Supported ER mapper datums/spheroids

PCI reads and applies the georeferencing information contained in the ECW file. Many of ER Mapper's supported spheroids and datums are translated to use the same in PCI products. The following is a comprehensive list of the datums supported and the PCI datums used for them:

ER Mapper Code     PCI Code
--------------     --------
ADINDAN            D002
ARC1950            D014
ARC1960            D023
BOGOTA             D035
CAPE               D040
CARTHAGE           D042
CHUA               D044
CLRK1866           E000
CMPOINCH           D038
CORRALLEG          D045
ED50               D050
ED50EGYT           D054
INDIAN54           D077
INDIAN75           D078
KERTAU             D085
LEIGON             D088
LUZON11            D090
MAHE71             D092
MPORO              D099
NAD27              D-01
NAD83              D-02
OSGB36             D131
PSAD56             D141
PTNOIRE            D139
QATAR              D152
QORNOQ             D153
SAD69              D162
TANANAR            D176
TIMBALAI           D177
TOKYO              D178
WGS84              D000

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