Landsat 4-8 Analysis Ready Data (ARD)

Long name Landsat ARD data set
Short name LARD
Sensor type Optical
Platform Landsat 4, Landsat 5, Landsat 7 ETM+, Landsat 8
Key file name (use to open data set) *xml.
Supported file extensions .xml, .jpg, .tif

Data product name and description
Distribution disk files
Returned data for supported format

Data product name and description

Note: The information provided herein is based on the data distributor's documentation cited under References.

Spectral bands:
Spectral range (nm)

Spatial resolution (m)*
(spectral resolution)

Landsat 4-7

450 - 520 (Blue)
520 - 600 (Green)
630 - 690 (Red)
770 - 900 (NIR)
1550 - 1750 (IR)
2090 - 2350 (SWIR)
10400 - 12500 (Thermal)

30 N/A
Landsat 8

435 - 451 (Coastal Aerosol)
452 - 512 (Blue)
533 - 590 (Green)
636 - 673 (Red)
851 - 879 (NIR)
1566 - 1651 (SWIR)
2107 - 2294 (SWIR)
1363 - 1384 (Cirrus)
10600 - 11190 (Thermal)
11500 - 12510 (Thermal)

30 N/A

* Resolution is always nadir position unless noted otherwise.

Distribution disk files

A Landsat 4-8 ARD data set is organized in a specific folder structure on disk. GDB uses this folder structure and the file names to identify the data product type.

Warning: Data sets for this sensor are organized in a specific folder structure on disk. GDB uses this structure and the file names to identify the data product type. Do not alter the folder structure or any file names prior to data ingestion to ensure the image data and auxiliary information are imported correctly.

You can use several methods to open the dataset. For example, if you have downloaded only a portion of the data, such as the brightness temperature (BT) portion, open the corresponding *.xml file to view the BT dataset. However, if you simultaneously downloaded all portions of the dataset, you need only open the master metadata file, *V01.xml.

To open the full ARD dataset with a swath selector using the *V01.xml file, the data must be organized as follows:
  • \LC08_AK_005006_20180227_20180309_C01_V01.jpg
  • \LC08_AK_005006_20180227_20180309_C01_V01.xml
  • \LC08_AK_005006_20180227_20180309_C01_V01_BT
  • \LC08_AK_005006_20180227_20180309_C01_V01_QA
  • \LC08_AK_005006_20180227_20180309_C01_V01_SR
  • \LC08_AK_005006_20180227_20180309_C01_V01_ST
  • \LC08_AK_005006_20180227_20180309_C01_V01_TA
To open a portion of the ARD dataset without a swath selector, select an *.xml file in any of the following folders:
  • *BT
  • *QA
  • *SR
  • *ST
  • *TA

In CATALYST Professional programs, such as Focus, you can open a Landsat 4-8 ARD data set in the File Selector window by selecting the *_MTL.txt file.

When opening a Landsat 4-8 ARD data set, the files read by GDB are as described in the following table.

File name Format Required Contents/details
*xml Extensible Markup Language Yes Key file name. Use this file to open the data set.
*.tif GeoTIFF Yes TIFF image file. Contains imagery information.

Returned data for supported format

Landsat 4-8 ARD data can be opened directly in its raw vendor format or imported into a PCIDSK (*.pix) file using the key file name. For optimal processing, use the PCIDSK format. The data structure, after it is opened by GDB, is as described in the following table.

