
Long name Pléiades
Short name PLE
Sensor type Optical multispectral (2 meter) and panchromatic (50 centimeter)
Platform Pléiades satellite
Key file name (use to open dataset) DIM*.xml
Supported file name extensions .xml, .tif, .jpg

Data product name and description
Distribution disk files
Returned data for supported format

Data product name and description

Pléiades is composed of two twin satellites operating as a true constellation on the same orbit and phased 180 degrees from each other. The Pléiades twins are very-high-resolution satellites that deliver 2 meter multispectral and 50 centimeter panchromatic products.

Note: The information provided herein is based on the data distributor's documentation cited under References.

Spectral bands:
Spectral range (nm)

Spatial resolution (m)*
(spectral resolution)

Maximum image dimensions
(Across track x along track, km)

  • MS1 (Blue): 430 - 550
  • MS2 (Green): 500 - 620
  • MS3 (Red): 590 - 710
  • MS4 (NIR): 740 - 940
  • PAN (Panchromatic): 470 - 830
  • MS: 2 (12-bit)
  • PAN : 0.5 (12-bit)
20 (at nadir) Standard viewing angle: ±30 degrees

Maximum viewing angle: ±47 degrees

* Resolution is always nadir position unless noted otherwise.

Pléiades data is available in the processing levels described in the following table.

Processing level Description/notes
Primary The Primary product is the processing level closest to the natural image acquired by the sensor. This product restores perfect collection conditions: the sensor is placed in rectilinear geometry, and the image is clear of all radiometric distortion. Rational polynomial coefficients (RPC) and the sensor model are provided with the product to ensure full autonomy and simplicity of use.
Projected This product level is an image projected at constant altitude. By default, the image will be projected at mean altitude of the area, but the client will have the possibility to specify another altitude (useful in case of high relief difference, if the mean altitude is not representative of the area).
Standard Ortho The Ortho product is a georeferenced image in Earth geometry, corrected from acquisition and terrain off-nadir effects. The Ortho product is produced as a standard, with fully automatic processing.

You can select the spectral-band combination, bit-depth, and file format, if necessary.

Distribution disk files

Pléiades is distributed using DIMAP V2. Separate directories are included for multispectral and panchromatic data. You can open each by selecting the DIM*.xml file.

File name Format Required Contents/details
DIM*.xml Extensible Markup Language Yes Key file name, contains data set metadata
*.tif, *.jp2 Tagged Image File Format, Joint Photographic Experts Group 2000 Yes Image data
RPC*.xml Extensible Markup Language Yes Rational function model

Returned data for supported format

Pléiades data can be opened directly in its raw vendor format or imported into a PCIDSK (*.pix) file using the key file name (DIM*.xml). For optimal processing, use the PCIDSK format.

The following table describes the data structure after it is opened by GDB.

Data product Data returned Details
Primary Multispectral

4 x [16U] raster channels
1 x [TEX] Text segment
1 x [ORB] Orbit segment
1 x [BIN] Rational function model

Multispectral and panchromatic data must be opened separately.
Primary Panchromatic

1 x [16U] raster channel
1 x [TEX] Text segment
1 x [ORB] Orbit segment
1 x [BIN] Rational function model

Panchromatic and multispectral data must be opened separately.
Standard Ortho

1, 3, or 4 x [16U/8U] raster channels
1 x [TEX] Text segment

Number of channels and bit-depth depends on your selections when ordering data.


Pléiades Imagery User Guide. Astrium GEO-Information Services, France, Version 2.0, October 2012

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