents of the source image.

    The set of boundary pixels in the orthorectified image is defined as all the image-boundary pixels falling within the DEM raster and all of the DEM-boundary pixels falling within the source-image raster.

  5. Determine the minimum-bounding rectangle of the boundary pixels in the orthorectified image, and then define the upper-left corner coordinates and raster dimensions such that all boundary pixels are enclosed.
  6. Adjust the upper-left corner coordinate such that it is an integer multiple of the resolution of the orthorectified image. Adjust the raster dimension, as necessary, such that all boundary pixels in the orthorectified image are still covered.
  7. Clip the extents of the orthorectified image to cover just the specified upper-left and lower-right coordinates, if entered.
  8. Apply the automatic edge clipping to reduce the extents of the orthorectified image.
  9. Apply the tile positioning transformation to adjust the extents of the orthorectified image.
  10. Use the resulting corner coordinates and image dimensions to create the orthorectified image.
Note: Some steps may be skipped, depending on the information you provide as input. For example, if you did not set up ORTHO to perform edge clipping, it is skipped.

Input of degrees, minutes, and seconds

Each field that accepts string-encoded, numeric parameters can accept an input format of degrees, minutes, and seconds (DMS). ORTHO automatically converts the specified value to a decimal number. This conversion is performed even if the coordinate system of the orthorectified image is not LAT/LONG; the converted decimal number is assumed to be in the units of the coordinate system of the orthorectified image.

The following parameters accept DMS-input format:
  • ULX
  • ULY
  • LRX
  • LRY
The following forms of DMS input are accepted:
  • DD MM SS.SSS H: separated by blanks, with trailing hemisphere indicator. H can be E, W, N, or S.
  • DDdMM'SS.SSS"H: delimited by degrees (d), minutes ('), seconds (") tokens
  • DDdMM'SS.SSS H: delimited by degrees (d), minutes ('), but no token needed for seconds field
  • SS.SSS": seconds only
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In this example, an airphoto is used for orthorectification, using the DEM in the file dem.pix. The DEM is referenced to mean sea level (MSL), and it has a NoData value of 0.0. The output orthorectified image will have a different channel order than the input scene, and a 512-pixel boundary will be trimmed from all edges of the source image. The upper-left corner will be adjusted such that it is an even multiple of 3.36 (8 x <output resolution>) to aid in alignment with other data sets.

from pci.ortho import *

mfile = "rawAirphoto.pix"
dbic = [3,2,1]
mmseg = []
dbiw = [512,512,10286,16286]
srcbgd = "NONE"
filo = "oAirphoto_trim512_ch321.pix"
ftype = "PIX"
foptions = "TILED256"
outbgd = [0]
ulx = ""
uly = ""
lrx = ""
lry = ""
edgeclip = []
tipostrn = "CORNER,3.36,3.36"
mapunits = ""
bxpxsz = "0.42"
bypxsz = ""
filedem = "dem.pix"
dbec = [1]
backelev = [0.0]
elevref = "MSL"
elevunit = "METER"
elfactor = [0.0,1.0]
proc = "600"
sampling = [1]
resample = "CUBIC"

ortho( mfile, dbic, mmseg, dbiw, srcbgd, filo, ftype, foptions, outbgd,
ulx, uly, lrx, lry, edgeclip, tipostrn, mapunits, bxpxsz, bypxsz,
filedem, dbec, backelev, elevref, elevunit, elfactor, proc, sampling,
resample )

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