Data product Data returned Details
Landsat 4-7 ARD Brightness Temperature (BT)

1 x [16S] raster channel
1 x [16U] raster
2 x [8U] raster channels
1 x [TEX] text segment

1 x TOA Brightness Temperature Band 6
1 x Pixel Quality band
2 x bands (Radiometric Saturation, Lineage Quality)
Main product annotation text (Metadata)

Landsat 8 ARD BT

2 x [16S] raster channels
2 x [16U] raster channels
1 x [8U] raster channel
1 x [TEX] text segment

2 x bands (TOA Brightness Temperature Band 10, TOA Brightness Temperature Band 11)
2 x bands (Pixel Quality, Radiometric Saturation Quality)
1 x Lineage Quality band
Main product annotation text (Metadata)

Landsat 4-7 ARD Top of Atmosphere (TA)

10 x [16S] raster channels
1 x [16U] raster channel
2 x [8U] raster channels
1 x [TEX] text segment

10 x bands (Blue, Green, Red, NIR, IR, SWIR, Solar Azimuth, Solar Zenith, Sensor Azimuth, Sensor Zenith)
1 x Pixel Quality band
2 x bands (Radiometric Saturation Quality, Lineage Quality)
Main product annotation text (Metadata)

Landsat 8 ARD TA

12 x [16S] raster channels
2 x [16U] raster channels
1 x [8U] raster channel
1 x [TEX] text segment

12 x bands (Coastal Aerosol, Blue, Green, Red, NIR, SWIR1, SWIR2, Cirrus, Solar Azimuth, Solar Zenith, Sensor Azimuth, Sensor Zenith)
2 x bands (Pixel Quality, Radiometric Saturation Quality)
1 x Lineage Quality band
Main product annotation text (Metadata)

Landsat 4-7 ARD Surface Reflectance (SR)

7 x [16S] raster channels
1 x [16U] raster channel
3 x [8U] raster channels
1 x [TEX] text segment

7 x bands (Blue, Green, Red, NIR, IR, SWIR, Atmospheric Opacity)
1 x Pixel Quality band
3 x bands (Radiometric Saturation Quality, Cloud Quality, Lineage Quality)
Main product annotation text (Metadata)

Landsat 8 ARD SR

7 x [16S] raster channels
2 x [16U] raster channels
2 x [8U] raster channels
1 x [TEX] text segment

7 x bands (Coastal Aerosol, Blue, Green, Red, NIR, SWIR1, SWIR2)
2 x bands (Pixel Quality, Radiometric Saturation Quality)
2 x bands (Aerosol Quality, Lineage Quality)
Main product annotation text (Metadata)

Landsat 4-7 ARD Surface Temperature (ST)

9 x [16S] raster channels
1 x [16U] raster channel
2 x [8U] raster channels
1 x [TEX] text segment

9 x bands (Surface Temperature, Surface Temperature Quality Assessment, Atmospheric Transmittance, Emissivity, Emissivity Standard Deviation, Upwelled Radiance, Downwelled Radiance, Thermal Radiance, Distance to Cloud)
1 x Pixel Quality band
2 x bands (Radiometric Saturation Quality, Lineage Quality)
Main product annotation text (Metadata)

Landsat 8 ARD ST

9 x [16S] raster channels
2 x [16U] raster channels
1 x [8U] raster channels
1 x [TEX] text segment

9 x bands (Surface Temperature, Surface Temperature Quality Assessment, Atmospheric Transmittance, Emissivity, Emissivity Standard Deviation, Upwelled Radiance, Downwelled Radiance, Thermal Radiance, Distance to Cloud)
2 x bands (Pixel Quality, Radiometric Saturation Quality)
1 x Lineage Quality band
Main product annotation text (Metadata)

Landsat 4-7 ARD Quality (QA)

1 x [8U] raster channel
20 x [BIT] bitmap segments
1 x [TEX] text segment

1 x Cloud Confidence band
Main product annotation text (Metadata)

Landsat 8 ARD QA

3 x [8U] raster channels
24 x [BIT] bitmap segments
1 x [TEX] text segment

3 x bands (Cloud Confidence, Cirrus Confidence, Aerosol Level)
Main product annotation text (Metadata)


For more information, visit:
  • Search: landsat surface temperature(st) product guide
  • Search: U.S. Landsat Collection 1 (C1) Analysis Ready Data (ARD) Data Format Control Book (DFCB)

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