Database to SCITEX HandShake Disk File

Environments MODELER EASI
Sections Description Parameters Parameter Details Details Example Related


Transfers image data held in a PCIDSK database file to an SCITEX Continuous Tone Picture (CT) format file.


SCIWRIT is controlled by the following global parameters:

Name Prompt Type Length
FILI Database Input File Name Char 1 - 192
DBIC Database Input Channel List Int 1 - 3
DBLUT Database Lookup Table Segment Int 0 - 3
FILO Database Output File Name Char 1 - 192
SCISEPAR Separations: CMY/CMYK/C/M/Y/K Char 0 - 4
SCISIZE Size of Output Map in mm/cm/inch Char 1 - 64

Parameter details


Specifies the name of the PCIDSK file which holds the image data:



Lowest value: 1 Highest value: 1024

Specifies the image channels on the database to transfer to the SCITEX CT format file:

EASI>DBIC= i                   |for a single separation
EASI>DBIC= red, green, blue    |for color images

If a single channel is specified, then it is written to the CT file as a C, M, Y, or K separation (as specified by the SCISEPAR parameter).

If three channels are specified, then these are assumed to be red, green, blue and are converted to CMY or CMYK separations (as specified by the SCISEPAR parameter).

SCIWRIT expects 8 bit imagery. If 16 bit or 32 bit data is used then it should be pre- enhanced to the range between 0 and 255.

DBLUT - Optional

Optionally specifies one to three Lookup table segments (LUTs, type 170) which are used to enhance the image channels (which were specified in parameter DBIC) before they are written to the SCITEX CT format file.

EASI>DBLUT=                    | do not enhance, use imagery as is
EASI>DBLUT=i,j,k               | enhance imagery using LUT's i,j,k


Specifies the name of the SCITEX format file to be created to hold the output imagery. FILO must NOT exist before running SCIWRIT; it will be automatically created.


SCISEPAR - Optional

  Valid Values:   C,M,Y,K,CMY,CMYK
  Default:        C   (Cyan)

Specifies the separations which should be written to the SCITEX CT file.

If a single layer is provided, then it can be written as a C, M, Y, or K (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow or Black) separation.

If three layers are provided, then they can be written as CMY or CMYK separations.

 C              | Cyan
 M              | Magenta
 Y              | Yellow
 K              | Black
 CMY            | Cyan,Magenta,Yellow
 CMYK           | Cyan,Magenta,Yellow,Black


  Valid Values:   <string, max. 64 characters>
  Default:        <none>

Specifies the size (width,height) and units (mm/cm/inch) of the image:

 "width units, height units"

For example:

 "10mm,10mm"                    | Millimetres
 "10cm,15cm"                    | Centimetres
 "5.1in,9.6in"                  | Inches

MONITOR - Optional

Program progress can be monitored by printing the percentage of completed processing in odometer fashion. A system parameter, MONITOR, controls this activity:

EASI>MONITOR="ON"                  | turn monitor ON (default)
EASI>MONITOR="OFF"                 | turn monitor OFF (recommended if
            | running in batch/background mode)


SCIWRIT creates a SCITEX Continuous Tone (CT) format Picture file (FILO) from imagery contained in a PCIDSK database file (FILI). The created CT file is usually then passed to a SCITEX system for printing.

One or three PCIDSK image channel(s) (DBIC) may be converted to SCITEX format file at a time. An enhancement can be applied to the image channels as they are written to the CT file using Lookup tables (DBLUT).

SCISEPAR specifies the separations desired. For single channels, there can be a single separation: C, M, Y, or K (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow or Black). For three channels, either CMY or CMYK separations can be written.

Note: if CMY is specified, then four separations are still written to the CT disk file, however the K (black) separation is uniformly set to the value 255, which indicates no black.

SCISIZE specifies the size of the final printed image.

The algorithm conversion for RGB to CMY is given below:

   Cyan    = Red   
   Magenta = Green
   Yellow  = Blue
   Black   = 255

The algorithm conversion for RGB to CMYK is given below:

   Black   = maximum (red, green, blue)
   Cyan    = Red   + 255 - Black
   Magenta = Green + 255 - Black
   Yellow  = Blue  + 255 - Black


SCIWRIT creates a SCITEX Continuous Tone (CT) picture file on disk. The layout of the file matches the Floppy Diskette format described in the 'HandShake Foreign File Transfer Protocol' manual available from SCITEX Corporation.

A quick overview of this format is shown below:

              |  Control Block  | 256 bytes
              |     Unused      | 768 bytes
              | Parameter Block | 256 bytes
              |     Unused      | 768 bytes
              |     Row 1       |               
              |     Row 2       | Data
              :                 :
              |    Last Row     |       

The 256 bytes of the Control Block contain:

 Bytes       Field Name   Description
   1-80      NAME         File Name (Only 20 characters used) 
  81-82      FILE TYPE    'CT'
  83-94      DBSIZE       Data block size (always 1024)
  95-106     Reserved
  107        ICONT        Tape number (always 0)
  108-256    Reserved

The 256 bytes of the Parameter Block contain:

 Bytes       Field Name   Description
   1         UNITS        Units of measurement (0=mm)
   2         NUMSEP       Number of color separations (1 - 16)
   3- 4      EXSEP        Bit Mask of existing separation
   5-18      HEIGHT       Size of Image Data in Y- direction (UNITS)
  19-32      WIDTH        Size of Image Data in X- direction (UNITS)
  33-44      HPIX         Number of lines  
  45-56      WPIX         Number of pixels
  57         SCAN DIR     Scan Direction
  58-256     Reserved

The general pixel data organization is called "Line Interleaved" which means row after row in increasing Y order.

Within each row, each separation is contiguous. Separations are ordered: cyan, magenta, yellow and black.

If the number of pixels in the X - direction is odd, an extra 0 (zero) byte is added at the end of each separation within a row.


The user wishes to transfer a 512 pixel by 512 line copy of data held in the PCIDSK database irvine.pix to a SCITEX CT format disk file. Channels 3, 2, and 1 from irvine.pix (which represent RGB) will be transferred into CMYK separations (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black). Segments 4, 3 and 2 on file irvine.pix contain Lookup tables to enhance the imagery. The user wishes the image to eventually be printed as a 300 mm x 300 mm picture.

EASI>FILI	= "irvine.pix"
EASI>DBIC	= 3,2,1
EASI>DBLUT	= 4,3,2
EASI>FILO	= "irvine.ct"
EASI>SCISIZE	= "300mm,300mm"

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