Gould LIPS (LIP)

Long name Gould LIPS
Short name LIP
File extension(s) .lip, .pic

Gould LIPS image file format is supported for import and export by the GDB library. LIPS format is a simple pixel interleaved raster format with a 512 byte header. There are three forms: 8-bit monochromatic, 24-bit color, and 64-bit complex. Of these, only the first two are supported.

No georeferencing information, or other auxiliary data is read or written, from or to, LIPS files. It is possible to LINK to LIPS files.

Export of Gould LIPS files is supported. These files are exported with a type of "LIP".

Only one band (monochromatic) or three band (color) eight band files can be created.

No georeferencing, or other auxiliary data can be exported to LIPS format.

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