Resample image or bitmap

EnvironmentsPYTHON :: EASI :: MODELER
Batch ModeYes
Quick linksDescription :: Parameters :: Parameter descriptions :: Details

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Resamples the input image or bitmap file and creates a new file of a different resolution.
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Name Type Length Value range
Input Integer 0 - 1024  
Output* String 1 -    
Output Pixel X Size* Float 1 - 1  
Output Pixel Y Size Float 0 - 1  
Resample Method* String 3 -   NEAR | BILIN | CUBIC | AVERA | MODE | BITFRAC[=<frac_val>]
Default: NEAR
Minimal Fraction of Set Pixels Float 0 - 1 0 - 1
Default: 0.5

* Required parameter
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Parameter descriptions


The input channels or segments to resample.

You can specify channels or segments of various data types, including rasters, bitmaps, vectors, and lookup tables (LUT). Doing so provides the ability to resample a complete file or one, some, or all layers. For example, you can resample the rasters, bitmaps, Rational Function math model and Incidence Angle array segments and have the auxiliary segments written to the output.

GDB formats are supported.


The name of the file to which to write the resampled channels or segments.

You can specify channels or segments of various data types, including rasters, bitmaps, vectors, and lookup tables (LUT). Doing so provides the ability to resample a complete file or one, some, or all layers. For example, you can resample the rasters, bitmaps, Rational Function math model and Incidence Angle array segments and have the auxiliary segments written to the output.

GDB formats are supported.

Output Pixel X Size

The output resolution of one pixel in the X (easting) dimension.

The size unit for the value is that of the input projection. If the input projection is Long/Lat, you must specify the the pixel-size coordinates in decimal degrees. With nonprojection georeferencing, such as meter or feet, the pixel size is expressed in these units.

For example, to resample a meter-based UTM projection to a pixel resolution of 30 meters in the x-dimension, enter 30.

Output Pixel Y Size

The output resolution of one pixel in the Y (northing) dimension.

If you do not specify a value, the value of Output Pixel X Size is applied.

The size unit for the value is that of the input projection. If the input projection is Long/Lat, you must specify the the pixel-size coordinates in decimal degrees. With nonprojection georeferencing, such as meter or feet, the pixel size is expressed in these units.

For example, to resample a meter-based UTM projection to a pixel resolution of 30 meters in the y-dimension, enter 30.

Resample Method

The resampling method to use to determine the output pixel values.

You can specify one of the following:

Minimal Fraction of Set Pixels

This is an extra parameter for bitmap fractional downsampler

A value between 0 and 1 can be specified to define minimal fractional part of pixels set in original resolution before output pixel can be set as well. For example, if this parameter is set to 0.75 it means that a pixel in the output bitmap will be set to one (1) only if at least three-quarters of its area is covered by set (1-valued) pixels in the input bitmap. If nothing is specified then default value of 0.5 is used. 0 is a special value which means that just one input pixel is enough for the output value to be set. 1 means all input pixels must be set for the output pixel to be set as well.

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RESAMP changes the resolution of all raster input (imagery and bitmaps). Rational Function math model and Incidence Angle array segments are also resampled, while other segment types are simply transferred from the input file to the output file.

Note: Rational Function math model resampling is only supported for SAR datasets which have appropiate metadata.

Resampling downward decreases the resolution; resampling upward increases the resolution.

You can run RESAMP to convert multiple data sets of various resolutions to a resolution you specify. For example, when using the overlay functionality, all the data sets must be resampled to a common resolution value.

RESAMP will copy any file-level and channel-level metadata to the output file.

BITFRAC is a downsampling method for bitmaps and cannot be used when processing raster channels.

Note: If necessary, you can resample data that is in a pixel projection. The default size is 1 by 1 pixel. When resampling upward, the output x and y pixel size values must be greater than 1. (A specified value of 2,2 combines 4 pixels into 1 pixel.) When resampling downward, the value specified must be less than 1. (A specified value of 0.5,0.5 divides each pixel into 4 pixels.)

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