Long name CBERS-4
Short name CB4
Sensor type The CBERS-4 satellite carries four cameras:
  • PanMux Camera (PanMUX)
  • Multispectral Camera (MUXCam)
  • Infrared Medium Resolution Scanner (IRS)
  • Wide Field Imaging Camera (WFI)
Platform CBERS-4
Key file name (use to open data set) *.xml
Supported file extensions *.txt, *.tif, *.jpg, *.xml

Data product name and description
Distribution disk files
Returned data for supported format

Data product name and description

The CBERS-4 satellite carries four cameras:
  • MUXCam, a multispectral (MS) camera
  • PanMUX, a panchromatic (PAN) imager
  • IRS, a medium-resolution infrared scanner
  • WFI, a wide-field imaging camera
Note: The information provided herein is based on the data distributor's documentation cited under References.

Spectral bands:
Spectral range (nm)

Spatial resolution (m)*
(spectral resolution)

Maximum image dimensions
(Across track x along track, km)

Swath width (km)

450 - 520 (blue)
520 - 590 (green)
630 - 690 (red)
770 - 890 (NIR)

20 N/A 120

510 - 730 (PAN)
520 - 590 (green)
630 - 690 (red)
770 - 890 (NIR)


10 (MS)
5 (PAN)

N/A 60

500 - 900 (PAN)
1550 - 1750 (SWIR)
2080 - 2350 (SWIR)
1040 - 1250 (TIR)

40 (PAN, SWIR)
80 (TIR)

N/A 120

450 - 520 (blue)
520 - 590 (green)
630 - 690 (red)
770 - 890 (NIR)

64 (nadir) N/A 866

* Resolution is always nadir position unless noted otherwise.

CBERS04 image data is available in one processing level:
  • Level L2
Processing level Horizontal accuracy (m) Description/notes
L2 N/A N/A

Distribution disk files

Depending on the CATALYST Professional program you use, you may be prompted to load either the multispectral (MS) or panchromatic (PAN) data. For example, in CATALYST Professional Focus, in the File Selector window, after you select the *.xml file you may be prompted to select MS or PAN when the data type is IRSCAM. In CATALYST Professional EASI, Python, or in another text-based program, the input file name can have the following formats:
  • CB04-IRS-372-56-20160513-L20002834231.XML-MS
  • CB04-IRS-372-56-20160513-L20002834231.XML-PAN

Enter the full path and file name plus -MS for a multispectral image or -PAN for a panchromatic image.

When the data type is PanMUX, MUXCam, or WFICam, the data set opens directly when you open the *.xml file.

Warning: Data sets for this sensor are organized in a specific folder structure on disk. GDB uses this structure and the file names to identify the data product type. Do not alter the folder structure or any file names prior to data ingestion to ensure the image data and auxiliary information are imported correctly.

When opening a CBERS-4 data set, the files read by GDB are as described in the following tables. You must open the key file that corresponds to the data type for GDB to read the information.

Each sensor type, including the the distributed files, is desribed in the following tables.


File name Format Required Contents/details
*.xml Extensible Markup Language Yes Key file name. Use this file to open the data set.
*.thumb.jpg JPEG Optional Thumbnail image.
*.tif GeoTIFF Yes TIFF world file. Contains information on geographic information systems.
*.jpg JPEG Yes JPEG image file. Contains imagery information.


File name Format Required Contents/details
*.xml Extensible Markup Language Yes Key file name. Use this file to open the data set.
*.thumb.jpg JPEG Optional Thumbnail image.
*.tif GeoTIFF Yes TIFF world file. Contains information on geographic information systems.
*.jpg JPEG Yes JPEG image file. Contains imagery information.
*SatAngle.txt ASCII Yes Contains satellite-angle data for corresponding images.


File name Format Required Contents/details
*.xml Extensible Markup Language Yes Key file name. Use this file to open the data set.
*.thumb.jpg JPEG Optional Thumbnail image.
*.tif GeoTIFF Yes TIFF world file. Contains information on geographic information systems.
*.jpg JPEG Yes JPEG image file. Contains imagery information.


File name Format Required Contents/details
*.xml Extensible Markup Language Yes Key file name. Use this file to open the data set.
*.thumb.jpg JPEG Optional Thumbnail image.
*.tif GeoTIFF Yes TIFF world file. Contains information on geographic information systems.
*.jpg JPEG Yes JPEG image file. Contains imagery information.
*SatAngle.txt ASCII Yes Contains satellite-angle data for corresponding images.

Returned data for supported format

CBERS-4 data can be opened directly in its raw vendor format or imported into a PCIDSK (*.pix) file by using the key file name. For optimal processing, use the PCIDSK format.

The data structure, after it is opened by GDB, is as described in the following table.

Data product Data returned Details
CBERS-4 (IRS sensor) 40 m NIR

3 x [8U] raster channels

1 x [ORB] orbit segment
1 x [TEX] main product annotation

NIR, SWIR bands.
CBERS-4 (IRS sensor) 80 m TIR

1 x [8U] raster channel

1 x [ORB] orbit segment
1 x [TEX] main product annotation

TIR band.
CBERS-4 (MUXCam sensor) 20 m MS

4 x [8U] raster channels

1 x [ORB] orbit segment
1 x [TEX] main product annotation

Blue, green, red, NIR bands.
CBERS-4 (PanMUX sensor) 10 m MS

3 x [8U] raster channels

1 x [ORB] orbit segment
1 x [TEX] main product annotation

Green, red, NIR bands.
CBERS-4 (PanMUX sensor) 5 m PAN

1 x [8U] raster channel

1 x [ORB] orbit segment
1 x [TEX] main product annotation

PAN band.
CBERS-4 (WFI sensor) 73 m MS

4 x [16U] raster channels

1 x [ORB] orbit segment
1 x [TEX] main product annotation

Blue, green, red, NIR bands.


For more information about CBERS-4, go to cbers.inpe.br.

CBERS-3 & 4 (China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite), Sharing Earth Observation Records, eoPortal Directory. European Space agency (ESA).
For more information, or to download a copy of the preceding, go to eoportal.org.

Satellite: CBERS-4, Observing Systems Capability Analysis and Review Tool (OSCAR). World Meteorological Organization.
For more information, or to download a copy of the preceding, go to: wmo.int.

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