Adjust interferometric phase for base-line offset and orbital-drift errors

EnvironmentsPYTHON :: EASI :: MODELER
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INSADJUST adjusts the phase of interferograms to eliminate low-frequency fringes due to small errors in the interferometric perpendicular base line caused by orbital errors in position, velocity, or both. The module uses fast Fourier transform (FFT) in the spectral domain to remove residual orbital fringes.
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Name Type Caption Length Value range
FILI* String Name of database input file 1 - 192  
DBIC_OCS* Integer Source channel of orbital correction 1 - 1  
DBIC Integer List of database input channels 0 -    
FILO* String Name of database output file 1 - 192  
MAXITER Integer Maximum number of iterations 0 - 1 1 - 20
Default: 10
REPORT String Report mode 0 - 192 Quick links
MONITOR String Monitor mode 0 - 3 ON, OFF
Default: ON

* Required parameter
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Parameter descriptions


The name of the PCIDSK file from which to read uncorrected interferogram data.


The input interferogram channel to use to derive the orbital corrections. The channel must have 32-bit complex values, and an InSARContent metadata tag set to one of the following:


The input interferogram channel or channels to correct with the orbital adjustments derived from the source orbital-correction channel you specify. Each channel must have 32-bit complex values, and have the appropriate InSARContent metadata tag. If you specify the default value, only the source channel of orbital correction will be corrected.

The same correction is applied to each channel you specify.


The name of the output PCIDSK file to which to write phase values corrected for orbital adjustment. The coherence value of the interferogram remains unchanged.
Note: The file name you specify must not exist already.


The maximum number of iterations for removing the residual fringes, up to a maximum of 20. The iteration process is monitored and may end before reaching the number of iterations you specify depending on the number of cycles per image and whether any oscillation correction occurs.

The default value is 10; typically, however, the process converges in fewer steps.

For more information about the iteration process, see Details.


Specifies where to direct the generated report.

Available options are:


The program progress can be monitored by printing the percentage of processing completed. A system parameter, MONITOR, controls this activity.

Available options are:

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INSADJUST removes low-frequency, residual-phase errors in SAR interferograms by applying a correction algorithm in the fast Fourier transform domain (FFT). The input file must be in slant-range geometry, and the incident-angle-array segment must be available in the metadata. The channel or channels you specify must have pixel values that are 32-bit complex and stored in the Real, Imaginary (Cartesian) format.

The correction is derived from the interferogram in the source channel you specify as input: select the interferogram with the highest coherence as the source channel. The derived correction is then applied to all interferogram channels you specify as input interferograms. INSADJUST writes the processed channels to the output file in the order you specify.

The FFT is derived for the entire interferogram you specify as the source channel for orbital correction. The x and y sizes are set to the smallest power-of-two values equal to, or higher than, the pixel-and-line dimensions of the input file. The transform is written to a temporary file and, on completion of processing, deleted.

INSADJUST allocates sufficient memory to contain the entire input channel and all the FFT data, but will not exceed 60 percent of system memory. If there is insufficient memory to accommodate processing buffers, the image and FFT are processed as tiles. This reduces processing speed, but does not effect the result. Large images may take longer to process.

The algorithm iteratively detects the residual low-frequency signal in the FFT domain, and then removes it in the image domain.

The iteration process may end before reaching the number of iterations you specify. The process is system-monitored, and ends if the current-iteration adjustment is smaller than 0.001 cycles per image (checked separately for the horizontal and vertical image dimensions). The process may also end when an oscillating correction occurs. This condition is detected when the derived current-iteration adjustment is larger than the adjustment in the previous iteration. With oscillating solutions, the output image reflects the correction applied in the iteration prior to the one that diverged.

INSADJUST processes information on the premise that most of the deterministic effects are already removed from the interferogram. The remaining low-frequency fringes are typically caused by the following:

In typical processing scenarios, you run INSADJUST after running topographic correction with INSTOPO.

On successful processing, the output file you create will have corrected interferograms with no strongly attenuated, low-frequency noise (residual fringes), and an average of zero radians in their phases.

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Remove the orbital fringes from a single-channel interferogram by using a maximum of 10 iterations (default).


Remove the orbital fringes from a multi-channel interferogram by using the fringe information of the fourth channel, and then apply the orbital correction to all four channels by using a maximum of 20 iterations.


Create an orbit-corrected, single-channel interferogram by using the fourth layer from a topographically corrected, multi-channel data set.

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Convert the interferogram from the spatial domain to spectral. INSADJUST identifies iteratively the maximum horizontal and vertical fringe rates and adjusts the interferometric phase to remove the fringes by using the known viewing geometry. The iterative process continues until one of convergence, oscillation, or the maximum number of iterations occurs.
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The PCI Interferometric SAR (InSAR) project was funded in part by the Canadian Space Agency under the Earth Observation Application Development Program (EOADP) contract (9F043-130644/006/MTB), Application Development for Environmental Monitoring and Remediation.

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