Long name KOMPSAT-2 Sensor Support
Short name KO2M / KO2P
Key file name (use to open data set) *.eph
Supported file extension(s) .eph, .hdf, .tif
Sensor Multispectral Camera (MSC) that produces both panchromatic (1m ground sample distance) and multispectral (4m ground sample distance) images with 10 bits per pixel quantization.
Platform KOMPSAT-2 (Korean Multipurpose Satellite)
Data distributor Distributed by SPOT Image (http://www.spot.com/html/SICORP/_401_402_1311_.php) and Korea Aerospace Industries (http://www.koreaaero.com/english/major/statellite.php) in Korea only.

Data product name and version
Distribution disk files
Returned data
Returned file-level metadata

Data product name and version

Name Description
Processing Level 1R Level 1R data that has been already radiometrically corrected, but not geometrically corrected. It is stored in TIFF format.
Processing Level 1G Image data that has been geometrically corrected using KOMPSAT-2 ancillary data and stored in GeoTIFF format.
Processing Level 1R or Level 1G Fusion The pansharpened image data using the panchromatic and multispectral bands of the MSC.

Distribution disk files

File Format Distribution Contents
Text CD/DVD Ancillary text, ephemeris data, and RPC data when the image data is in TIFF or GeoTIFF format.
JPEG CD/DVD Browse and thumbnail images that are ignored by GDB.

KOMPSAT-2 data products can have multiple sensor directories. These directories can contain TIFF or GeoTIFF files. Directories containing TIFF or GeoTIFF files include image files and associated image bands, a browse image file, a thumbnail image, ancillary text file(s), and ephemeris data file(s). Also included is a readme.txt file with information about all of the files in the data distribution.

File Name File Type Required Contents Details
MSC_YYYYDDHhmmss_nnnn_PPPPrrrrPAxx_tt.tif TIFF or GeoTIFF Yes PAN image  
MSC_YYYYDDHhmmss_nnnn_PPPPrrrrMXAxx_tt.tif TIFF or GeoTIFF Yes MS image  
MSC_YYYYDDHhmmss_nnnn_PPPPrrrrPMSAxx_tt.tif TIFF or GeoTIFF Yes Pansharpened image  
MSC_YYYYDDHhmmss_nnnn_PPPPrrrrPAxx_tt.txt Text Yes Ancillary text files of PAN image TIFF and GeoTIFF only
MSC_YYYYDDHhmmss_nnnn_PPPPrrrrMXAxx_tt.txt Text Yes Ancillary text files of MS image TIFF and GeoTIFF only
MSC_YYYYDDHhmmss_nnnn_PPPPrrrrPAxx_tt.eph Text Yes Ephemeris data file of PAN TIFF and GeoTIFF only
MSC_YYYYDDHhmmss_nnnn_PPPPrrrrMXAxx_tt.eph Text Yes Ephemeris data file of MS TIFF and GeoTIFF only
MSC_YYYYDDHhmmss_nnnn_PPPPrrrrTtt_br.jpg JPEG No Browse  
MSC_YYYYDDHhmmss_nnnn_PPPPrrrrTtt_tn.jpg JPEG No Thumbnail  

MSC is the sensor code that GDB uses to identify the KOMPSAT product.

YYMMDDHhmmss is the scene center time expressed in UTC.

nnnnn is the orbit number.

PPPP is the path number.

rrrr is the first row number.

RRRR is the last row number.

T is P(Pan only) M(MS only) B(Pan+MS).

A is P(positive), N(negative) tilt angle.

xx is the tilting angle(first two digits).

tt is 1R or 1G.

P is P(Pan only).

MX is M(MS only)X(1,2,3,4).

PMS is Pansharpened.

Important notes to the user:

The GDB support of KOMPSAT-2 data products is “read-only”.

KOMPSAT-2 data sets can be distributed on CD or DVD. On disk, the data is organized in a special directory structure. GDB uses this directory structure and the file names to identify the data product type. Therefore, to preserve compatibility with GDB, the directory structure and file names must not be altered when the data is copied over to another location from the CD or DVD.

