3.1. pci.exceptions module

This library contains the exceptions raised by PCI code.

exception pci.exceptions.UnicodeSafeException

Bases: Exception


Get the message for this exception.

exception pci.exceptions.LicenseException(desc)

Bases: UnicodeSafeException

Raised when a licensing error occurs.

exception pci.exceptions.PCIException(desc)

Bases: UnicodeSafeException

PCIException is the base class for exceptions raise by PCI code.


Get the reason for this exception. This strips everything before the last “Reason:” in the exception’s message. It makes for a nicer looking error message to the user.

exception pci.exceptions.OSException(desc)

Bases: PCIException

Raise when a problem related to the operating system that cannot be mapped to one of OSException subclasses is encountered.

exception pci.exceptions.LibraryException(desc)

Bases: OSException

Raised when loading libraries fail.

exception pci.exceptions.MemoryAllocationException(desc)

Bases: OSException

Raised when memory allocation fails.

exception pci.exceptions.OutOfDiskSpaceException(desc)

Bases: OSException

Raised when there is not enough disk space.

exception pci.exceptions.ExternalException(desc)

Bases: PCIException

Raised when an error from 3rd party libraries that can not be mapped to an existing exception is raised.

exception pci.exceptions.DataException(desc)

Bases: PCIException

The base class for all exceptions that are raised when data is being manipulated.

exception pci.exceptions.DataTypeException(desc)

Bases: DataException

Raised when data has an invalid type.

exception pci.exceptions.ParameterException(desc)

Bases: DataException

Raised when a parameter is invalid.

exception pci.exceptions.FormatException(desc)

Bases: DataException

Raised when data is formatted is incorrectly. For example, if a date is expected in dd/mm/yyyy format and received in yyyy/mm/dd format.

exception pci.exceptions.OutOfBoundsException(desc)

Bases: DataException

Raised when a variable is out of bounds;

exception pci.exceptions.IOException(desc)

Bases: PCIException

Raised when an error related to I/O occurs that cannot be mapped in any of its subclasses.

exception pci.exceptions.DeviceException(desc)

Bases: IOException

Raised when a hardware device is not found or not functioning properly.

exception pci.exceptions.FileException(desc)

Bases: IOException

Raised when there is a file related error that doesn’t match any other subclass of FileException.

exception pci.exceptions.FileAccessException(desc)

Bases: FileException

Raised when a file cannot be accessed.

exception pci.exceptions.FileFormatException(desc)

Bases: FileException

Raised when a file has an invalid format.

exception pci.exceptions.FileNotFoundException(desc)

Bases: FileException

Raised when a file is not found.

exception pci.exceptions.FileCorruptException(desc)

Bases: FileException

Raised when the file has the expected type but is corrupt.

exception pci.exceptions.ParserException(desc)

Bases: FileException

Raised when data cannot be parsed.

exception pci.exceptions.NetworkException(desc)

Bases: IOException

Raised when a network resource is not available.

exception pci.exceptions.TimeOutException(desc)

Bases: NetworkException

Raised when network time out occurs.

exception pci.exceptions.TransformationException(desc)

Bases: PCIException

Raised when an error occurs during data processing.

exception pci.exceptions.MathException(desc)

Bases: TransformationException

Raised when a mathematical error occurs.

exception pci.exceptions.ArithmeticException(desc)

Bases: MathException

Raised when a error occurs with basic arithmetic operations.

exception pci.exceptions.DemoModeException(desc)

Bases: PCIException

Raised when an error related to demo mode occured.