Krogager Decomposition

EnvironmentsPYTHON :: EASI :: MODELER
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Estimate Krogager decomposition (sphere, diplane, and helix) from fully polarimetric data.
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Name Type Caption Length Value range
FILI* String Input fully polarimetric SAR image 1 - 192  
FILO* String Output Krogager decomposed raster 1 - 192  
MONITOR String Monitor mode 0 - 3 ON, OFF
Default: ON

* Required parameter
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Parameter descriptions


The name of the input polarimetric SAR data set. The input data set must contain either non-symmetrized or symmetrized fully polarimetric (quad-polarization complex) data in scattering, covariance, coherence, or Kennaugh format. To minimize noise, the input can be multi-look. This can be achieved by applying a polarimetric filter (PSBOXCAR or PSPOLFIL) prior to computing the decomposition.

The input file must be a data set that has already been imported into the PCIDSK (.pix) format by SARINGEST or it may be the key file name of any GDB-supported POLSAR data set in its distribution format. For more information, and a complete list of supported POLSAR sensors and data products, see SARINGEST.


The name of the output file that will hold the results of the decomposition. The output file has the same dimensions as the input file, and three floating-point channels representing the contribution to the power from each of the three scattering mechanisms (spherical, diplane and helical).

The specified file must not already exist.


The program progress can be monitored by printing the percentage of processing completed. A system parameter, MONITOR, controls this activity.

Available options are:

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This module decomposes the power of each pixel into contributions from spherical, diplane and helical scattering.
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Perform a classification of an SLC RADARSAT-2 image that has already been ingested into PCIDSK (.pix) format by SARINGEST. The SLC image is first averaged by PSBOXCAR using a 5 x 5 window. The averaged image is then used as an input to PSKROG.


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PSKROG computes the intensity of the synthesized "LR", "RR" and "LL" polarizations. The spherical scattering Ks is set to the intensity of "LR".

If the intensity of "RR" is greater than "LL", the helical power is set to Kh = (| RR |-| LL |)**2 and the diplane power (Kd) is set to the intensity of "LL".

If "RR" is less than "LL", the helical power is set to Kh = (| LL |-| RR |)**2 and the diplane power (Kd) is set to the intensity of "RR".

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"Polarimetry for the Full Story", RTO SCI Symposium on Non-Cooperative Air Target Identification Using Radar, Mannheim Germany, April 1998.

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