Chaiken arc smoothing

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SMCHAIKEN performs vector smoothing using the Chaiken algorithm. The Chaiken algorithm differs from the McMaster and Boyle vector smoothing algorithms by adding new vertices when performing the smoothing operation.
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Name Type Caption Length Value range
FILI* String Input file name 1 - 192  
FILO String Output file name 0 - 192  
DBVS* Integer Input vector segment 1 - 1  
DISTTOL* Float Distance tolerance 1 - 1  
TOLVALUE Float Tolerance value 0 - 1 0 -
Default: 0.5
DBSN String Output segment name 0 - 8 Default: Vectors
DBSD String Output segment description 0 - 64  
REPORT String Report mode 0 - 192 Quick links
MONITOR String Monitor mode 0 - 3 ON, OFF
Default: ON

* Required parameter
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Parameter descriptions


Specifies the name of the PCIDSK image file containing the input arc layer to be smoothed.


Specifies the name of the PCIDSK image file to receive the smoothed output vector layer.

If FILO is not specified, FILI is used for the smoothed vector. If FILO is specified but does not exist, a new file is created.


Specifies the vector segment containing the input arc layer to be smoothed.


Specifies the distance tolerance value. This value cannot be zero.

Setting the distance close to the average length of the vectors provides the best results. If the tolerance value is not properly specified, it can add a large number of vertices to the output vector layer.


Specifies the tolerance value. This value must be greater than zero and smaller than one. The larger the tolerance value, the more pronounced the smoothing effect.


Specifies a name (up to 8 characters) for the new vector segment.


Describes (in up to 64 characters) the contents or origins of the new vector data.


Specifies where to direct the generated report.

Available options are:


The program progress can be monitored by printing the percentage of processing completed. A system parameter, MONITOR, controls this activity.

Available options are:

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SMCHAIKEN performs vector smoothing using the Chaiken algorithm. The Chaiken algorithm differs from the McMaster and Boyle vector smoothing algorithms by adding new vertices when performing the smoothing operation.

The Chaiken algorithm is not suitable for smoothing vectors produced by raster-to-vector conversion programs (stepped linework); the McMaster algorithm works best on these vectors. SMCHAIKEN is more suitable for digitized vectors where the distance between vertices is consistent.

CMCHAIKEN does not alter the start and end vertices of a vector.

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Apply Chaiken smoothing to vector layer 25 from "irvine.pix" with a TOLVALUE of 0.5 and a distance tolerance of 10. The smoothed vector will be stored in a new file named "oirvine.pix".

EASI>FILI     = "irvine.pix"
EASI>FILO     = "oirvine.pix"
EASI>DBVS     = 25               ! smoothing vector 25 from irvine.pix
EASI>DISTTOL  = 10               ! use value 10 for distance tolerance
EASI>TOLVALUE =                  ! defaults to 0.5
EASI>DBSN     =                  ! defaults to Vectors
EASI>DBSD     =                  ! will be taken from DBVS
EASI>REPORT   =                  ! defaults to TERM
EASI>MONITOR  =                  ! defaults to ON

EASI>run smchaiken

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