There are two ways to open a KOMPSAT-2 data set in a file selector:

If GDB is provided with the path and name of a TIFF or GeoTIFF file in the data set, it will not recognize the file as part of a KOMPSAT-2 data set and will, therefore, open the file as an independent TIFF or GeoTIFF file; all other files in the data distribution will be ignored.

If you use EASI, Python, or a text-based application, the input file name can have the following formats:
  • Input the full path name plus “\-PAN” for Panchromatic image; “\-MS” for Multispectral image and “\-PMS” for Pansharpened image. For example: “E:\data\2008-11-19T08-10-07Z_K080307\-PAN” or “E:\data\2008-11-19T08-10-07Z_K080307\-MS” or “E:\data\2008-11-19T08-10-07Z_K080307\-PMS”.
  • Input the full path and name of EPH file. For example: “E:\data\2008-11-19T08-10-07Z_K080307\MSC_080407140610_09045_24220801PMSN14_1G.eph”. GDB can recognize the image type and open it relatively.
  • Input the full GDB URI as file name; for example: PAN: file:/E%3A/project/…/SCENE_001/?t=PAN MS: file:/E%3A/project/…/SCENE_001/?t=MS PMS: file:/E%3A/data/…/2008-11-19T08-10-07Z_K080307/?t=PMS

Returned data

Data product Data returned Details
MSC panchromatic image data One raster channel

This raster channel has 15000 pixels and 15000 lines. The ground sample distance of the image data is one meter.

The returned channel description consists of the file base name and a description that is stored in the file.

MSC multispectral image data Four raster channels

These raster channels each have 3750 pixels and 3750 lines. The rasters are spatially coincident and the ground sample distance of the image data is four meters.

The channels contain images for green, blue, near-infrared, and red wavelength bands (called the MS1, MS2, MS3, and MS4 bands, respectively).

The channel description that is returned for each channel has the same parts as the Panchromatic channel description.

MSC pansharpened image data Four raster channels

These raster channels are generated by combining panchromatic and Multispectral data.

The returned channel description consists of the file base name and a description that is stored in the tiff file.

Geolocation data One ground control point (GCP) segment

This segment contains the georeference for the panchromatic multispectral image channel.

This data is extracted directly from a TIFF or GeoTIFF data distribution file.

Ephemeris data One binary segment GDB imports EPH data as a satellite position: EPH_PAD_RPY_DEG and EPH_SUN_ANGLE_DEG metadata.

GDB uses this metadata along with projection information to generate an orbit segment.

RPC data One binary segment GDB imports a Rational Function model as a binary segment if the data product provides this information.
General information and metadata Text segment The KOMPSAT-2 data product also includes a text file that contains general information. GDB imports this data as a text segment.

Returned file-level metadata

Name Description Values
MD_PlatformName Platform name “KOMPSAT-2”
MD_PlatformNumber Platform number “2”
MD_ImageName Full name of the type of the image “Panchromatic” or “Multispectral” or "Pansharpened"
MD_SourceID Data file name See Distribution Disk Files section
MD_Acquisition_Date Acquisition Date YYMMDD
MD_Acquisition_DateTime Acquisition Date/Time UTC Center Time, YYMMDDHhmmss
OrbitNumber Orbit number 5-digit positive integer
PathNumber Path number 4-digit positive integer
RowNumber Row number 4-digit positive integer
ImageCode Short code for the sensing modality “M” (for multispectral) or “P” (for panchromatic) and "PMS" (for pansharpened)
MD_ProductType Processing level “L1R” or “L1G”
Tilting Tilting angle “P” (for positive) or “N” (for negative) followed by a two-digit integer
MD_SpatialResolution Ground sample distance 1m PAN or 4m MS
MD_SpatialResolutionX Ground sample distance in x direction 1m PAN or 4m MS
MD_SpatialResolutionY Ground sample distance in y direction 1m for PAN or PMS and 4m for MS
MD_SensorModelName Platform name and modality “KOMPSAT-2_PAN” or “KOMPSAT-2_MULTI”

Pansharpened data does not have this metadata.

MD_SensorCode Code for the sensing modality “PAN” or “MS”

Pansharpened data does not have this metadata.

