Print linear transformation parameter values

EnvironmentsPYTHON :: EASI :: MODELER
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Reads the parameters of a linear transformation that have been saved to disk and prints them to the specified reporting device.
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Name Type Caption Length Value range
FILLT* String Linear Transformation parameters file name 1 - 192  
REPORT String Report mode 0 - 192 Quick links

* Required parameter
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Parameter descriptions


Specifies the name of the MATLAB save/load format file that contains the parameters of the linear transformation.

The file contains the following parameter values:


Specifies where to direct the generated report.

Available options are:

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PRINTLT reads linear transformation parameters from the specified MATLAB binary save/load format file (.mat), then outputs the information in human-readable form to the specified report destination (terminal or text file).

The generated report provides the following parameter values:
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Use MNFLT to compute the maximum/minimum autocorrelation factors (MAF) linear transformation for channels 108 to 112 of cuprad.pix:

EASI>fili	=	"cuprad.pix"	! input file
EASI>fillt	=	"cuprad_mnflt.mat"	! output file
EASI>dbic	=	108, -112	! input channels
EASI>wlenint	=		! no wavelength interval restriction
EASI>valonly	=		! no band validity restriction
EASI>sampint	=		! no subsampling
EASI>noissrc	=	"MAF"	! max/min autocorrelation factors
EASI>mafdel	=	
EASI>filnim	=	
EASI>dbiw	=	! process entire image


Print to the screen the linear transformation parameter values stored in cuprad_mnflt.mat:

EASI>fillt	=	"cuprad_mnflt.mat"	! parameter values file
EASI>report	=	"TERM"	! print report to terminal


PRINTL produces the following report:

Forward Transformation Matrix:
Matrix: 5 by 5
row 0:    0.133510287   -0.627376692   0.0533566534    0.719468434
row 1:   -0.122078626      0.5211241   -0.630907547    0.516021008
row 2:    0.700099997   -0.229976724   -0.576146774   -0.266460623
row 3:    0.457614587     0.31857194       0.299475   -0.100145162
row 4:   -0.350479338   -0.368897529   -0.347406082   -0.467563589

Inverse Transformation Matrix:
Matrix: 5 by 5
row 0:    0.169937468   -0.145214764    0.756566161    0.589990923
row 1:   -0.668138409    0.523197452   -0.210541839    0.346495587
row 2:    0.059429024   -0.677787585   -0.560803611    0.345109372
row 3:    0.683604116    0.462991196   -0.219480941  -0.0733650373
row 4:   -0.241947074   -0.194242801    0.173470968   -0.662913874

Shift Vector:
Vector: dim: 5
    14.3301597     13.4489577     13.1593463     14.7355044     18.5076856

Channel Numbers:
IntVector: dim: 5
     108      109      110      111      112
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PCI Geomatics received financial support from the Canadian Space Agency/L'Agence Spatiale Canadienne through the Earth Observation Application Development Program (EOADP) for the development of this software, under contract 9F028-0-4902/12.

© PCI Geomatics Enterprises, Inc.®, 2024. All rights reserved.