Opening an existing vector-mask layer

A vector-mask layer is a polygon layer that identifies specific areas to edit. You can apply various operations to update the values of the digital elevation model (DEM) covered by the mask. In the DEM Editing window, you can also save the working-mask layer for later reuse.

To open a mask layer that you saved previously

  1. In the DEM Editing window, on the Edit via Polygons toolbar, click Open Polygon Layer.
  2. In the Select Layer window, click the arrow beside the File box to select a loaded file that contains the vector-mask layer, or click Browse to find the file you want.
  3. In the Layers Available list, click the layer that contains the vector mask.
  4. Click OK.

    Focus displays the mask layer.

  5. Use the editing tools to create or modify one or more polygons.

    For more information, see Editing vectors details.

  6. If you made any changes to the mask layer, click Save.

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