Generate at-sensor radiance lookup table

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GENRLUT transforms a MODTRAN 4 "tape7" output file into an at-sensor radiance lookup table. The radiance units used are microwatts/cm^2/nm/sr. This function is designed to be used in combination with GENTP5.
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Name Type Caption Length Value range
RLUTFILO* String Output radiance LUT file name 1 - 192  
DBOS Integer Output Radiance LUT segment 0 - 1  
TAPE7* String Tape7 MODTRAN4 file name 1 - 192  
VWVCINS Float Vertical water vapor column interval and samples 0 - 3 Default: 0.0,0.0,1.0
AODINS Float Aerosol optical depth range interval and samples 0 - 3  
SMRINS Float Surface meteorological range interval and samples 0 - 3  
REFLINS* Float Reflectance interval and samples 3 - 3  
RAZINS* Float Relative view-solar azimuth interval and samples 3 - 3  
VZAINS* Float View zenith angle interval and samples 3 - 3  
SZAINS* Float Solar zenith angle interval and samples 3 - 3  
ELEVINS* Float Scene elevation interval and samples 3 - 3  
SALTINS* Float Sensor altitude Interval and samples 3 - 3  

* Required parameter
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Parameter descriptions


Specifies the name of the PCIDSK file to receive the output radiance LUT.

If no leading path is specified, the file is assumed to be located in the current working directory.


Specifies the output segment to receive the generated at-sensor radiance lookup table.

Only one segment can be specified.


Specifies the name of the "tape7" MODTRAN4 file that contains the results from the MODTRAN4 execution.


Specifies the vertical water vapor column interval endpoints (in^2) and the number of samples.

This setting must match the VWVCINS setting that was used for the related GENTP5 run. The default values are 0.0,0.0, and 1.0.


Specifies the aerosol optical depth interval endpoints (at 550 nm) and the number of samples.

This setting must match the AODINS setting that was used for the related GENTP5 run.

The default values are 0.0,0.0, and 1.0, but only one of AODINS and SMRINS can be specified.


Specifies the surface meteorological range interval endpoints (in km) and the number of samples.

This setting must match the SMRINS setting that was used for the related GENTP5 run. The default values are 0.0,0.0, and 1.0, but only one of AODINS and SMRINS can be specified.


Specifies the reflectance interval endpoints (in percentage) and the number of samples.

This setting must match the REFLINS setting that was used for the related GENTP5 run.


Specifies the relative view-solar azimuth (solar azimuth minus view azimuth) interval endpoints (in degrees) and the number of samples.

This setting must match the RAZINS setting that was used for the related GENTP5 run.


Specifies the view zenith angle interval endpoints (in degrees) and the number of samples.

This setting must match the VZAINS setting that was used for the related GENTP5 run.


Specifies the solar zenith angle interval endpoints (in degrees) and the number of samples.

This setting must match the SZAINS setting that was used for the related GENTP5 run.


Specifies the scene elevation interval endpoints (in meters with respect to the WGS84 vertical datum) and the number of samples.

This setting must match the ELEVINS setting that was used for the related GENTP5 run.


Specifies the sensor altitude interval endpoints (in meters with respect to the WGS84 vertical datum) and the number of samples.

This setting must match the SALTINS setting that was used for the related GENTP5 run.

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GENRLUT is designed to be used in combination with GENTP5 and the MODTRAN4 program from Ontar Corporation to produce a radiance lookup table (RLUT) for the atmospheric transformation of remotely sensed images. GENRLUT has been tested with Version 2, Revision 1 of the MODTRAN4 program.

The radiance units used in the generated RLUT are microwatts/cm^2/nm/sr.

The "tape7" file generated by the MODTRAN4 program contains the results of one or more MODTRAN4 runs. GENRLUT transforms this file into an RLUT.

RLUT format

The radiance lookup table (RLUT) is a 9-dimensional array. An RLUT table entry is a pair of real values: Lg, the at-sensor radiance reflected by the target, and Lo, the at-sensor radiance due to all other sources including atmospheric scattering, adjacency effects, and thermally generated radiation.

Each RLUT dimension is labeled according to the physical quantity that it represents. Each dimension corresponds to a physical quantity for which an interval and number of samples was specified in the GENTP5 and GENRLUT runs:

One or more samples are identified on each dimension. The number of samples along a given dimension and the coordinates of those values correspond to the "interval and number of samples" parameter values used for the matching physical quantity in the GENTP5 and GENRLUT runs.

An RLUT is stored exclusively in a PCIDSK binary segment. One RLUT can be stored per segment. All RLUT attributes are saved as metadata for that binary segment.

The following metadata tags are recognized by the RLUT processing algorithms:

Upon saving the RLUT to disk, the RLUT entries are serialized into a system-independent byte stream and written to the binary segment.

Getting MODTRAN4

The MODTRAN4 CDROM and single-user license are available from Ontar Corporation ( PCI Geomatics has tested GENTP5 and GENRLUT with Version 2, Revision 1 of the MODTRAN4 software.

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This example shows a synthetic run of GENRLUT.

EASI>rlutfilo	=	"rlut.pix"
EASI>dbos	=	
EASI>tape7	=	"tape7"
EASI>vwvcins	=	
EASI>aodins	=	
EASI>smrins	=	
EASI>reflins	=	0.005,0.6,2
EASI>razins	=	-80.8,99.2,3
EASI>vzains	=	165,180,4
EASI>szains	=	14.4,14.4,1
EASI>elevins	=	1524,1524,1
EASI>saltins	=	21036,21036,1


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