
Long name Cartosat-1
Short name CART
Key file name (use to open data set) BAND_MET.TXT
Supported file extension(s) *.txt and *.tif
Sensor Two panchromatic cameras providing stereoscopic images at 0.5-0.85 microns; (1) Camera fore with a tilt of +26 degrees, and (2) camera aft with a tilt of -5 degrees
Platform Cartosat-1
Data distributor

National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA) for national and neighboring countries.
Antrix Corporation for international users.


Data product name and version
Distribution disk files
Naming convention
Returned data
Returned metadata

Data product name and version

Processing level Description Version
Standard product 4 - OrthoKit Radiometric corrections along with rational polynomial coefficients (RPCs) 1
Standard product 5 - Ortho Product Terrain-corrected products using TCPs and digital elevation model (DEM) from SST software 1
Standard product 6 - Area of Interest (AOI) Products Standard products - (georeferenced) Covering any user-desired polygonal area, multi-scene, multi-volume products, masking the areas outside user AOI with packaging logically 1

Distribution disk files

File name File format Required? Contents Details
*.tif GeoTIFF Yes Image data N/A
*_MET.txt Text Yes Image metadata N/A
*_RPC.txt Text Yes Image rational functional model for object to image space coordinates N/A

Naming convention

The following naming convention is used for identification of Cartosat-1 standard product files.

Image (.tif)


Metadata (.txt)


RPC (.txt)


The following table describes the file-name attributes.

Substring code Description Allowed values
<BAND> The band applied, fore or aft N/A

File-naming convention source: Cartosat-1 Data User’s Handbook

Returned data

Data product Data returned Details
Image One raster channel GDB retrieves the single band from file in the Orthokit level product
RPC file Rational Polynomial Coefficients (RPC) segment The OrthoKit level product is delivered with an associated RPC model. The RPC values can be used for advanced image processing. GDB retrieves this information as an RPC segment for each band.
Ephemeris data Orbit information in binary segment The GDB returns ephemeris data as an orbit segment. This segment includes information about the satellite position, satellite altitude, IFOV, projection, sensor, orbit, and more.

Returned metadata

Name Description Values
Acquisition_Datetime Date and the time of image acquisition String
AcrossTrackAngle Angle across the track Float
AngleOfSolarElevation Angle of solar elevation Float
IncidenceAngle Angle of incidence Float
LookDirection Direction of the sensor, forward (PAN_FORE) or backward (PAN_ALT) String
NominalLocation_Latitude Nominal center latitude Float
NominalLocation_Longitude Nominal center longitude Float
PlatformName Name of the platform String
SatelliteAltitude Orbital altitude of the satellite Float
SatelliteAzimuth Orbital azimuth of the satellite Float
SolarAzimuth Azimuth of the sun Float


National Remote Sensing Agency (2006). Cartosat-1 Data User’s Handbook, Hyderabad, India

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