Refines tie points and ground control points with camera self-calibration

EnvironmentsPYTHON :: EASI
Quick linksDescription :: Parameters :: Parameter descriptions :: Details :: Example

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SELFCAL refines tie points (TP) and ground control points (GCP) in a CATALYST Professional OrthoEngine project file.
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Name Type Caption Length Value range
OEPROJI* String Input OrthoEngine project file 1 - 192  
OEPROJO* String Output OrthoEngine project file 1 - 192  
FOCALMM Float Focal length (mm) 0 - 1 0.1 - 500
CHIPMM Float Chip Size in (mm) 0 - 2 0.1 - 100
GCPRES Float Maximum GCP residual 0 - 1 0.1 - 1000
TPRES Float Maximum TP residual 0 - 1 0.1 - 1000
POINTOPT* String Options for rejected points 3 - 192 INACT | DEL
Default: INACT
MINTP Integer Minimum number of TPs 0 - 1  
SAMPLE Integer Sample Count 0 - 1  
SAMPLETP Integer Sample Count TP 0 - 1  
CALOPT String Options for rejected points 0 - 192  
IMSTAT Float Output SELFCAL statistics 0 - 48  
REPORT String Report mode 0 - 192 Quick links

* Required parameter
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Parameter descriptions


The path and file name of the OrthoEngine project file (*.prj) containing the points you want to refine.


The path and file name of the output OrthoEngine project file to which to write the refined TPs, GCPs, or both.

You can specify your input project as your output project; however, by doings so, the input file will be overwritten with the new information.


Option to specify focal length. If focal length is not specified, the program will try to extract it from the image's EXIF tag.


Option to specify sensor chip width and height in mm If the values are not specified, the program will try to extract it from the image's EXIF tag.


The maximum residual for x and y per GCP.

For example, to refine the OrthoEngine project until all GCPs have a residual of two or less in both the x and y direction, enter 2.


The maximum residual for x and y per TP.

For example, to refine the OrthoEngine project until all TPs have a residual of two or less in both the x and y direction, enter 2.


The disposition of the rejected points.

That is, on completion of refinement, you can elect to either render the rejected points inactive (INACT) or delete (DEL) them.


The minimum number of TPs per image.

Images with fewer than the minimum number of TPs before and after refinement will be rendered inactive.


Optionally to specify the number of photos used for camera self-calibration. A minimum value of 100 is recommended.


Optionally to specify the maximum number of TPs must exist in SAMPLE photos. If it does not meet the requirement, SELFCAL would call TIEIMAGE to generate TPs based on SAMPLETP to achieve the target.


Self-calibration options.


On completion of processing, SELFCAL updates IMSTAT with information that may be useful in a scripting environment, as follows:


Specifies where to direct the generated report.

Available options are:

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SELFCAL refines TPs and GCPs in an OrthoEngine project file.

The algorithm removes points in either a progressive or direct mode according to the specified residual. In progressive mode, large residuals are removed in the following steps:
  1. Remove residuals greater than 1,000 pixels
  2. Remove residuals greater than 500 pixels
  3. Remove residuals greater than 100 pixels
  4. Remove residuals greater than 20 pixels
  5. Remove residuals greater than 10 pixels
  6. Remove residuals according to the specified residual

In direct mode, the specified residual is applied exclusively.

Processing is complete when the specified residual is reached.

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In the following example, TPs and GCPs are designated inactive until the x and y residual for each meets the specified GCP and TP residual.

EASI>OEPROJI =       "uav.prj"
EASI>OEPROJO =       "uav_out.prj"
EASI>FOCALMM =       ! option to specify focal length in mm if it cannot be extracted from EXIF tag 
EASI>CHIPMM =        ! option to specify X and Y chip size in mm if it cannot be extracted from EXIF tag 
EASI>GCPRES  =       ! option to refine until remaining GCPs have an x-residual and a y-residual under GCPRES
EASI>TPRES   =       2  ! Refine until remaining TPs have an x-residual and a y-residual under 2
EASI>POINTOPT =      "INACT"        ! Designate refined points inactive
EASI>MINTP   =       10 ! Designate images with fewer than 10 TPs inactive
EASI>SAMPLE  =       ! Option to use only SAMPLE number of images for self-calibration to speed up processing
EASI>SAMPLETP  =     ! Option to set the minimum number of TPs for each SAMPLE image 
EASI>CALOPT  =       ! Selfcal option 
EASI>IMSTAT  =       ! Selfcal results 


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