Shift band response center wavelength values

EnvironmentsPYTHON :: EASI :: MODELER
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Shifts the center wavelength values of the band response profiles for an input image data set.
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Name Type Caption Length Value range
FILE* String Input file name 1 - 192  
CWSHFT* Float Center wavelength shift 1 - 16  
BANDLIST Integer Reference band list 0 - 16 1 -

* Required parameter
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Parameter descriptions


Specifies the name of the file that contains the image data set to which the shifts are to be applied.


Specifies a uniform shift to be applied to all bands, or up to 16 shifts to be applied to up to 16 individual bands specified with BANDLIST (Reference Band List). Shifts are specified in nanometers.


Specifies the list of bands to which individual shifts will be applied.

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SHFTCW requires that the data set contain image metadata that includes a center wavelength value for each band.

The sensors used to acquire hyperspectral data are complex optomechanical devices that may be subjected to significant mechanical stresses. The significance of these stresses is that they may alter the band responses of the instrument relative to a previous laboratory calibration. In other words, the instrument may acquire data in wavebands that differ significantly from those determined for the sensor in the calibration. This is a concern especially in the case of airborne sensors that undergo stress from vibration, repeated landings, and installation/deinstallation.

A waveband shift as small as 2nm in the vicinity of an atmospheric absorption band may have a dramatic effect on reflectance estimates derived from the image data (Secker et. al., 2001).

SHFTCW provides a convenient means of applying corrective shifts to band center wavelength values included in the data set's metadata. These shifts may be determined by iteratively shifting image data and examining derived reflectance spectra (Secker et. al., 2001).

SHFTCW can apply a uniform shift to all bands in the data set, or specific shifts to individual bands (up to 16 at once).

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Apply a -1.76nm shift to all bands of cuprad.pix:

EASI>file	=	"cuprad.pix"	! input file
EASI>cwshft	=	-1.76	! center wavelength shift
EASI>bandlist	=		! reference band list 


Apply a -0.53, -0.10, and 1.21nm shift to bands 23, 24, and 25 respectively:

EASI>file	=	"cuprad.pix"	! input file
EASI>cwshft	=	-0.53,-0.10,1.21	! center wavelength shift
EASI>bandlist	=	23,24,25	! reference bands

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PCI Geomatics received financial support from the Canadian Space Agency/L'Agence Spatiale Canadienne through the Earth Observation Application Development Program (EOADP) for the development of this software, under contract 9F028-0-4902/12.

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Jeff Secker, Karl Staenz, Robert P. Gauthier, and Paul Budkewitsch, Vicarious calibration of airborne hyperspectral sensors in operational environments, "Remote Sensing of Environment," Vol. 76, (2001), pp. 81-92.

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