Calculate spectral classification from ground-reflectance data

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SPECL creates a spectral classification from ground-reflectance data. The algorithm is a spectral-rule classification that creates a quality layer for use with atmospheric-correction (ATCOR) products. You can also use the quality layer for mosaicking or otherwise creating composite images. For a list of supported sensors, see Supported sensors.
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Name Type Caption Length Value range
FILI* String Input image 1 - 192  
DBIC Integer Input channels 0 - 6 1 -
SRCBGD String Source background value 0 - 192 Default: FILE
FILO* String Spectral classification 1 - 192  
FTYPE String Output file type 0 - 4 Default: PIX
FOPTIONS String Output file options 0 - 64  

* Required parameter
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Parameter descriptions


The name of the input image from a supported sensor. The input must be ground-reflectance data (ATCOR output).


The list of input channels to process. Each channel you specify must exist in the input data. By default, blue, green, red, NIR, SWIR, and, optionally, SWIR1 are processed based on the wavelength sequence in the metadata.

If the input file does not contain metadata, and the number of channels is:

If the input file contains the wavelength metadata for each channel, you need not specify a value for this parameter.

This parameter is optional.

Ranges of channels or segments can be specified with negative values. For example, {1,-4,10} is internally expanded to {1,2,3,4,10}. When you are not specifying a range in this way, only 48 numbers can be specified explicitly.


The pixels in the source image to consider as background (NoData). In general, SPECL processes pixels considered NoData in a specific way.

The available options for processing NoData pixels are as follows:
Note: You can specify multiple values by using a comma-delimited list. The first value is applied to the first channel, the second value to the second channel, and so on. If you specify fewer values than the number of input channels, the last value is repeated for all remaining channels. If you specify more values than the number of input channels, the extra values are ignored.


The name of the output file to which to write the computed spectral classification. The file name you specify must not already exist. The output file will contain one 16-bit signed (16S) channel and a pseudocolor table (PCT) layer.


The format of the output file. The format must be a GDB-supported type.

The following formats, among others, are supported:

For a complete list of GDB-recognized file types, see GDB-supported file formats.


The options to use when creating the output file, which are specific to each format. For example, with some formats, you can select compression schemes, subtypes, and more.

This parameter is optional; that is, you need not specify any options.

For a complete list of GDB-recognized file types, including the available options for each, see GDB-supported file formats.

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SPECL creates a spectral classification from the bands of ground-reflectance data. By default, blue, green, red, NIR, SWIR, and, optionally, SWIR1 are processed based on the wavelength sequence in the metadata.

The SWIR band has a wavelength of 1.5\u00e2\u20ac\u201c1.8 microns. The SWIR1 band has wavelength of 2.1\u00e2\u20ac\u201c2.35 microns.

This function created spectral classified 16S image and pseudo-color segment associated with it.

Spectral classification creates the following classes based on ground-reflectance data.
Invalid 100
Snow 3,000
Cloud 1,000
Bright Soil 7,000
Dark Soil 5,000
Average Vegetation 15,000
Bright Vegetation 16,000
Dark Vegetation 14,000
Yellow Vegetation 13,000
Mix Vegetation 12,000
Dry Vegetation 10,000
Sparse Vegetation 11,000
Asphalt/Dark Sand 6,000
Sand/Bare Soil/Cloud 8,000
Bright Sand 9,000
Water Turbid 4,000
Water Clear 4,300
Water over Sand 4,700

SPECL supports imagery in any GDB-supported format. For more information about GDB-supported formats, see GDB-supported file formats.

Supported sensors

Spectral classification can be processed for the following sensors:
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Calculate a spectral classification based on ground-reflectance image: Landsat-8, ATCORCorrected_l8.pix

EASI>fili =	"ATCORCorrected_l8.pix"
EASI>dbic =                   ! based on metadata
EASI>srcbgd = ""
EASI>filo = "spectral_classification.pix"
EASI>ftype = ""
EASI>foption = ""

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Chander, G.; Markham, B.; Helder, D. Summary of Current Radiometric Calibration Coefficients for Landsat MSS, TM, ETM+ and EO-1 ALI Sensors. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113, 893-903.

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