Siemens SICAD (SQD)

Long name Siemens SICAD
Short name SQD
File extension(s) .sqd, .sqd001, .sqd002

The GDB library supports Siemens SICAD SQD vector files for import. To select an SQD file set, select the first file in the set. For example, this could be smartland.sqd.001. All the files of the form will be read.

The only SQD types supported are: point (PG), line (LI), polyline (LY), arc (BO), circle (KR). Symbols (SY), free text (TX) and variable text (TA) are handled as points. Splines (SN) are handled as polylines. Areas (FL) are ignored. All other types are ignored.

Any SICAD georeferencing information is lost when importing SICAD files, and a units string of METRE is assumed.

SICAD SQD files must contain co-ordinates in decimal format. Within SICAD this can be achieved using the option "GVA=T" for the SQD export commands.

For example:

 Export from SICAD database:    GBGQEL ... GVA=T ...
 Export from SICAD image:       SQDOLD ... GVA=T

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