Export to foreign file

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Transfers the specified image and auxiliary information from a source file to an output file of a different data type. Only some GDB-supported formats may be exported to. For information on using FEXPORT to load data into a PostGIS database built on PostgreSQL, see Loading raster and vector layers into PostGIS using FEXPORT.
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Name Type Caption Length Value range
FILI* String Input file name 1 - 192  
FILO* String Output file name 1 - 192  
DBIW Integer Raster input window 0 - 4 Xoffset, Yoffset, Xsize, Ysize
DBIC Integer Input raster channel(s) 0 -    
DBIB Integer Input bitmap segment(s) 0 -    
DBVS Integer Input vector segment(s) 0 -    
DBLUT Integer Input LUT segment(s) 0 -    
DBPCT Integer Input PCT segment(s) 0 -    
FTYPE* String Output file type 1 - 4 Default: PIX
FOPTIONS String Output file options 0 - 192  

* Required parameter
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Parameter descriptions


Specifies the name of the file that contains the input data to be exported.


Specifies the name of the file to receive the output data. This file is automatically created during the FEXPORT operation.


Specifies the raster window (Xoffset, Yoffset, Xsize, Ysize) that is read from the input layers. If this parameter is not specified, the entire layer is processed by default.

Xoffset, Yoffset define the upper-left starting pixel coordinates of the window. Xsize is the number of pixels that define the window width. Ysize is the number of lines that define the window height.


Specifies the channel in the input file to be exported.

Ranges of channels or segments can be specified with negative values. For example, {1,-4,10} is internally expanded to {1,2,3,4,10}. When you are not specifying a range in this way, only 48 numbers can be specified explicitly.


Specifies the bitmap segment in the input file to be exported.

Ranges of channels or segments can be specified with negative values. For example, {1,-4,10} is internally expanded to {1,2,3,4,10}. When you are not specifying a range in this way, only 48 numbers can be specified explicitly.


Specifies the vector segment in the input file to be exported.

Ranges of channels or segments can be specified with negative values. For example, {1,-4,10} is internally expanded to {1,2,3,4,10}. When you are not specifying a range in this way, only 48 numbers can be specified explicitly.


Specifies the lookup table (LUT) segment in the input file to be exported.

Ranges of channels or segments can be specified with negative values. For example, {1,-4,10} is internally expanded to {1,2,3,4,10}. When you are not specifying a range in this way, only 48 numbers can be specified explicitly.


Specifies the Pseudocolor Table (PCT) segment in the input file to be transferred.

Ranges of channels or segments can be specified with negative values. For example, {1,-4,10} is internally expanded to {1,2,3,4,10}. When you are not specifying a range in this way, only 48 numbers can be specified explicitly.


Specifies the file format for the new output file, represented by a three- or four-letter code. The format type must be a GDB-recognized file type.

Supported file format codes include, among others:

The default value is PIX.

For a complete list of GDB-recognized file types and their codes, see GDB file formats in the Technical Reference section of the CATALYST Professional Online Help.


Specifies the file creation options that are to be applied when creating the output file. These are specific to the file format; in each case, the default of 'no options' is allowed. FOPTIONS may be used to specify the compression schemes, file format subtypes, and other information.

Different options are available for different file types (see the FTYPE parameter). The options are described in 'GDB file formats', in the Technical Reference section of the CATALYST Professional Online Help.

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FEXPORT exports a window of selected data channels or segments in an input file to another file format. You may export image channels, bitmaps, vectors, LUTs, and PCTs. Note, however, that some formats may not support all these data types.

You must explicitly list the input channels (DBIC), bitmaps (DBIB), vectors (DBVS), LUTs (DBLUT), and PCTs (DBPCT) to export. You may also define a specifc area (DBIW) from which to export from the source file.

For supported formats, georeferencing information is also written to the output file. This is computed based on the contents of the georeferencing of the input file and the requested window in DBIW.

The FTYPE parameter controls the type of the output database. For a complete full list of GDB-recognized file types and their codes, see 'GDB file formats' in the Technical Reference section of the CATALYST Professional Online Help. Some formats require additional information to control the nature of the created output file; these are specified in the FOPTIONS parameter.

Most formats have limited data types and numbers of layers that can be stored. You must provide valid data combinations in DBIC, DBIB, DBVS, DBLUT, and DBPCT. Invalid combinations may cause FEXPORT to terminate or to generate improper output files.

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Export bitmap segment 9 from irvine.pix to a CCITT Fax 3 compressed TIFF file.

EASI>FILI	=	"irvine.pix"
EASI>FILO	=	"lake.tif"


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