Generate radar brightness

EnvironmentsPYTHON :: EASI :: MODELER
Quick linksDescription :: Parameters :: Parameter descriptions :: Details :: Example :: Algorithm :: Acknowledgements :: References :: Related

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Generates a calibrated radar brightness image from a RADARSAT or ENVISAT ASAR image.
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Name Type Caption Length Value range
FILE* String Input file name 1 - 192  
DBIC* Integer Input raster channel(s) 1 - 2  
DBIW Integer Raster input window 0 - 4 Xoffset, Yoffset, Xsize, Ysize
A0SEG* Integer Input SAR offset segment 1 - 1  
ASCALSEG* Integer Input SAR gain segment 1 - 1  
FILO String Output file name 0 - 192  
DBOC* Integer Output raster channel 1 - 1  
AMPORDB String Amplitude, power, or decibels 0 - 3 AMP | DB | POW
Default: DB
MONITOR String Monitor mode 0 - 3 ON, OFF
Default: ON

* Required parameter
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Parameter descriptions


Specifies the name of the file that contains the imagery and segments to use as input. The specified file must contain the SAR Orbital Ephemeris segment.


Specifies the image channel(s) to use as the input imagery:

For ASAR Alternating Polarization images, only one polarization can be processed at a time.

For Single Look Complex (SLC) images, two channels must be specified.

If two channels are specified, the first channel is taken as the "I" (in-phase or real) channel and the second as the "Q" (quadrature or imaginary) channel of an SLC image. For ASAR Alternating Polarization SLC images, the two specified channels must have the same polarization.


Specifies the raster window (Xoffset, Yoffset, Xsize, Ysize) that is read from the input image. If this parameter is not specified, the entire image is processed by default.

Xoffset, Yoffset define the upper-left starting pixel coordinates of the window. Xsize is the number of pixels that define the window width. Ysize is the number of lines that define the window height.

If this parameter is specified to a window size smaller than that of FILE, the orbit and array segments contained in FILE will not be output to FILO.


Specifies the segment that contains the input SAR offset array, including the offset value to use to convert image pixel values.

This segment is created when the satellite image is read from CD using CDASAR. It is typically labeled "SAR Offset" or "A0Scale".


Specifies the segment that contains the input SAR gain array, consisting of a gain scaling table use to convert image pixel values.

This segment is created when the satellite image is read from CD using CDSAR or CDASAR. It is typically labeled "SAR Gain" or "AScaling".

For ASAR Alternating Polarization images, the input image will contain two SAR Gain channels, with the second layer identified as "SAR Gain, second polarization". Select the array channel that matches the polarization of the specified image layer(s) for processing.


Specifies the name of the image file to receive the generated brightness image.

If this parameter is not specified, the input file (FILE) is used to store the output image.

The specified output file must already exist, and should be the same size as the input file. The input window defaults to the entire image.


Specifies the output image channel to receive the generated brightness image.

The output channel must be 32-bit real.

If the output channel is the same as the specified input channel (DBIC) of the same image file, the output image is processed correctly and overwrites the input image. This is not advised unless the input image channel is 32-bit real.


Specifies whether to output amplitude, power or decibel (dB) values.

Available options are:

Data may be converted from decibels to amplitude or power values (or from amplitude or power values to decibels) using the modeling functions or the MODEL function. For more information, see the Algorithm section.


The program progress can be monitored by printing the percentage of processing completed. A system parameter, MONITOR, controls this activity.

Available options are:

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SARBETA generates a calibrated radar brightness image from the input scaled radar image (RADARSAR or ENVISAT ASAR) using the SAR offset and scaling.

The input image (FILE) contains the scaled radar image (DBIC), and the offset and gain information stored in array segments (SAR Offset, SAR Gain) to use as input.

An image window to process (DBIW) may be specified. If DBIW is not specified, the entire image is processed.

For ASAR Alternating Polarization images only one polarization can be processed at a time.

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In this example, an ASAR Alternating Polarization image is processed.

EASI>file	=	'asarapp.pix'	! input file
EASI>dbic	=	1	! input radar image channel
EASI>dbiw	=		! process entire image
EASI>a0seg	=	3	! SAR Offset segment
EASI>ascalseg	=	4	! SAR Gain segment
EASI>filo	=		! use FILE for output
EASI>dboc	=	2	! output brightness channel
EASI>ampordb	=	'AMP'	! output amplitude image

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For a single input channel, the radar brightness is calculated as follows:

If there are two input channels, the first is taken as the I (in-phase or real) channel and the second as the Q (quadrature or imaginary) channel for a complex number.

The radar brightness is calculated as follows:

Decibels can be converted to amplitude values using the following model:

     %1 = (exp10( %2 / 10.0 ))^0.5

Amplitude values can be converted to decibels using the following model:

     %2 = 10.0 * log10( (%1)^2 )

Amplitude values can be converted to power values using the following model:

     %2 = %1^2

Power values can be converted to amplitude values using the following model:

     %2 = %1^0.5
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PCI Geomatics received financial support for the enhancement of this software through the Earth Observation Applications Development Program (EOADP) of the Canadian Space Agency/L'Agence Spatiale Canadienne, under contract No. 9F028-2-4917/14.

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N.W.Shepherd and Associates, (February 26, 1996). 4.2 Calibration Equation for Detected Products. In Technical Note No. 4.2 CDPF Output Data Calibration (p. 9).

N.W.Shepherd and Associates, (February 26, 1996). 4.3 Calibration Equation for SLC Products. In Technical Note No. 4.2 CDPF Output Data Calibration (p. 9).

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