Long name ICEYE
Short name ICES (for SLC), ICEG (for GRD)
Sensor type Synthetic-aperture radar (SAR)
Platform ICEYE
Frequency 9.65 GHz
Band (wavelength) X (3.1 centimeters)
Polarization VV
Key file name (use to open data set) *.h5 (for SLC), *.xml
Supported file name extensions *.h5, *.xml, *.png
Data distributor ICEYE

Data product name and description
Distribution disk files
Returned data for supported format

Data product name and description

ICEYE is a growing constellation of small X-band synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) satellites.

ICEYE supports stripmap, spotlight and ScanSAR imaging modes. The stripmap scenes are 30 km by 50 km. Notably, scenes are available in both left and right looking configurations.

The Single Look Complex (SLC) products are ICEYE’s Basic Image Products which correspond to CEOS Level 1B processing.

The Ground Range Detected (GRD) products are also a Basic Image Product but the data has been detected, multi-look processed and projected to the ground range.

Note: The information provided herein is based on the data distributor's documentation cited under References.
Mode Swath width x length (km) Resolution (range x azimuth, m) Polarization Description/notes
Stripmap 30 x 50 0.5 (300MHz), 1.5 (100MHz) x 2.5 — 3.0 VV NESZ: <-17 dB. Incidence angle range: 10 — 30 degrees
Spotlight 5 x 5 0.6 (300 MHz) x 1.0 VV NESZ: <-17 dB. Incidence angle range: 20 — 35 degrees

Distribution disk files

The ICEYE SLC product is distributed as a HDF5 file containing imagery and metadata. There is also an XML file containing extracted metadata. GDB uses the XML file to publish standardized metadata. There is a PNG file quicklook image of the scene.

The ICEYE GRD product is distributed as a GeoTIFF file containing imagery and an XML file containing metadata.

The key file to open the ICEYE SLC dataset is either the .h5 file or the .xml file. If you are using a command-line application, specify the key file name with an appended calibration type. There are four valid calibrations:

The key file to open the ICEYE GRD dataset is the .xml file. An appended calibration type can be used for a command-line application.

Returned data for supported format

The following table describes the data structure after it is opened by GDB. The HDF5 file distributed by ICEYE may have either int16 data values or float32. The GeoTIFF file distributed by ICEYE has unsigned int16 data values.

Data product Data returned Details
SLC int16

1 x [C16S] raster channel (uncalibrated)
1 x [C32R] raster channel (calibrated)

1 x [TEX] product annotation
1 x [ORB] orbit segment
1 x [BIN] rational function model from state vectors
1 x [ARR] incidence angle array from state vectors

Data can be calibrated in sigma, gamma, or beta.
SLC float32

1 x [C32R] raster channel
1 x [TEX] product annotation
1 x [ORB] orbit segment
1 x [BIN] rational function model from state vectors
1 x [ARR] incidence angle array from state vectors

Data can be uncalibrated or calibrated in sigma, gamma, or beta
GRD uint16

1 x [32R] raster channel
1 x [TEX] product annotation
1 x [ORB] orbit segment
1 x [BIN] rational function model from state vectors
1 x [ARR] incidence angle array from state vectors

Data is uncalibrated or calibrated in sigma, gamma, or beta


ICEYE SAR Product Guide Version 3.3 Released 30.06.2020.

ICEYE Level 1 Product Format Specification Document Version 2.1 Released 11 June 2020. ICEYE SAR Data accessed 2020/01/22 and 2020/02/29

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