MD_IFOV Instantaneous field of view 1.459e-6 radian
MD_RawCount Number of lines in the image 15000 for panchromatic and 3750 for multispectral
MD_ColumnCount Number of pixels in the image 15000 for panchromatic and 3750 for multispectral
MD_NumberofBands Image Number of Bands Number of bands in a data set
MD_FormatName Name of the file format TIFF or GeoTIFF

Returned metadata items that relate to EPH data:

Name Description Values
IMG_ACQISITION_START_TIME   yyyy mm dd hh mm ss.ssss
IMG_ACQISITION_END_TIME   yyyy mm dd hh mm ss.ssss
MD_SatPosition Satellite Position Time;X;Y;Z;X’;Y’;Z’...;all float value. The unit is expressed in meters and the coordinate frame in ECEF.
EPH_PAD_RPY_DEG Satellite Pad X; Y; Z; float value, where the unit is expressed in degrees.
EPH_SUN_ANGLE_DEG Sun Angle X; Y; Z; float value, where the unit is expressed in degrees.
RPC_SCALE_LINE RPC information Integer, pixel
RPC_SCALE_SAMPLE RPC information Integer, pixel
RPC_SCALE_LAT_DEG RPC information float, degree
RPC_SCALE_LONG_DEG RPC information float, degree
RPC_SCALE_HEIGHT_METER RPC information float, meter
RPC_OFFSET_LINE RPC information integer, pixel
RPC_OFFSET_SAMPLE RPC information integer, pixel
RPC_OFFSET_LAT_DEG RPC information float, degree
RPC_OFFSET_LONG_DEG RPC information float, degree
RPC_OFFSET_HEIGHT_METER RPC information float, meter
RPC_COEF_NUME_LINE RPC information float
RPC_COEF_DENO_LINE RPC information float
RPC_COEF_NUME_SAMPLE RPC information float
RPC_COEF_DENO_SAMPLE RPC information float
AUX_SATELLITE_NAME AUX information string
AUX_SATELLITE_SENSOR AUX information string
AUX_TILT_ANGLE_ROLL_DEG AUX information float, degree
AUX_TILT_ANGLE_PITCH_DEG AUX information float, degree
AUX_BITS_PER_PIXEL AUX information integer
AUX_SAMPLES_PER_LINE_MS AUX information integer, pixel
AUX_LINES_PER_IMAGE_MS AUX information integer, pixel
AUX_SCENE_CENTER_XY_PIXEL AUX information integer, pixel
AUX_IMAGE_GSD_METER AUX information float, meter
AUX_LINE_SCAN_TIME_USEC AUX information float
MD_Azimuth_Angle AUX information float, degree
MD_Incidence_Angle AUX information float, degree
AUX_IMAGE_PAD_POD_FLAG AUX information Boolean
MD_MapProjection AUX information String
MD_EllipsoidName AUX information String
AUX_LOCATION_KGRS_KJ AUX information integer
AUX_IMAGE_SHIFT_TO_ALONG AUX information integer
AUX_IMAGE_ORBIT_NUMBER AUX information integer
AUX_IMAGE_CENTER_LATLONG_DEG AUX information float, degree
AUX_IMAGE_TL_LATLONG_DEG AUX information float, degree
AUX_IMAGE_TC_LATLONG_DEG AUX information float, degree
AUX_IMAGE_TR_LATLONG_DEG AUX information float, degree
AUX_IMAGE_BL_LATLONG_DEG AUX information float, degree
AUX_IMAGE_BC_LATLONG_DEG AUX information float, degree
AUX_IMAGE_BR_LATLONG_DEG AUX information float, degree
AUX_STRIP_ACQ_DATE_UT AUX information long
AUX_STRIP_ACQ_START_UT AUX information float
AUX_STRIP_ACQ_CENTER_UT AUX information float
AUX_STRIP_ACQ_END_UT AUX information float
AUX_STRIP_ACQ_DURATION_SEC AUX information integer


For more information, refer to the KOMPSAT-2 user manual produced by the Korean Aerospace Research Institute Space Application Center. February 23, 2007.

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